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Russia on ABC Kalinicheva Anastasia Vasileva NinaСлайд 2
B-Baikal Lake of a tectonic origin in a southern part of Eastern Siberia, the deepest lake of the mother Earth, the largest natural tank of fresh water. The lake and coastal territories differ a unique variety of flora and fauna, the most part of kinds is brought in the Red book.
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C-Chastooshka Chastooshka is а small comic song. Usually chastooshkas are executed under an accordion. Often they have comic entertaining character. The singing of chastooshkas used to be an important part of Russian rural holidays and parties. In many places they are still popular.
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Dmitry Donskoy is a duke of Moscow and Vladimir. He received a nickname "Donskoy" for a victory over Mamay on the Kulikovsky field near Don. In the early morning on September, 8th, 1380 on an extensive Kulikovo field, Russian and Ordain armies converged for solving fight. The fight ended with the victory over Mamay and defeated tatar- mongol armies. D-D.Donskoy
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E-Easter. Easter is an orthodox holiday in honour by Saint Revival. It celebrates in April. In Easter people paint eggs and bake festive curd easter. In old times Easter accompanied by songs, dances and round dances.
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F-Flag. Russian flag consists of three color :white , dark blue and red. White color means nobleness and frankness. Dark blue color means fidelity and honesty. Red color means courage and love.
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G-Golden Ring The Golden Ring of Russia is a family of the tourist routes which are passing on ancient Russian cities in which unique monuments of history and culture of Russia, to the centers of national crafts have remained. . Every year millions tourists travel on this well-known route. The Golden Ring admires with beauty of the cities and sights.
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H-Hermitage The largest cultural-historical museum of Russia is Hermitage. First represented constantly growing collection of the works of art got in a private order by Russian empress Catherine II, but with 1852 has been opened for visiting of public. Contains valuable collections of Russian masters such as Shishkin ("Morning in pine wood"), Ayvazovsky ("Highest wave") And many other things.
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I-Ivan IV Ivan the Fourth, nicknamed in the people Terrible was the first tsar of all Russia. The son of duke Moscow Vasily III and Elenas Glinsky. Become to power in very early age. Ivan The Fourth grew in an environment of intrigues, murders and violence. It affected on his character. He spent a lot of awful, bloody reforms against boyars and the nobility.
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J-Jelly Jelly - a jellylike dish from the meat, a traditional Russian dish. Very often a jelly submit to a table with a horse-radish.
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K-Kremlin The Kremlin is most ancient a part of Moscow, the main public, political, religious and historical, art complex of capital, official president residence of the Russian Federation. There are some buildings there . The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow.
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L-Lenin V.I. Russian political and the statesman, the revolutionary, the founder of the Bolshevik party, one of organizers and heads of October revolution of 1917, the chairman of the council of National Commissioners Russian Soviet .The founder of the Conjunction of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
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M-Moscow Moscow is a capital and heart of Russia. Is the huge historical, technological and cultural centre of Russia. There are 10 millions people in Moscow . There are architectural constructions of world value In Moscow. There are famous stars live there.
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N-Novgorod Great Novgorod is one of the most ancient and famous cities of Russia. Great Novgorod is located on Priilmensky lowland, on the river Volkhov . 859 year is official date of occurrence of Novgorod . There are old monuments there. The Sofia cathedral is most ancient building of the city . It was founded in 1045 years.
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O-Ob Ob is a river in Western Siberia. The river is formed on Altai by merge of the rivers Bii and Katun. In waters of Ob and gulf of Ob lives about 50 kinds and subspecies of fishes, half from them has industrial value. During a spring-and-summer high water the river brings the basic part of an annual drain.
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