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S port in the uk Выполнила : соболева Алена Учитель: Гервальд А.А.Слайд 2
B ritish people like sport very much. O ne of the most popular kinds of sport in B RITAIN ARE : TENNIS, FOOTBALL, CRICKET, RUGBY, RACING AND BADMINTON. A ND I WILL TELL YOU SOME ABOUT THEM.
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t ennis One of the most popular kind of sports is tennis. This game appeared in Birmingham in 19th century. Every summer the biggest competitions in the world take place in Wimbledon.
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C ricket Cricket was invented in England. This sport is very popular in the country. It is a traditional British game. This game is very long and slow. Cricket is team sport. There should be 11 people . A ball and bat is the inventory of this game.
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f ootball But the most popular kind of sports in Britain is football. The B ritish are fond of football. The biggest football stadium in Great Britain is a Wembley , in London. It seats 90,000 of people
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R UGBY Rugby appeared in 1823. A ball for Rugby has the shape of an elongated oval.
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r ACING The English like all kinds of racing. Horseracing, motor racing and boat racing are very popular in England.
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B ADMINTON In the 19 century , British officers who served in India, were interested in poona game . It was the beginning of the new sport. In 1992 , badminton was included in the summer Olympic games.
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