презентация на тему "Молодежные течения"
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H ippyСлайд 2
This organization is not that large, but has a long tradition. Their philosophy has influenced the attitudes and life-generation 60-80's. At hippie rules of conduct and its own philosophy. They are united in the System. This is sort of a club that does not take everyone. Hippy
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Pros: Н ippies do not hate people ! They are willing to communicate with anyone and help anyone. Cons: In fact, their business is doing nothing, that person s are unlikely to do anything in social life. They use drugs. Pros and cons of the hippies
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Hippies were carrying peace and love, condemning any violence. These were the Beats, many of which led a vagabond life. They did not have the wealth, they did not want to fight for money and power, it was just the children of the sun and flowers surrounding gift serene smile.
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Камилл Фламмарион: "Астрономия - наука о живой Вселенной"