В данном письме, пишущий рассказывает о походе в музей, говорит о том, как много времени уходит на подготовку к экзаменам и расспрашивает своего друга о его новых одноклассниках.
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Kulunda village,
June 11th, 2015
Dear Mary,
Thanks a lot for your letter! I was glad to get it. Sorry, I haven’t written for so long but preparing for exams took all my time.
Year, I and classmates were in a museum. It was a nice trip! The museum isn’t far, it’s just near our school and we got there on foot.
It was the Local History museum. The excursion was so exciting, that I’m absolutely sure I’ll visit it again. I hope I’ll get an ability to do it soon.
Oh, new classmates from another town should be interesting persons. I think it’s necessary to get acquainted with them! What exactly the town have they moved from? Do they study well& How do the teachers treat them.
Well, I’ve got to go now. It’s time to do my homework. Write back soon!
Best wishes,
Ломтик арбуза. Рисуем акварелью
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