Интересная информация о традиционной еврейской кухне. Данная работа может использоваться в качестве дополнительного материала при изучении темы" Еда" в 6 классе.
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Jewish artists about their national cuisine. Традиции народов мира. Герман ГольдСлайд 2
The traditional Jewish cuisine related to religion, customs and Jewish life all over the world. It consists of simple dishes and reflects the modest capabilities of poor people who have come up with many options for delicious and healthy food, rationally using each product.
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Главная особенность еврейской кухни – много блюд из одного ингредиента. The main feature of Jewish cuisine is a lot of dishes with only one ingredient. Борис Шапиро
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Fish, vegetables, beans and olive oil are the main products of the Jewish cuisine. Владимир Любаров
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Jews can`t combine meat and milk and cook pork dishes. For cooking you can use only fresh milk. Владимир Любаров
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Г The main soup in Jewish cuisine is chicken broth with dumplings made from ground into flour for matzah . This dish is very useful. It restores strength, for which it received in Odessa called "Jewish penicillin".
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Matzah is the leader for the flour products. Герман Гольд
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At Easter the Jews don't eat regular bread, and eat matzah , which can be stored for a very long time and added to other dishes. You can eat matzah all year until next Easter. Made from crushed matza dumpling-making " kneidli ", mangled pieces of matzah - “ matzabay , and from the crumbs of matzah fried fritters “ matcelatkes and “ hremzlah » .
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Haroset - dessert from a mixture of nuts, dried or fresh fruit, spices and sweet wine. It symbolizes the mortar formula used by slaves-Jews when they worked in Egypt . Зураб Мартиашвили
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In the end I want to say about the philosophy of traditional Jewish cuisine. Its system of kosher food is an ancient, carefully preserved treasures of wisdom of the Jewish people. One of its main goals: thoughtful, rational, healthy eating, where food is allowed only environmentally beneficial product that is in complete harmony with the human`s organism.
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