Презентация о Волго-донском канале.
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Volga-Don tack-off canal By pupil of the 8 class "A" Koshelev VasyaСлайд 2
TheVolga -Don tack-off canal Lenin (Volga-don canal) - canal linking the Volga and the Don in the place of their maximal rapprochement with each other, near Volgograd. The Volga-Don tack-off canal includes 13 gateways and 3 reservoirs - Varvar о vsk о y , B е r е s l а vsk о y and Karpovka's .
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The first attempt to build a navigation canal was undertaken by Peter 1 at the end of the 17th century. The construction of the canal was begun before the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 , which stopped building work.
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In 1948-1952 it was built and became an important part of the transport system of the European part of the USSR.
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Today the Volga-Don tack-off canal l ink unified deep-water transport system of the European part of Russia.
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