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The student 8 "G" class AlexeevA A nastasia And Meshcheriakova Anastasia TravelingСлайд 2
England Derwentwater Derwentwater is the third largest lake in Cumbria, as well as the third largest natural lake in England .On the lake located 4 and 9 small islands . islands Derwent once belonged to the monks of the Abbey of Fontaine. Later on the island lived German miners working in the area. With 50 years of XX century the island belongs to the National Fund, a free visit to the island is allowed only five days a year.
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Tower, fortress, standing on the north bank of the Thames - the historic center of London and one of the oldest structures England . Now of London - one of the main attractions of the UK. He has not changed since the days of the past. Symbol of sinister past the Tower is a place where previously there was a scaffold of Tower Hill. Now there with a small plaque in memory of the "tragic fate and sometimes martyrdom of those who in the name of religion, homeland and ideals risked his life and suffered death." London
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Ireland Phoenix Park Park in Dublin, one of the largest in the world of urban public parks . T he most awesome spectacle that you will see definitely hitting on the territory of the park will be - huge herds of deer living here, absolutely not worrying about tomorrow. On the territory of the Phoenix Park is the presidential residence.
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Wales Harlech Harlech was supposed to be the epitome of power and absolute authority of Edward I and inspire uelstsam respect to the English crown. His continuous construction lasted for seven years, and is involved in it were about a thousand workers - masons, blacksmiths, apprentices, and so. D. The king did not spare funds for the construction, and in the end it cost him more than eight thousand pounds. They were fabulous money at the time.
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Scotland Knap of Howar Considered one of the most ancient examples of surviving stone houses in the northern Europe . M onument is a farm consisting of two contiguous rectangular thick-walled buildings with very low doorway facing the sea, with more and more old building is connected to a low corridor with other buildings that could be either a second home or workshop.
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Birmingham Most popular tourist attractions are festivals that are held in large quantities in the territory of Birmingham: annual military music festival, a parade of sexual minorities, Arts Festival, Folk Festival, an international festival of Caribbean style . A lso here in a big way to celebrate a religious festival in honor of St. George - Victorious . Festivals are held annually in the St. Patrick's Day, the feast of Mardi Gras (Carnival Russian analogue). One of the attractions is the Cathedral of St. Philip, the seat of the Bishop of Birmingham.
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Free Trade Hall Manchester Former center of public performances and cultural activities in Manchester, England. At the moment, it is the hotel. The building is protected by the state and is the subject of historical and cultural heritage. Free Trade Hall was built in 1853-1856 under the project of Edward Walters. In the Hall of free trade in 1904, Winston Churchill gave a speech in defense of British policy towards free trade. Then there is live music performances.
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Albert Dock. Liverpool The most important sights of Liverpool is, without a doubt, Albert Dock, inaugurated more than 150 years ago, Prince Albert, and represents a symbol of the heyday of the city, the former once the port of international importance. Today, in a huge complex of buildings Albert Dock posted a variety of shops, cafes, bars, restaurants and museums, including the Tate Gallery of Modern Art and the Merseyside Maritime Museum. In the immediate vicinity of the Albert Dock Pier Head, which are the famous Royal Liver Buildings and the legendary bird Layver - a symbol of Liverpool. Here you can take a ferry ride and enjoy the beautiful views of the city.
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Derby Derby Arboretum Derby Arboretum - Arboretum and public park located in Rose Hill, about a mile south of the center of Derby. This is the first landscaped park of culture and recreation in England. For many years in the arboretum there were all new buildings, statues and ornaments. Perhaps the most famous decoration of the park is a statue of "Florentine Boar", which is a replica of the sculpture set in Florence.
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