Работа представляет собой изучение основных факторов, влияющих на выбор профессии старшеклассниками, анализ информации в педагогической литературе, современных справочников профессий, повествует о роли правильного выбора профессионального пути как основы успешной и благополучной жизни.
В своей работе авторы касаются вопросов влияния окружающих людей на выбор дальнейшего жизненного пути девятиклассника и создают основные правила для выпускников школы.
Тематика проекта является актуальной для подростков и соответствует их возрастным интересам.
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The Education Department of the Verkhnebureinsky Municipal District
“The steps for the right choice of profession.
Tips for the 9th form pupils”
was done by
Kovalchuk D.A., Baranov A.E.,
9th form pupils
School 6
Checked by
Novikova T.G.
The teacher of the English language
School 6
I. | Introduction. The world of professions. | p.3 |
II. | The main part. My steps to choosing of profession. | p.4 |
| ||
| p.6 | |
| p.6 | |
a) Position of parents. b) Opinions of friends and classmates. c) Experience of teachers ,relatives , adults… d) Personal professional plans. Abilities and aptitudes. e) Prestige of profession. | ||
III. | Conclusion. Personality and the professional self-determination. | p.8 |
IV. | Sources of information. | p.8 |
V. | Added Files. | p.9 |
Every year, thousands of young boys and girls finishing school, begin to seek the use of their powers and abilities. They face serious problems related to the choice of profession, Institutes or colleges and the further employment. The reasons for these difficulties are: some senior grade students have a very rough idea of the modern labor market; about the world of existing profession; they are unable to correlate the sphere of professional activity with their individuality.
The world of occupations is very large. In includes thousands of different interesting specialties. In adolescence, each parson faces this choice. Students are attracted dozen of professions. Different kinds of work require different qualities. In one case it is the ability to get along with people, to manage and to obey, in another- high culture of movements, in the third – acute of observation. Of course, if you are 15-17 years old, it is to very hard to understand a variety of the professional qualities, abilities and capabilities.
Choosing profession is a long and hard process. During all our life we must choose, change and get and leave different jobs. But we can do one job all lifelong. The most crucial moment is leaving of the secondary school.
It was very interesting for us to ask our classmates- students of 9th form about their situations, opinions about the choosing of profession.
We asked our classmates these questions:
This is the result of our questionnaire.
● 6 of 10 pupils have chosen their profession already: 7 of them have chosen their profession at the beginning of the study year, 2- along ago,1 of them only a month ago;
● factors for choosing a profession: advice of the relatives, visits to the Institutes, interests and views;
● the main difficulties in their choice was a great variety of Universities, the fear of making the wrong choice: 6 out of 10 students think that the main problem is the lack of information about job vacancies;
● only 4 of 10 students in our class would like to live and work in the Far East. (Appendixl)
Analyzing the results of the survey, we can conclude the following: the final-year students considerthat the problem of choosing a profession is extremely important and relevant. But the main difficulty in the choice of profession is the lack of information about the offers of the large companies and theenterprises of the district, about educational opportunities in the Institutes, the possibilities of psychological science and the available vacancies in Chegdomyn, about the popular professions in the labor market.
That is the problem: lack of information forthe high school students about the professional self-determination.
For early adolescence a focus on the future is typical. At fifteen, life is not dramatically changed, and the teenagersgo on theirstudy at school. They have has two years to think about their future life. But in this relatively short period of time, you must create a life plan, what profession to receive and how or where to study.
In the graduating class children focus on professional self-determination. High school students understand that to orientate in a variety of occupations is not easy, because the relationship to the professions depends on the information from parents, friends, television and the Internet and soon. This experience is unusually abstract, not experienced personally by the senior.
In addition, it is necessary to correctly assess their objective possibilities – level training, health, material conditions of the family and more important, theirabilities and aptitudes.
At first I faced with the need of solving this problem, when I have interview my classmates. Some of my classmates decided to continue education at the technical college.
In that moment, the wish was to follow them, but my parents were not happy to listen to it. They give me some pros and cons and I decided to think more.
Classmates, who decided to continue their education, also took the decision together with their parents and because of their family circumstances. I decided to focus at my favorite school subjects, to start specialized training, and try my hand at various elective courses suggested by my school.
Our school offers a wide range of elective courses for high school students. Profile training allows you to try your hand at different professions and different subjects. Students can choose the program on Physics, Mathematics, Economics, and English...
Our school has contracts with educational institutions of secondary vocational education, which offer the following profession: cooks, drivers, miners, mechanic, etc. The main part at the vocational training takes a leading enterprise of our settlement - the “Siberian Coal-mining Energy Company”. And why not to try yourself at cooking or anything else? School elective courses are expanding professions and allow in-depth look at certain things and profession of choice graduates.
Over the next two years, you should try do the most important choice in your life.
Employment center of the village organizes an annual fair of trades for graduates of the 9th and 11th form, and assists in the temporary employment. Among the popular professions are: master of the construction and installation work, manager, technician, electric and gas engineer, accountant, receptionist, mechanic, etc. Our settlement needs at least 70% of the working professions. However, almost 100% of the school graduates want to receive higher education and only 1, 5% of them are going to be a worker.
