В 2014году прошел краевой конкурс сочинений на английском языке "Это сладкое слово СВОБОДА" . Данные работы вошли в число победителей конкурса.
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«Это сладкое слово – свобода!»
Город Пермь, Кировский район
Муниципальное автономное образовательное учреждение «Гимназия №6»
E-mail образовательного учреждения: gymn6perm@mail.ru / Личный E-mail: Aigun_Melikova@mail.ru
Класс: 11
Участник: Меликова Айгун
Контактный телефон: 8-965-550-09-11
Педагог : Криницина Елена Анатольевна. учитель английского языка МАОУ «Гимназия №6»
This sweet word: liberty!
Liberty… How differently each person understands this word. For some people liberty is in permissiveness, for others it is an opportunity to hold the balance of their lives: to do what they love, to live where they want and with whom they would like. Just one word and how many options of it can be there: from the liberty of movement to the liberty of speech, from the liberty of thoughts to the liberty of confession. So what does it really mean to be free and to be free of what each of us wants?
It would seem easy to answer these questions. However, some other questions immediately follow the first. To be free of what? Of responsibilities and duties? Of other people? Of yourself? Is there such a thing as ‘liberty’ in the modern world or the life of each of us is under control?
If we talk about the liberty of human behaviour in the society, such liberty is certainly relative. Let us imagine for just a second that we live in the world in which everyone does what he wants. How shall we feel? Will such a society have future? Of course, not. It will be a pervasive chaos and destruction! There is no absolute freedom in the civilized world, and it cannot exist! That is why a man of the society has both certain freedom and certain restrictions, which are expressed in laws.
To my mind, liberty is a value for each person, but people often reject it themselves. The majority stands up for freedom but deep in their mind they even do not seek for it. And all that is because liberty is responsibility, liberty is choice and liberty is decision-making. Not everyone is ready for this.
Personally, I believe that despite many meanings of the word ‘liberty’ there are only two types of it: external liberty and internal liberty. External liberty, in my opinion, cannot be achieved, and it is not needed. Not for nothing there is a saying: ‘I am free to wave my arms as long as I want, but this liberty ends where another person's nose begins’. In modern society, people greatly depend on each other and to be totally free under such circumstances is simply unreal. Still if we talk about internal liberty everything depends on the person and I am sure that to be free in this way is quite possible. The only thing we should not forget about is that ‘liberty is luxury not everyone can afford to have’.
What is freedom? Nobody knows for sure the answer but this world dazzles so much that people can't stop reflecting on it.
For me personally, freedom is not a social term but a feeling. It brings you joy and gives wings. It seems that nothing is impossible for you! All the doors are open and you are the only to decide which to enter. May be it's just an illusion but people don't say in vain "this sweet word - freedom".
As for personal freedom in the society, I should say that it is relative. An absolute freedom is not existing at all, otherwise people couldn't get along with each other.
And it's clear. Just imagine everyone doing whatever he wants. It would be a chaos!
Even though, we all love freedom, not every person strives for it. The reason is simple: people are afraid of it. They are afraid of public opinion. For example, all people are free to dress as they wish. However, practically no man would wear a dress and high-heeled shoes, because it's not customary I our society.
Moreover, people are afraid of freedom, because it forces them to choose. And many of those I know, don't know how to do it properly. They need someone to lead them, defining how to live, how to dress, what music to listen to and what to think. "Freedom is the burden of daily choice" - these words belong Peru Frenchman Sartre. And not every person undertakes such severity. But it's worthwhile, as personally, I think.
And I also noticed a strange thing. The more we have freedom, the more opportunities we get. The more opportunities we have, the harder it is to make a choice. The heavier the choice, the more we are responsible for it. And the more responsibility we have, the less free we become. This is a paradox!
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