My famous countryman is Gombozhab Tsebekovich Tsybikov. He was a traveller, an explorer, an ethnographer, orientalist, a tibetologist, a mongolist, a Buddhist, a statesman and a leader of education of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the MPR, a translator, a professor at several universities.
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Бадмаева Елена Дарижаповна , 9 класс
Забайкальский край,
Агинский район, село Урда-Ага
МБОУ «Урда-Агинская СОШ им.Г.Цыбикова»
Учитель английского языка
Далаева Бальжима Мункожаргаловна
I’d like to write about my famous countryman – Gombozhab Tsebekovich Tsybikov. He was a traveller, an explorer, an ethnographer, orientalist, a tibetologist, a mongolist, a Buddhist, a statesman and a leader of education of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the MPR, a translator, a professor at several universities.
He was born on the 20th of April in 1873 in Urdo-Aga. Gombozhab Tsybikov was the first Russian reseacher, who rose to Tibet. Tibet was a closed state. Penetration into Tibet to foreigners was banned. In his luggage he hid his diaries. In the prayer drum camera was hidden. If someone discovered that blogging or even more taking pictures, Tsybikov would have paid with his life.
Reseacher spent 888 days in Tibet. He visited many Buddist centres, made about 200 photographs in secret, he was in the audience with the Dalai Lama XIII. The main result of the expedition was the book “A Buddist pilgrim-shrines in Tibet” and around 200 unique photos. Thanks Tsybikov Europeans first saw Tibet. He created a textbook of Tibetan language.
Tsybikov devoted his life for education in Siberia. He made several textbooks of the Buryat language. He helped to create Mongolian educational system. He awarded with Knight of the Order of St. Stanislaus III and II degree, III degree of St. Anne, the highest award of the Russian Geographic Society - Przhevalsky’s Prize. Our Urda-Aga secondary school is named after G.Tsybikov and, it seems to me, because of it we have success.
I am proud that I am from Urda-Aga too as our great countryman Gombozhab Tsybikov.
Рыжие листья
Свадьба в Малиновке
Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекельберри Финна
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Хризантема и Луковица