Данная работа - это проектно-исследовательсякая работа на научную конференцию с презентацией, как учащиеся представляют себе Россию, и с какими именами известных людей она связана. Был проведен опрос учащихся и результаты его полезны для учителей, родителей и самих учащихся.
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Secondary school №1
Research work:
«Russia by our eyes»
11th form students:
A. Arkhipov,
M. Makarkina.
E. Yamanova.
Domodedovo 2015
Introduction ……………...………………………………………………….….3
Chapter 1. Our Motherland …………………………………………………...5
1.1 Some facts about Russia ………………………………………………....5
1.2 The pride of Russia ………………………………………………………6
Chapter 2. Researches ………………………………………………………...7
Conclusion ..…………………………………………………………………....8
References ………………………………………………………………….…..9
Appendix №1 ….………………………………………………………….…...10
Appendix №2 …………………………………………………………….…....11
Russia is our Motherland. It is very important to know about our history, culture and traditions. Unfortunately, nowadays not all of the young people can boast of their historical and cultural knowledge. Meanwhile Russia is not famous in the world only as the largest country. It is the state with a rich history and culture.
The topicality of our project is that nowadays people are interested less in history and culture. Nevertheless, according to the world political situation we must pay attention to these aspects and to be real citizens of Russia.
That is why our aims are–
1. To find out more facts about Russia;
2. To check our classmates’ knowledge about history, culture and traditions.
We proposed the hypothesis that young people have forgotten about our history, culture and traditions.
- To ask classmates about Russia;
- To understand what Russia for everybody is;
- To analyze our knowledge about history, culture and traditions.
To achieve our aim we had conducted a survey and then we analyzed the results.
The plan of the researches.
The researches were made in some steps:
The project consists of five parts:
- introduction;
- the main part;
- conclusion;
- references;
- appendix.
In the introduction, there are the topicality, the problematic, the aim, tasks and the hypothesis of the research.
The main part is the study itself and includes the practical work, notices with subsequent analysis.
Also, the main part makes the general sense. It provides practical and social importance of this work.
This is followed by the conclusion in the form of education and recommendations.
The references includes X resources.
Appendix №1 - the table.
Appendix №2 - the diagram, the results of the research.
Chapter 1. Our Motherland.
1.1 Some facts about Russia.
Russia is the largest country in the world. The total area of Russia is 17 million square kilometers and that’s why it is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. The country is divided by the Ural Mountains.
Russia is washed by 3 oceans (the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean) and 12 seas. The longest river in the European part of Russia is the Volga. It flows into the Caspian Sea. But in the Asian part of Russia the longest river is the Lena. The pride of our country is Lake Baikal. It’s the deepest fresh-water lake in the world.
Russia borders on 16 countries (Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Ukraine, Belorussia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea, Japan and the United States).
Russia is rich in different mineral resources (oil, natural gas and coal).
Some people believe that Russia has two capitals: Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Moscow is the official capital of Russia, which was founded 8 centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki, as a fortress against the Mongol-Tatar invaders.
Now Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It’s political, economic and cultural center of Russia. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. The Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. On the territory of the Kremlin, you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower, the Palace of Congress, the Tsar-Cannon and the Tsar-Bell.
The other Russian capital is St-Petersburg (which is also called the “Northern capital” or the “cultural capital”). It was founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703. For a long time it was being the capital of the Russian Empire.
Nowadays Russia is a federal presidential republic. The head of the state is the president Vladimir Putin who controls three branches of power: legistlative, executive and judicial. The legistlative power belongs to The Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers: the Soviet of Federation and the State Duma. The executive power belongs to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the cabinet of ministers. But the judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.
National Russian symbols are the three-colored-flag (white, blue and red), the blazon (two- headed eagle) and the hymn, which was written by A. Alexandrov and S. Mikhalkov).
Another symbol of Russia, which all Russian people know and love, is the birch tree. You can find these trees everywhere. People sing beautiful songs with poetic words about birch trees.
2.1 The pride of Russia.
We are proud of our Great Russian citizens. The Russians contributed a lot to the development of the world of science and culture.
D.I. Mendeleev was the first chemist of the world who had structured all the known chemical elements and brought them to the table, called by his name. This scientific discovery had changed the development of the world chemistry.
