Учащиеся представили свое видение идеальной школы. Для них это смешанный тип, где учатся мальчики и девочки вместе. В школе не предусмотрена школьная форма и какие-либо правила. Для них важно, чтобы школа была хорошо оборудована- языковые лаборатории, компьютерные классы, бассейн, поле для игры в футбол. Возможность заказать себе во время перемены пиццу для них -важно. Вот такая в их понимании ИДЕАЛЬНАЯ ШКОЛА.
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m-ideal-school.ppt | 2.15 МБ |
Слайд 1
Created by Kolesov Nikita and Konygin Nikita My ideal schoolСлайд 2
My ideal school is near the city center.
Слайд 3
It’s a school for boys and girls.
Слайд 4
There isn’t a uniform and there aren’t any rules. The school has got a computer room, music room, recording studio, language laboratory, dance studio and football pitch. There is a swimming pool with an aqua park too.
Слайд 5
Computer room
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Music room
Слайд 7
Recording studio
Слайд 8
Language laboratory
Слайд 9
Dance studio
Слайд 10
Football pitch
Слайд 11
Swimming pool
Слайд 12
Слайд 13
Instead of books, every student has got a laptop with access to the Internet.
Слайд 14
In every classroom is the tactile board, form which everyone can use; 30 desks with comfortable chairs; good lighting of the classroom.
Слайд 15
During breaks students can order pizza and hot dogs form local restaurant.
Слайд 16
The studnets haven’t got any homework. They have got optional activities and sports clubs.
Слайд 18
Every weekend they have trips to the countryside and then have competitions in different parts of the city o r other places.
Слайд 20
Every Friday evening they have a party and they listen to their favourite music.
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