В данной работе учащийся 8 класса рассказал о своем родном поселке Шолоховский, Ростовской области, исследовав информацию о его географическом положении, населении, растительном и животном мире. В проекте представлены фото поселка. Проект явялется результатом изучения темы "The world's best friend is you" по УМК Биболетовой М.З. Enjoy English - 8.
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I want to tell you about my settlement. It’s name is Sholokhovskiy. It’s not very large, but it isn’t so small. My home is quite far from the capital of Russia. But it isn’t far from Rostov-on-Don. There are ten thousand people live in my settlement. In school we study English and Russian languages. There are no galleries, theatres, cinemas here. There are no rivers in settlement, but river Bistraya isn’t far from my home. Climate is usually warm and wet here. There are a lot of different kinds of plants, but there are almost no wild animals. We can meet rabbits, foxes and hedgehogs. I like my settlement, because it’s my home!
Sklyarov Sergey
8th form
School №8
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