Фен -шуй как наука появился в Древнем Китае более двух тысяч лет назад. Но и в настоящее время он очень популярен как на Западе. так и на Востоке. Фен-шуй- это наука о правильной организации своего жизненного пространства таким образом, чтобы привлечь в дом как можно больше положительной энергии, это искусство жить в гармонии с окружающим миром и природой, а также использование энергии таким образом, чтобы обрести удачу, здоровье и благосостояние.
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Happy Homes The authors: Vavilova Veronika , Avdyukhova Valeria and Rubishcheva Yulia Form 11 «А» The supervisor: Svetikova Tatyana YaroslavovnaСлайд 2
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Feng Shui ( wind) (water) Ancient Chinese system of harmonizing the human beings with the surrounding environment. The history of feng shui covers 3500 years before the invention of the magnetic compass. It was originated in Chinese astronomy.
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Feng Shui is Chinese art used to promote such things as health, happiness and prosperity. It is also called the Chinese Art of Placement. Feng Shui is a technique that is thousands of years old for bringing balance to one’s home, business and the land that surrounds them. Balance Land Business Home
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Feng Shui Health Relationships Family Wealth Career Friends Fame Children
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In Feng Shui Chi is energy that is all around us everywhere, and by using it we can improve our lives. Feng Shui can be used to decide the best possible place to build a house, but more often it’s used to organize rooms and position furniture. Improving the movement of energy around a house can bring more wealth, better health and personal success.
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Feng Shui tips Mirrors Water Light Crystals, glass Plants Paired items Removing all clutter
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Familiar to us a piece of furniture has amazing properties , which most of us do not even know . Mirrors are an amazing way to adjust the surrounding area , making it a harmonious and just as well wreak havoc if they are positioned correctly . In Feng Shui , they are also used to attract additional energy locks and adjusting movement of chi energy in buildings. It is important to remember that mirror symbolically doubles everything that reflect . So no need to have a mirror where there is a mess and something that has an unsightly appearance . If a mirror reflects street landfill or shabby door into the next room , then consider that you have at home too landfill and shabby door in your apartment two . Mirrors
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in any case broken and cracked mirrors can not be used in the house . They must be immediately discarded. Mirrors should not be placed opposite each other, as it is believed that the thus formed mirror corridor takes leads to reckless behavior and gives the inhabitants of the house fears and depression. It is believed that the mirrors have a memory. This memory is much more powerful than any other subject's ability to store information about the past. So be careful with antique and vintage mirrors. If you do not know the history of mirrors, treat it with great care. In any case it should not be placed in front of the front door and bed. Located opposite the conjugal bed mirror can cause infidelity. And if the mirror is located opposite the front door, the energy entering the house, like boomerang is sent back.
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In the traditional teaching of Feng Shui , water - the source of life energy Chi . Therefore, waterfall, fountain or aquarium can serve as an ideal repository for the living water that will attract into your home health, wealth and happiness. Murmur of the water will not only calming effect on your psychological state , but also improve the air . Current water soothes, it is nice to see, meditation and relaxation after a hard day's work . Especially important to have fountains and waterfalls in urban apartments , which are made mostly of concrete and plastic. Indeed, in such areas often reigns energy imbalance . A fountain , waterfall or even a picture of water will help to restore the balance . Water
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Room lighting is one of the most important factors in feng shui . Hard to find the best activator of chi energy than incandlescent light , illuminating the room. Whenever you light up any room - you activate this area and fill it with precious energy . The main thing that you should find out - is how to find the area that is worth to activate, and what kind of light is better to use for this purpose. Light
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When you have determined what the energy sector you want to increase, you should deal with the fact what lighting is being used. Most people use conventional lighting, colorless or white. Of course, the white light includes the entire spectrum of the rainbow color palette. However, if you want to achieve maximum results from the activation of the sector, you should choose a color that is consistent with the energy sector. Lighting can be strong or mild. Artificial, bright light stands preference in office and industrial buildings, as well as in the rooms of premises where the desktop is. Hallways and entrances should also always be well lit. However, as for the bedroom or recreation area, then it is worth to prefer soft light. Otherwise it will be difficult to relax. It is important to keep an appropriate balance between these two types of lighting. There are many symbols used in Feng Shui. If you use them in conjunction with lighting, power attracted energy will double, while increasing the amount of luck in your life. When you choose a character to avoid the main figures with sharp edges, shapes, wild animals and aggressive motives. It is not necessary to cover the bathrooms, storage rooms and a kitchen. These premises are worth keeping tightly sealed from the rest of the house. However, this does not mean that you can not light up in these rooms. It only means that you do not make these areas more visible than the other rooms in the house.
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Crystals, glass Crystals attract energy and can help with healing and your career. It is good to hang them in the centre of a window.
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According to the legends of the alchemists, crystal formed by the merger of the 4 elements: Earth, Water, Fire and Metal, which gives it amazing power properties . Rock crystal - a generator of positive energy. Feng Shui specialists at all times strongly recommended the use of crystals and crystal figurines to the energy in the house is better transformed . Rock crystal often mentioned in the Bible as a symbol of purity and innocence, humility and persistence . Rock crystal - a stone that has amazing healing and magical properties
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Plants House plants is a complex system in which all the elements perform a role or function. Indoor and greenhouse plants have different shapes, scents and colors, as well as create clean energy at home. Each flower keeps all nested love and mood, and that creates a "space of love" around the person .
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Paired items Paired items represent togetherness and romance and can help strengthen a relationship.
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Removing all clutter To improve Feng Shui in the home, it is first necessary to remove all clutter . Clutter is all the untidy mess in our lives and all those things that we don’t use or need any more ; things that we no longer love . When the life energy, chi, enters the house and meets piles of clutter, it’s stopped dead and cannot move freely. This causes problems in our lives. So when we finally throw things away , we feel a sense of freedom and relief .
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Buildings in Hong Kong, built according to the laws of Feng Shui
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