There are some interesting books devoted to this topic. Their names are “Atlas of professions” and “Atlas of the new professions”. They list 140 modern professions, the professions of the nearest 15-20 years, colleges and Institute where you can learn this profession and 19 spheres which these professions suit:
[1] http://atlas.rosminzdrav.ru/;
[2] http://atlas100.ru/;
[3] http://www.atlasprofdv.ru/
But, of course, the world of the professions is very rich. But only a person himself can take this one of the most important decision in his life! And we should think about our own passions and hobbies at first.
Professional self-determination encompasses not only adolescence’s period but also periods preceding it.
So at the stage of pre-school childhood characterized by the plot - role-playing games have a professionally oriented nature. This experience forms the basis of positive motivation for any activity at all and enriches children's knowledge about the work of adults.
The correctness of professional self-determination affects the self-esteem and self-knowledge. If they are wrong, there is a wrong determination. Unfortunately, self-esteem is available for small number of students. In general, they tend either to overestimate themselves or to an underestimation. The choice of profession made on this basis leads to disappointment.
Objectively and fully assess themselves unable to seniors. In the self-esteem they have no single trend: some tend to overestimate yourself, others on the contrary. Therefore, are those who believe that high school students only overestimate themselves, and those who believe that they t underestimate themselves. They tend to both the first and the second.
Choosing a profession, older students, in most cases guided by the level of severity at first moral - strong-willed, and then and only then the intellectual organizational qualities.
The other important factors that may influence the choice of profession are: the position of parents and fellows, the position of teachers, personal career plans, abilities and level of aspiration.
3.The third step. Factors affecting the choice of profession.
Of course, parents are concerned about the future profession of their child; they are responsible for the way his or her life will develop.
Parents give the child the freedom of choice very often, requiring him or her independence, responsibility, initiative.
Sometimes parents do not agree with the choice of the child, offering to revise their plans and make a different choice, considering that he or she is small yet. Correct choice of profession often prevent the installation of parents who want children to compensate for their shortcomings in the future, the activities in which they were not able to fully express themselves. Observations show that in most cases the children agree with the choice of parents, relying on help from their parents for admission to any educational institution. In this case, the children, of course, forget that the work in this specialty will they have, and not their parents.
2.Оpinions of friends and classmates.
Friendship between the seniors is already very strong and their influence on the choice of profession is not excluded. The position of micro-groups can be decisive in professional self-determination of some pupils. But this advice may be not very good.
3.Experience of the teachers, the form teacher, relatives and adults....
Each teacher, observing the behavior of the student in training activities, all the time "gets the idea”about the person’s interests, aptitudes, thoughts, character. The teacher knows a lot of information that is unknown even to the student himself. I would like to recommend listening to the views of the well-educated people who do not have certain intentions with respect to you personally, but having already great experience.
4. Personal career plans. Abilities and inclinations.
The behavior of a human plays a very important rolefor his future life. Professional plan, his features depend on the mentality and character of human experience. It includes the main purpose and aims for the future, ways and means of achieving them. But the plans are different in content and they depend on the person.
Abilities, talents, high school student should be seen not only in their studies, but also to all other forms of social activities.
Pupils can change their hobbies, and hence the direction. It is important, like the way to the future.
5. Prestige of the profession.
The prestige of job depends on the level of claims. There is a clear tendency throughout high school students: the larger amount of the last-year students of the school, the more frequent revisions of their life plans. This may be a caused by the fear to make a false step.
Finally boys and girls from many imaginary, fantastic professions should choose the most realistic and feasible options. Psychologically, aspiring to the future, they realize that the well-being and success in life, above all, will depend on the correct choice of profession.
Based on their abilities and opportunities, prestige of the professionand the economic situation, boys and girls choose the way of the receiving of the vocational training and options for professional work. (Appendix 2)
III. Conclusion. Personality and professional self-determination.
Leading role in professional self-determination belongs to the personality, its activity, responsibility for its formation.
The booklet in Russian and the recommendations for the high school students isa result of our work.Itshows the importance of the proper professional self-determination, lists the factors that influence it, named the most popular profession of our region, and the sequence of actions on the way “the choice of profession”.(Appendix 3),( Appendix 4)
We have a proposal to our district’s authorities. It will be very useful to the center of employment, schools, businesses and the middle area of psychology and educational institutions of secondary vocational education to create a single information portal for the students of the last school year, which will contain the information about these questions;
-how to organize work on self-determination (theoretically and practically);
-popular professions in the Far East;
- where the students can try yourself in occupations in his hometown.
The right choice of the individual student - is not only a guarantee of his or her personal success in life, as well as the future economic prosperity of the Far Eastern region.
Appendix 1.
Appendix 2.
Appendix 3.
Appendix 4.
The first step.
The second step.
The third step.
Put your attention to the factors which the right choice of profession
depends on:
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