Данная исследовательская работа выполнена учениками 6 класса. Обучающиеся подняли проблему создания современных семей, причин развода, провели сравнение семей России, США и Великобритании.
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Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №73» г. Рязани
Исследовательская работа
«Самое важное в жизни!!!»
Выполнили: Шварц Анна и Епихина Мария
6 А класс
Жильцова Наталья Николаевна,
учитель английского языка
Рязань, 2015
Municipal State-financed Educational Institution of Extra-
curriculum Education for Children
«Municipal Educational School №73»
Individual Survey
Done by: Shvarts A. and Epikhina M.
Form: 6А
Supervised by: Zhiltsova N.N.
Ryazan, 2015
Introduction p. 3
1. British Family p. 4
2. American Family p. 4-5
2.1 Marriage and Children
2.2 Dual-Earning Families
2.3 Single-Parent and Other Nontraditional Families
2.4 Future of the Family
3. Russian Family p.5-8
Conclusion p.9
Literature p.10
Demographers are people who study populations. They predict how populations of different countries will increase or decrease in the future. Demographers in Russia have been warning the government that the country's population is decreasing. V. Putin held a special ceremony at the Kremlin, in Moscow, the capital of Russia. Many families with four or more children were invited to the event. Some families had as many as 11 children. V. Putin awarded each family a special medal called the 'Order of Parental Glory'. The medal showed a golden two-headed eagle — the symbol of Russia.
During his speech President Putin thanked the couples for having large families. He said they were a good example to other Russians.
The size of a country's population is important for government. Countries need enough people of the right age to work in companies, offices and factories. If there are not enough workers, it can be difficult for the economy to grow. Older people who are retired are often supported by the government. Some of the money for this support comes from the taxes worker`s pay. If there are fewer workers, the government collects less money in taxes.
Russian men now live for an average of 60 years. This is much lower than in other European countries. Experts agree there are several reasons for this, including AIDS, drinking too much alcohol, poverty and pollution.
What does the family mean for the young generation? What is about the future of our country? How can we stop the decrease of the population of our country?
The Russian government has also started to give families money for having a second child. Those who are awarded the new 'Order of Parental Glory' medal arc given a cash payment of 50,000 rubles.
This question is very important for our country. The family tradition has preserved the picture of Madonna with a child in her arms. Can this beauty save the world? Shall we have this in the future, or lose it, as we lost so many other beautiful things? The current population of Russia is around 142 million people. We propose if nothing is done to stop the decrease, the number of people living in the country may go to about 110 million within 40 years.
We decided to serve this problem and compare Russian, American and British families.
A "typical" British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, but in recent years there have been many changes in family life. Some of these have been caused by new laws and others are the result of changes in society. For example, since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorced has increased. In fact one marriage in every three now ends in divorce. This means that there are a lot of one-parent families. Society is now more tolerant than it used to be of unmarried people, unmarried couples and single parents.
Another change has been caused by the fact that people are living longer nowadays, and many old people live alone following the death of their partners. As a result of these changes in the pattern of people's lives, there are many households which consist of only one person or one adult and children.
You might think that marriage and the family are not so popular as they once were. However, the majority of divorced people marry again, and they sometimes take responsibility for a second family.
Members of a family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, keep in touch, but they see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often move away from their home town to work, and so the family becomes scattered. Christmas is the traditional season for reunions. Although the family group is smaller nowadays than it used to be, relatives often travel many miles in order to spend the holiday together.
In general, each generation is keen to become independent of parents in establishing its own family unit, and this fact can lead to social as well as geographical differences within the larger family group.
Relationships within the family are different now. Parents treat their children more as equals than they used to, and children have more freedom to make their own decisions. The father is more involved with bringing up children, often because the mother goes out to work. Increased leisure facilities and more money mean that there are greater opportunities for the individual to take part in activities outside the home. Although the family holiday is still an important part of family life, many children have holidays away from their parents, often with a school party or other organized group.
The American family has changed greatly in the last 20 or 30 years. Many of these changes are similar to changes taking place in other countries.
Marriage and Children
Young people are waiting longer before getting married. Women are also waiting longer to have children. It's not unusual today for a woman to have her first child in her mid-thirties. And families are having fewer children. The typical family used to have three children. Today most families have one or two children.
In the traditional family, the wife stayed home with the children while the husband earned money. Now 60 percent of all married women work outside the home. So a majority of couples have two wage-earners. One reason for this change is that women want and expect to have careers. Another reason is economics. With rising prices, many families cannot survive on one person's salary.
Single-Parent and Other Nontraditional Families
The United States has a high divorce rate: approximately 1 in every 2 marriages ends in divorce. One result of this high divorce rate is that many American children live in single-parent families.
Although some women wait until their thirties to have their first child, other women become mothers while they are still teenagers. Many of these teenaged mothers are not married. Many are also poor. Poverty among children in homes headed by single mothers has become a serious problem in the United States.
Often people who are divorced get married again. This has led to a new kind of family — the "recontituted family”, in which there are children from previous marriages as well as from the present marriage.
Future of the Family
Is the American family in trouble? People point to the divorce rate, to the fact that working mothers might have less time with their children, and to the "generation gap", or the problems that parents and children sometimes have understanding each other. Experts say, however, that the family is as strong as ever. Family is still at the center of most people's lives.
