В данной презентации учащийся рассказывает о достопримечательностях своего города на английском языка, употребляя изученную лексику по теме "Город" и используя грамматическую форму Past Simple Passivе.
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Творческая работа на тему: « Votkinsk is my hometown » Выполнил: Русанов Максим 31 уч. о т. Руководитель: Урсегова О. В. Удмуртский кадетский корпус 2015Слайд 2
Цель: Познакомить с достопримечательностями города Воткинска. Задачи: 1. Использовать на практике лексику по теме « Мой город». 2. Применить в речи Past Simple Passive . Цели и задачи:
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A little from history of Votkinsk I live in Votkinsk . My town is very old. It was founded in 1757 as a settlement. But 1759 was the official date of town’s foundation, because our plant began to work.
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A modern town Today Votkinsk is a modern and beautiful town. There are a lot of cathedrals, museums and interesting places.
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The Tchaikovsky Museum Votkinsk is the birthplace of the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. The Tchaikovsky museum is a popular attraction. It is well worth visiting – whether you are from Votkinsk or a tourist.
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The Anchor Monument The Anchor monument is a symbol of our town. It was opened in 1840. But then the monument was destroyed. In 1959 it was rebuilt.
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The Blagoveshchensky Cathedral There are a lot of cathedrals in our town. The Blogoveschensky Cathedral is my favourite . It was designed in 19 century. It is very beautiful.
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I like my town very much. I’m sure that my town will be better and more beautiful.
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