Сафронов Илья, обучающийся 7 "а" класса МОУ "СОШ №12" г. Ржева Тверской обл., подготовил презентацию на тему "Спорт в Италии" в рамках изучения темы "Спорт - это весело" по учебнику Биболетовой "Enjoy English 7"
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Sport in Italy.Слайд 2
T oday I will tell about the five most popular sports in Italy Start
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today we will learn about... Tennis. Athletics Cycling water Polo A struggle also at the end of the presentation there will be questions .
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Tennis Tennis- in the country of wine and the sun in this sport many fans. If you look in the table the most successful tennis players, you definitely will notice there a couple of Italian names. In 2006 and 2009, Italy managed to win the Federation Cup tennis, and in 1976 Davis Cup.
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Athletics. Athletics. This sport is quite popular in Italy, and Olympic Champions in the sport is widely honored in the country. Every year on the Apennine Peninsula hosts numerous competitions in athletics, which was attended by a huge number of athletes.
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Cycling Cycling. But in this sport with the Italians can be compared Belgians: they only managed to get around Italy by the number of cups won world Championships. Moreover, who does not know the famous Cycling race Giro d'italia (Giro d'italia ), which is the longest race in the world.
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water Polo In water Polo in Italy play both professionals and Amateurs, and the national team in the sport today occupies the fourth place in the world.
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A struggle A struggle. Despite the fact that many don't consider wrestling a real sport, it does not diminish the power of a professional wrestling in Italy. And let this sport may seem inappropriate for the Italians, but the people of this country often glorify her on the world arena.
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questions . W hen Italy won the Davis Cup? What is held annually on the Apennine Peninsula? W hat is Giro? What place in the world is water Polo team in Italy? Do you like my presentation?
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Thank you for your attention.
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