Презентация по теме англо-говорящие страны (Австралия) выполнена студенткой ДВГГТК (группа Ср-11 (отделение Экономики и управления )) Никздорф Оксаной.
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Australia Student: Nikzdorf O. Teacher: Vodolazskaya I.E.Слайд 2
Australia is located in the southern hemisphere between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans Canberra is the capital of Australia
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Old Parliament house is located in the heart of the city - at the foot of Capital hill, in the centre of the so-called "Parliamentary triangle", which is the architectural heart of Canberra .
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Aborigines are the native people of Australia
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The Sydney Harbour Bridge Sydney Opera house
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Ayers Rock The altitude of 348 meters. It is a place of worship for local aborigines. Great Barrier Coral Reef
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The largest aquarium in the world in Sydney One of the modern wonders of the world is a famous aquarium located in Sydney. the Sydney Aquarium is the main attraction of the entire southern hemisphere. It contains 650 species of marine fish and animals from three oceans. The exhibition is visited by approximately 1 million of viewers per year, half of them are Australians (the population of Australia is about 23 million people).
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Sydney tower The pink lake - the highlight of Western Australia
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Fauna of Australia The fauna of this country is unique, but you won’t fond here monkeys, ruminants and pachyderms mammals. Most of the animals inhabiting this continent, are marsupials.
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