Данная презентация может служить иллюстративным материалом на уроках Истории и Культуры Санкт-Петербурга на английском языке в старших классах.
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Made by : Kolomiets Julia 11 B form School 180 St-Petersburg Synagogues 2015Слайд 2
Judaism - Иудаизм Mankind – человечество Engraved – выгравированы Prohibition – запрет Utterance – высказывание Holiness – святость Adultery – прелюбодеяния Theft –кража Perjury – лжесвидетельство Selfish desires - эгоистичных желаний Dignity – достоинство To blaspheme- богохульствовать To refrain- воздержаться Scrool - свиток Bima - возвышение в центре синагоги, где находится специальный стол для чтения свитка Торы Vocabulary
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Judaism - It is the religion of the Jewish people , the oldest of the three major religions of mankind. Judaism is also called the Jewish religion . In Hebrew, the term " Judaism " and " Jews " - synonyms . One of the external symbols of Judaism since the XIX century - the six-pointed Star of David. More ancient symbol of Judaism is the Menorah, which, according to the Bible, stood the Temple of Jerusalem.
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Based on Religion Judaism is expressed in the faith in the one living God , who gave to Moses at Sinai Torah - the Law. Seven Laws of Noah's son 1. Belief in one God , the prohibition of idolatry 2. Respect for God , No Blasphemy Law 3. Respect for human life , the prohibition of murder 4. Respect for the family , the prohibition of adultery 5. Respect for property near the ban theft 6. Respect for all living beings , the prohibition of eating flesh cut from a living animal 7. Appointment of Judges , the obligation to establish a fair judicial system
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Sabbath Sabbath - a day of rest in Judaism , the seventh day of the week on which the Torah prescribes to refrain from work .
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Pesach Pesach - the holiday of spring - symbolizes the awakening of nature, peace and update the liberation of man. This is a celebration of gaining freedom and dignity.
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Hanukkah & Purim Hanukkah - a Jewish holiday candles that are lit in honor of the miracle that occurred at the dedication of the Temple after the victory of Judah Maccabee army over the forces of King Antiochus in 164 BC. This holiday lasts eight days. Purim - a celebration in memory of the miraculous escape of the Jews in the Persian Kingdom over 2,400 years ago . The word “ Pur ” means “lots “.
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Synagogue - the main institution of the Jewish religion, the room serves as a place of public worship and religious center of the community.
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Symbols of judaism Bima Menorah Ark - a casket with a scroll The Star of David
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T oday's Russia is a home to 250,000 Jews , many of whom consider themselves Jews. Judaism is recognized in Russia as one of the four traditional religions. The sketch of the main façade of the Great Choral Synagogue in St-Petersburg (1883)
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Great Choral Synagogue
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El G h riba Synagogue in Tunisia is one of the oldest in the world
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Baal Shem Tov Synagogue in Medzhibozh , Ukraine the old building the new synagogue
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Brodsky Synagogue in Kiev (1897-1898)
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Synagogue Tel Aviv University (Synagogue Zimbalist)
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Dohany Street Synagogue . Budapest
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According to various statistics, the total number of Jews in the world ranges from 13 to 14 million. 4.6 million of them live in Israel, and more than 1 million - on the territory of the former USSR. Organized communities of followers of Judaism exist in more than 80 countries.
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