Презентация для 6 класса к учебнику О.В. Афанасьевой, Тема "Великобритания"
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And I just like this place for its beauty and strength of its mystery. It is a huge gorgeous riddle in the human history that makes life interesting and the place it is located in – famous.Слайд 2
East Anglia is isolated from the rest of Britain because of its position away from the main national roads and because it’s half surrounded by the sea. East Anglia
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The Midlands known as the heart of England is the largest industrial part in the country. Stratford is the birthplace of great William Shakespeare and Oxford is famous for its 12 th century University. The Midlands
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The North of England has on the one hand some of the wildest and loneliest parts of the country but on the other hand it has some of the busiest industrial cities. The North of England
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So England is a very interesting and beautiful part of Great Britain and I would like to visit it.
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