Also we shouldn’t forget about the contribution of our compatriots in Medicine and Biology. I. P. Pavlov and I. I. Mechnikov were the first Russian scientists who had been awarded by the Nobel Prize in 1904 and 1908 for their efforts in the field of physiology and immunology.
Then other Russians have received the Nobel Prize. For example, well-known writers. It was I. A. Bunin (1933), B. L. Pasternak (in 1958 for the novel "Doctor Zhivago"), M. A. Sholokhov (in 1965 for the novel "Quiet Flows the Don"), A. I. Solzhenitsyn (1970) and I. A. Brodsky (1987).
In general, our compatriots had become the laureate of the Nobel Prize 18 times. Here you can see all of our great laureates. (Appendix №1)
Inventions created by Russian scientists are used nowadays. Of course, many of us listen the radio, which was created by A. S. Popov in 1895. In addition, this invention influenced on the development of the future technology.
Thanks to the work of a famous designer Korolev, our country has achieved success in the missilery and cosmonautics. In 1961 for the first time in the history was made a flight into space on a spaceship "Vostok" by Yuri Gagarin. But in 1965, Alexei Leonov became the first man who made a spacewalk.
But as for the theater actors, all of us know the famous singer Feodor Chaliapin, ballerina Anna Pavlova and directors Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Most of the famous composers were born in Russia. “The Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “The Sleeping Beauty” by P. I. Tchaikovsky are known to all the people. The Russian classical ballet and opera schools are considered the best in the world.
But, of course, we must notice the triumphant performance of our athletes at the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Russia has got 13 gold medals and has won the team event.
Chapter 2. Researches.
But do our friends remember some facts about Russian history and culture? We decided to check it. To do it we have interviewed 30 our classmates and 30 students from 10th form. Each of them we asked identical questions about history, culture and scientific achievements of our great country. We’ll demonstrate you the answers on the most interesting questions.(Appendix №2)
Unfortunately, the results have been disappointing. Nine our friends said that the first book was printed by Ivan Fedora in sixteenth century. Only one person knows that Borodin was a great chemist, as well as a great composer. Just three people know that the first railways were built during the reign of Tsar Nicholas the First, and the Moscow University was founded in the middle of 18th century.
The easiest was the question №6. Seventeen people knew that on Mamaev Kurgan is situated the monument named “The Motherland Calls”. The fifth question was about the Nobel Prize for Literature. Only one person has named all the laureates. Also, only three our classmates remembered the famous Russian artist, Surikov (question 7). Nobody knows that the Art Theatre was opened in Moscow by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Therefore, the question №8 has no right answers.
The ninth question was also difficult for our classmates. Only two students answered that “The Cathedral on blood” is associated with the murder of Tsar Alexander the Second. Eleven students gave the answer that Mechnikov and Pavlov were awarded by the Nobel Prize for researches in the field of immunology and physiology.
So, the hypothesis is absolutely right. The results of our researches have showed us a very low level of knowledge about history of our country.
What should we do to improve this situation?
We believe that the respect to the Motherland, culture and traditions is founded in childhood. That is why we should educate our children to be patriotic. Also it is better to talk about patriotism in schools.
This work will be useful for students, their parents and also teachers. It has made our classmates to make efforts to answer the questions. Many of them answerd with a quite interest and that’s why they have learnt a lot of new information about our Moterland’s culture.
We live in the wonderful country! And we hope that all of us will do a lot to remember the history of Russia and to develop it by our best achievements.
1. Timofeev V.G. Up&Up 11: English textbook: Secondary (complete) general education (basic level). – M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012
2. Encyclopedia for Children. Russia: physical and economic geography. – М.: "Publishing Astrel", 2005
3. Александрова О.В. и др. Математика. Информатика. – М.: ООО ТД «Издательство Мир книги», 2008 г.
4. Статистические исследования.
5. Зачем нужна математика.