So what is it like, the family tradition? Whose descendants are we? What the stories your granny used to tell? What can family albums, letters and diaries reveal? What is your grandfather's name? What is the name of your great grandfather?
Many of the Russians are not able to answer these simple questions. The family tradition is lost for them. And it is of the reasons why most people have no sense of family honor and pride.
A group of people who have the same name and sit together in front of a TV set is not let a family. Here are some family statistics in Russia. Over 80 per cent of women and about 70 per cent of men marry by the age of 25.
At present, more than 40 out of every 100 marriages end in divorce. Every year about one million families break up About 50 per cent of divorcees do not to remarry. Men are marrying more often than women. Over 50 per cent of divorced men remarry within a period of ten years, while only 25 per cent of such women do so. Many young families have material difficulties. As a result, young couples often have to rely on the assistance of their parents.
The housing shortage is another problem of many young families. Most young people don't wish to live together with their parents after they get married but about half of them have to do this.
As a result these young people have no necessary experience in family life. They don't know: 1) how to run a household; 2) how to manage the family budget; 3) how to bring up children.
We conducted our survey among teenagers of the fifth, seventh and tenth classes. There were 4 questions in the survey :
142 persons were interrogated.
1 child | 2 children | 3 children | More than 3 children | |
How many children are in your family? | 24% | 58% | 17% | 1% |
Yes | No | |
Do you live with your grandparents? | 12% | 88% |
1 child | 2 children | 3 children | No children | Don`t know | |
How many children do you want to have in the future? | 12%
| 54%
| 22% | 5%
| 7%
Yes | No | Don`t know | |
Will you live with your parents when you have your own family? | 20% | 51% | 29% |
According to our survey more Russian teenagers want to be independent, solve their problems themselves, do not live with their parents and to have 2 children in the future.
What is a Family? Families are who you love. Our families all “look” different and it's always been so. A family caregiving unit might consist of a couple; a mother, father and children; a single parent and child; grandparent and grandchildren; a sibling group; a circle of friends; or however that family defines itself. |
In a family you can talk about anything. You can tell them everything because they are like your best friends. You have fun with your family no matter what you do.
Even if there is a fight or a misunderstanding, you have to tolerate each person because when you fight with someone, you notice how much you miss that person and how much you love that person. You just can't live without that person.
I think it is very important that you have a family because you are learning so many things. You learn to live with other people, you learn to share things, and you learn to show consideration for someone.
Parents change their own plans all the time to stay with their children when the children need them. Sometimes they give up their dreams to realize the dreams of their kids.
I think a traditional family is formed by a father who is the wage earner, a mother who is the housewife, and brothers and sisters. The role of each member is very important because they influence the development and behavior of the children who live inside the family.
The main factor for maintaining a family is love, but it's also important to be conscious that this feeling is pure. Other factors that help to keep families together are respect and trust. Everyone in the family must show respect to the other members because nobody is more important than the others.
According to our survey the population of our country will increase in 10-12 years because Russian teenagers want to be independent and have many children in the future. In brief, I think that a family is a group of people united not only by blood, but also by LOVE. And I hope that our Russian families will be lovely, happy and strong in the future.
Список литературы
учителя английского языка высшей квалификационной категории МБОУ «СОШ №73» г. Рязани Жильцовой Натальи Николаевны на исследовательскую работу «Самое важное в жизни!!» обучающихся 6А класса МБОУ «СОШ №73» г. Рязани Шварц Анны, Епихиной Марии.
Целью этого исследования являлось изучение семейно-бытовой сферы жизни в Великобритании, США и России, сбор статистических данных, их анализ и рассмотрение демографической ситуации в нашей стране с последующим прогнозом.
Тема актуальна, так как в настоящее время наблюдается естественная убыль населения как в России, так и в других странах, что ведет к возникновению ряда проблем - это старение нации, сокращение средней продолжительности жизни населения, нехватка трудовых ресурсов и другие.
Учебное исследование раскрывает особенности демографической ситуации на территории России, показывает практическую значимость полученных результатов в ходе исследования, которые были проведены среди обучающихся 5,7,10 классов школы, позволило Анне и Марии сделать выводы по поводу роста населения в стране.
Авторами исследования была проведана большая работа по изучению теоретического материала и статистических данных о семьях в Великобритании, США и России, проблемах, с которыми сталкиваются жители этих стран, их мнение по поводу семейной жизни, стремления молодого поколения, собран и проанализирован статистический материал по вопросам демографии, разводов и их последствий для страны в целом, проведен опрос учеников школы по поводу их ситуации в семье и планов на будущее. Сложность работы заключалась не только в большом объеме изученной литературы, статистических отчетов, но еще и в математическом анализе полученных результатов.
Структура исследовательской работы в целом соответствует требованиям к оформлению учебного исследования. В заключении авторы делают собственные выводы по исследуемой проблеме. Данная работа позволяет анализировать, сравнивать, находить нужный материал, исследовать, предлагать к обсуждению, и наконец, задумываться о будущем нашей страны и каждого человека.
Творческий подход авторов к работе позволяет воспитывать коммуникабельность в общении с людьми, формировать информационную культуру, развивать интеллектуальные способности.
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