The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.
William James
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Analysis of the song «Life is wonderful». My point of view and emotions…
The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.
William James
I have recently listened to the song called «Life is wonderful». This beautiful, melodic songwas written by Jason Mraz who is famous for his ability to combine different kinds of music such as pop, rock, hip-hop, country and jazz. He wrote lots of great songs but exactly «Life is wonderful» is full of bright thoughts that we meet seldom in other songs.
The song is outstanding in contrast with other songs because it doesn’tteach you how to live, it just speaks to you about life and makes you think about things that you do.
All of us want it all and right now but we don’t even want to think that we have to do something because it makes us feel depressed. The song says that something takes something that we have to work and to get what we want. According to the song: «it takes some work to make it work», «it takes some thought to make an action». It means that we have to work and enjoy each moment of the life to get desired.
Actually, each line of the song except chorus starts with words «It takes…». I think, Jason wrote it this way to show that everything in this world is interconnected, that each action entails for itself another action and they can`t exist apart. If there is one, there will always be another.
We have to go through difficulties in our life to get something better. We see the same thoughts in the song: «it takes some bad for satisfaction», «it takes some cold to know the sun». Mraz also wants to say that bad things happen because we let them happen. For example, «it takes those tears to make it rust». I suppose these words mean somebody’s relationships that are getting rust because one human makes another cry. We all know that if there are tears, relationships will be over soon.
The song speaks to us about love, love problems. Young people think that love is just aromantic thing, full of flowers and pink clouds but it is not. Real love means care of another human, understanding, adoption to each other`s disadvantages, sometimes even quarrels but love is when you stay together no matter what. And that what Jason Mraz is trying to tell us by words: «And it takes no time to fall in love but it takes you years to know what love is». You can feel the love emotionally but you understand what love means only since some time.
This song is about understanding the world. When we have everything, we don`t appreciate it. Song says that: «it takes some old to make you young», «it takes some cold to know the sun», «it takes a toll to make you care». It means that a human has to lose something to start appreciate what he or she had. The old man thinks only about his youth because he, probably, didn`t have enough fun, because he was working to be rich in his old ages or he was doing something else. It doesn`t matter, actually, because his youth has gone and it will never come back. He knows what he would like to do if he was young, but it is too late right now. The same thing happens to all people. They lose their jobs, relatives, things or couples and understand how much it is important for them only after losing it.
In the chorus of the song Jason sings «life is wonderful», «life is meaningful» saying that life is beautiful in spite of difficulties that we have to overcome every day. He also sings «life is full circle». It means that the same situations happen over and over again in different time and places with different people. In my opinion, he didn`t want to say that life is boring, he just wanted to admit that there is nothing bad in full circle of the life because situations can be the same but various at the same time and it helps us to see the life from sundry sides.
As a result, it always takes something to get something but whatever happens life is wonderful, we have to appreciate it and follow our dreams without doubts because each step is important, little things help big things to become a reality. I am sure, this is the main thought that Jason Mraz wanted to bring in our minds.
In conclusion I would like to say there are some legendary songs in music history that different generations will definitely listen. These songs are out of time and «Life is wonderful» is one of them. We can only say «thank you» to Jason Mraz who wrote such a beautiful, meaningful song.
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