Appendix №1
The Nobel prize | Laureates
medicine | I.P. Pavlov (1904), I.I. Mechnikov (1908); |
literature | I.A. Bunin (1933), B.L. Pasternak (1958), M.A. Sholokhov (1965), A.I. Solzhenitsyn (1970), I.A. Brodsky (1987); |
chemistry | N.N. Semenov (1956), I.P. Prigogine (1977); |
physics | P.A. Cherenkov, I.E. Tamm, I.M. Frank (1958), L.D. Landau (1962), N.G. Basov, A.M. Prokhorov (1964), P.L. Kapitsa (1978); |
economics | Simon Smith Kuznets (1971), V.V. Leontiev (1973), L.V. Kantorovich (1975); |
The Nobel Peace Prize | A.D. Sakharov (1975), M.S. Gorbachev (1990). |
Appendix №2
The results
Question list
1. Who printed the first book named “The Apostle”? When did he do it?
2. Who was a great chemist, as well as a great composer?
3. When were the first railways built?
4. When was founded the Moscow University?
5. Name all the Russians who were awarded the Nobel Prize for literature?
6. What the monument is situated on Mamaev Kurgan?
7. Which Russian painter had created a picture, devoted to a split of the Russian Orthodox Church?
8. Who opened the Art Theatre in Moscow in 1898?
9. With what incident is associated “The Cathedral on blood” in St. Petersburg?
10. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for researches to the field of immunology and physiology?
на научно-исследовательскую работу по английскому языку
на тему «Россия нашими глазами»,
выполненную учащимися 11 класса “А”Макаркиной М. И Архиповым А.
МАОУ Домодедовская СОШ №1.
Актуальность темы не вызывает сомнений и вполне очевидна. Знание истории своей страны обогащает наше мировоззрение, расширяет кругозор, способствует умственному развитию и воспитанию патриотизма, духовности у гражданина своей страны. Историческое воспитание это один из мощнейших факторов воспитания. Поэтому во введении авторы дают обоснование выбора темы проекта, формулируют цели работы и задачи исследования, выдвигают гипотезу и последовательно предоставляют её доказательства.
Первая глава знакомит с географическим положением, административным и политическим устройством России, национальными символами страны. На первый план выходят такие вопросы: «А нам есть чем гордиться?», «Что мы знаем о достижениях своей страны?» Основной акцент содержания работы делается на достижениях русского народа в области науки, искусства и литературы, так как подрастающее поколение — это часть будущей истории нашей страны.
Вторая глава является исследовательской работой. Исследование проведено с помощью опроса учащихся 10 и 11 классов. Приводится диаграмма социального опроса учащихся на знания истории, культуры и исторических личностей России.
Учебно-исследовательская работа носит межпредметный характер, включает в себя историю, литературу, географию, страноведческий материал.
В результате проведенной работы обучающиеся получили новые знания в области истории и культуры своей страны, которые помогут им быть настоящими гражданами страны и гордиться достижениями Родины.
Полученные участниками проекта данные являются полезной информацией для воспитания школьников, для учителей-предметников и родителей, для использования данного материала на своих уроках и внеклассных мероприятиях с целью формирования личности каждого учащегося как гражданина своей страны, почитающего культурно-историческое наследие.
Работа заслуживает положительной оценки.
Рецензент: учитель английского языка Яманова Е.Н.
на научно-исследовательскую работу по английскому языку
на тему «Россия нашими глазами»,
выполненную учащимися 11 класса Архиповым А. и Макаркиной М.
Актуальность темы не вызывает сомнений и вполне очевидна. Знание истории, тем более истории своей страны, обогащает наше мировоззрение, расширяет кругозор, способствует умственному развитию и воспитанию патриотизма и духовности у гражданина своей страны. Историческое воспитание это один из мощнейших факторов воспитания.
В работе на первый план выдвигаются вопросы: «А нам есть чем гордиться?», «Что мы знаем о достижениях своей страны?» Основное содержание работы делает акцент на знание не столько исторических событий, сколько достижений русского народа в области науки, искусства, литературы. Ведь подрастающее поколение тоже станет частью истории своей страны.
В работе даны результаты социального опроса учащихся школы на знание истории и исторических личностей России.
Вместе с тем работа требует более разностороннего освещения познаний истории страны. Работа построена нерационально, следовало бы сократить вводную часть об основных данных о России, что позволило бы подробнее показать результаты исследования.
Представляется, что в целом работа имеет важное значение для воспитания школьников. Работа заслуживает положительной оценки, однако, авторам следует учитывать ряд замечаний.
Рецензент: учитель Казгунова Лариса Ивановна
Без сердца что поймём?
Золотой циркуль
Загадка Бабы-Яги
Рисуем домики зимой
Пчёлы и муха