В этом презентации ученик рассказывает о День Рождении королевы Великобритании.
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Queen’s Birthday The main British holidayСлайд 2
Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21 of April. She has ruled the United Kingdom since she was 25 and she rules it nowadays. Now she is 88 but that fact don`t prevent her to go a long way in Kingdom and outside of her country. Specially for you we mention that Elizabeth II approximately earns 60 million dollars a year however she doesn`t almost anything.
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Queen Elizabeth celebrates her birthday twice a year. First birthday is celebrated on 21 of April quiet with her family and the second she celebrates by the whole country on second or third Saturday of June. Though the date of her birthday she chooses by herself. It depends on whether. If the weather is good, parade will take place and everybody will get fun, but if the weather is bad holiday will take place on another day.
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Holiday in honor of the Queen
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Procession in honor of the Queen
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At that day on buildings people hang flags on streets flowers is appeared. Parade is taken place in Whitеhall residence. Everybody can see this show. During this performance Queen give chevalier of British Empire medal.
Лев Николаевич Толстой. Индеец и англичанин (быль)
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