Презентация на тему "Зимние олимпийские игры в Сочи".
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The XXII Olympic Games will pass on February in 2014 in Sochi.Слайд 2
Olympic events in Soch i . Winter Olympic Events : Biathlon Bobsle igh S keleton Curlin g Ice hockey Toboggan ning F igure skatin g S hort-track M ountain skiin g C ross-countr y skiing Ski J ump ing F reestyle S nowboard ing
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We want to tell about some Winter Olympic events:
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Hockey is played by six players on each of two teams. It is very interesting, fast, and dynamic game. The team that scores the most goals wins.
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F igure skatin g. There is sportsmen skating for ice by music.
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C ross-countr y skiing - races on skis on a certain distance on specially line.
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Speed skating — a sport in which it is necessary to overcome as soon as possible a certain distance at ice stadium on circle.
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Toboggan ning— competitions in speed racing on single or double sledge on line.
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Curling. Two teams take part in this competition. Participants start up on ice special heavy granite shells.
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S nowboard ing - speed racing from snow-covered slopes and mountains.
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