Проектная работа в форме презентации на тему: «Великая Отечественная война в моей семье», представленная на Открытом интегрированном уроке «Урок Победы», приуроченном к 70-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.
Автор: Королёва В. М., учащаяся 10 класса МКОУ Краснослободская СОШ2.
Цель: военно-патриотическое воспитание молодого поколения.
В работе автор приводит доказательства приступности идеологии фашизма и милитаризма на примере истории участия своей семьи в Великой Отечественной войне.
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Слайд 1
The Great Patriotic War in my family The author: Koroleva Vladislava, the 10 th form, Krasnoslobodsk state school № 2 Krasnoslobodsk, 2015Слайд 2
FASCISM the ideology of militant racism, anti-Semitism and chauvinism, relying on its political trends , an open terrorist dictatorship of one dominating party, the repressive mode created by it directed on suppression of progressive social movements, on destruction of democracy and an initiation of war.
Слайд 3
The subject of war and fascism is very sad. You can hardly find a family in Russia, that hasn’t got its own victims of the war. 7 brothers of my great-grandmother were called up for the front during the Great Patriotic War, only two came back home . One brother got small wounds, and the second brother lost his feet.
Слайд 4
The War seriously affected our family, but a place, where the brothers returned to, was completely changed. Stalingrad was razed to the ground, millions of people died. But the people fought to the death to throw off the fascists back.
Слайд 5
My great-grandmother was called up for the war, too. But she stayed at home to look after her sick mother. Many women fought on the front, they could help as the nurse, and as snipers. Those who returned were awarded with medals and awards.
Слайд 6
We should know our heroes! The heroes usually don't tell about their feats, because the war is the pain, grief and death. It's hard to kill a man, even if it is a fascist. Therefore the heroes of the war, who came back, got psychological injuries or ruined oneself by drinking alcohol. I consider that the modern youth needs to be torn off from computers. The younger generation should know the heroes who rescued our Homeland from fascism, and to be grateful to those thanks to whom we live under the quiet sky.
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