Презентация подготовлена по учебнику 10 кл. О.Афанасьева, И Михеева " Английский в фокусе". В работе использован материал из личного Портфолио ученицы.
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Слайд 1
Education in Russia Education is an important part of modern life.Слайд 2
Mandatory education in Russia is presented by three types of schools: primary, secondary and high.
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Elementary school In the Russian Federation the school education is compulsory. Pupils start going to school from the age of seven . The primary school teaches its pupils elementary skills, such as reading, writing, counting. Many schools also offer foreign languages or some other special disciplines at this age.
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Secondary school The most important period is the secondary school, which starts from the 4th or 5th grade, depending on school. This is the time when children start learning Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Computing, and many other new subjects.
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High school In Russia the nine-year basic incomplete secondary education is compulsory. After that the children have to decide what they will do from now forth. On the one hand, they can continue their schooling and get the complete eleven-year secondary education. On the other hand, they can enter a college giving them the complete secondary education and trade training. After graduating from college the young people became financially independent and can start to work.
Слайд 6
N on-class activities During school, students take an active part in non-class activities. Contests, competitions, trips. Winners of school competitions visit other cities.
Слайд 7
I am a student of 10th class and participated in this activity.
Слайд 10
W elcome ! We will be happy! Работу выполнила ученица 10 класса ТОГБОУ « Жердевская общеобразовательная школа-интернат среднего (полного)общего образования» Есикова Алина
Тупое - острое
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Весёлые польки для детей
Петушок из русских сказок
Юрий Визбор. Милая моя