Эта работа описывает образы, с которыми ассоциируется Россия.
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Образы России. | 2.83 МБ |
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Images of Russia.Слайд 2
When foreigners hear about Russia, the first, what they think about is eternal frost and cold…
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…and about bears, which can play the balalaika and live in a flat with every R ussian man.
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But in reality Russia is a country of unique nature with beautiful rivers, lakes and impenetrable forests.
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Russia is also famous for tasty food: pancakes with sour cream, Russian pies and Russian salad .
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The main image of Russia is a birch tree. Many Russian songwriters and artists carol birch tree in their works.
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When foreigners come to our country, the first place, which they want to visit is a Red Square. It is also one of the main images of Russia.
Слайд 8
It is not a secret, that when people from other countries hear about Russia, they think about Russian women, who are the most beautiful all over the world.
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