Презентация к исследовательской работе на тему "Роль автомобиля в современном мире"
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The Role of Car in the Modern World Author: student of group 14-27 TM Ekaterina LobanovaСлайд 2
To know what path of development was the progress from the invention of the wheel prior to the first car with a gasoline engine. To understand the role of the automobile in modern life.
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Tasks: To learn historical information about what steps it took humanity to the invention of the first car. Find information about the creation of the first car. To conduct a survey of classmates role in the lives of their families is of the car. To analyze the information.
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Паланкина Омнибус Конная повозка The first transport tools
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The first vehicle The oldest means of transportation are sleds. In Russia, order of movement, both in winter and in summer the road was used carts similar to Sani - scraper. Sleighs were used not only in the North, but even in those places that never was snowing. In ancient times the carts did not differ convenience and therefore most people prefer to travel on horseback, and sometimes even in manual portable cabins - portsto and floats. In the seventeenth year appear multiple transports for General use - the stagecoach. For days they had covered a distance of 40-50 km, and in the XVIII century - 100-150 km In 1662 on the streets of Paris appear "omnibus" is the embodiment of the ideas of the great scientist Pascal. Each passenger had their seat, and omnibuses stayed in any place on the passenger's request. In Russia this type of transport is called "Conca.
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The invention of the wheel
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Samonella stroller and supported Shamshurenkov Humanity has long dreamed to create a semblance of self-propelled wheelchairs that are able to move without draft animals. On the street may 1752 the year. In St. Petersburg in a festive mood, the air permeated with subtle scents of spring, hiding the sun was sent last rays. The summer garden was filled with people. On the bridge traveled elegant carriages, and suddenly among all crews receive a strange one. He was without horses, quietly and without noise, overtaking other coaches. The people were greatly surprised. Only then it became known that this strange invention it is "samonella stroller”, built Russian serf, Nizhny Novgorod province, Leontiy Samsonenko. I. P. Kulibin in 1791 he built his "samochodu". Using the energy of a rotating flywheel, the drive from the pedals, allowing the carriage to move freely swing. The most interesting element Kulibin "self-propelled gun" was a mechanism to change the gear, which is an integral part of all vehicles with internal combustion engines.
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Daimler and Benz as the founders of the automotive industry
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Daimler and Benz as the founders of the automotive industry. The first car in the world was invented by Karl Benz in 1886. He received public recognition and was put into commercial production. It was a three-wheeled vehicle. At this moment the history of the first car reaches a new level, because the Benz was the first who suggested that buyers are willing and suitable to use the prototype of the modern car and Daimler have started the production of functional automotive engine. Pictures - model "Viktoria" 1893. Improvements to the four-wheeled "Benz" (1892) lasted until 1901. Despite the simple tastes of the design of these machines has released more than 2,300 pieces. Daimler has proved himself as a more discreet and patient designer. Focusing on stationary engines, he along with his colleague Wilhelm Maybach in 1889 created its first functional car Daimler and launched it into production in 1895. In 1889 appeared first in the history of the vehicle can reach speeds of over 80 km/h. This car was very heavy, and most importantly, unsafe. In the end she was born now widely known model, named after his daughter, Mercedes. It was published at the end of 1900 and was, according to historians, the prototype of the modern car. In the pictures - the first "Mercedes" is the prototype of a modern car with a simple body, intended to participate in car races Model "Mercedes" was the combination of: shifting, cell radiator and ignition from the magnet low. Brake systems have become much more reliable, and the quality of the machine itself had spoken all over the world. At that point there was most interesting, all models "Daimler" was renamed "Mercedes".
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After some research among students of MIDDLE Krasnosel'skii school" we came to the conclusion that: To the question "Has anyone in your family a car?" "Yes," answered 99% of students. To the question "How often does your family use the car?" "Every day" - 90% of students. To the question "For what purpose used car in your family? Travel to work and school - 80% Shopping trips - 30% Trips to the countryside and nature - 50% A trip to the cinema, holiday events, family and friends - 50 % Long trip to his native land and beyond - 20 % On the question "do You Think that having a car makes it easier and makes it more interesting life for all members of your family?" "Yes," answered 80% To the question "would You Like to in the future to have your own car?" "Yes," answered 100% Thus, we can conclude that almost in every family, there is at least one car. And some families have multiple cars. Machines are used not only as a means of transportation, but also as a means of saving time and effort. With cars, we have the opportunity to travel to different cities and countries, and therefore have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, to get a lot of new information and experiences, make new friends.
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