Эта очень занимательная и познавательная работа о происхождении имён в культурах разных народов.
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V школьная научно-практическая конференция
«Познание и творчество»
Секция: Иностранный язык
Тема: «The origin of names»
Автор работы:
Исаев Марат
Место выполнения:
МБОУ СОШ №26, 6 класс
Научный руководитель:
Биннятова Гульнара Бинятовна
Март, 2013 год
"What is there in my name for you?"
The name is given to the person only once. It becomes a kind of identity card
of the person, his personal stigma. I was thinking about this theme. It seemed to be
interesting for me. All personal names were once common names. I wanted to
learn about the origin of names. What is it different? What traditions are there in
different countries when they give name to babies? In my work I will try to tell
about it. I will compare the traditions of Russian people and the traditions of the
English-speaking people.
Let's discuss the question of the origin of human names.
Proper names appeared in antiquity.
Stoic philosopher Chrysippus (3rd century BC) distinguished the names in a
separate group of words.
Today the study of proper names of people, their origin and development,
their structure, functioning in society, dissemination is antroponimika (“antropos”-
man,”name”- onima).
People were always given names.
How they originated, there are many legends and stories.
Here is one of them.
In a distant time when the higher mind gave people it was a speech
Each word reflected the inner sence of things.
The one who knew the word, had the power over what it meant.
Chaos appeared in the world because people could not decide who would
govern, and who obey.
Then the priests invented other words in the world to prevent the
uninitiated to use the true names of things for evil.
Higher knowledge proved to be not up to the task.
As a result there have been originated different languages, and the true
language was hidden, and then completely lost.
It is said about language, words and names in many people’s legends.
The same happened with the people’s names.
The people had to invent their own names.
In many cultures, the child was given two names – close to the present and
the second for general use, so nobody can harm the child, knowing his real name.
Our ancestors knew that the name is not just a human name, to distinguish it
from the other and a verbal formula that somehow is tied to that person and the
power over him.
They tried to use it in different ways.
In Native American and some African tribes were given names, repulsive in
order to drive away evil spirits.
Once upon a time it was believed that the real name must know only the
person himself and his parents.
In Native American tribes a young man learned his real name only on the
day of the acceptance of its adults through meditation and communication with
spirits and it was not told anyone.
Old Native Indian shamans say that the name can’t be pronounce with
normal sounds, it existed only in the form of mixture of image and sound.
The ancient Greeks were giving the child the names of gods and heroes,
hoping the child will enjoy their favor and inherit their quality and destiny.
But to call the children similar names was tactless, and dangerous because
the gods lived quite near, on Mount Olympus, were like people and often chatted
with them.
They cannot like such familiarity.
So for daily treatment to the gods various epithets were used, which were
transformed into the names.
For example - Viktor is winner, Maxim is greatest.
Zeus was called these epithets.
Mars wore the laurel branch, the name Laurus has gone originated from it.
Many gods wore the head-dress like a Crown or Diadem.
The name Stefan originated from here.
However, the tradition of giving children direct names of gods is kept
though, not paramount, in order to avoid their wrath for such effrontery.
The names of the Muse, Apollo, Aurora, the Maya are still in use.
Later it became the Christian tradition to name in honor of the righteous,
rank as a Saint.
In Russia there was another tradition: parents gave the name to the newborn
that was real present, it knew the parents, godparents and close people.
There were wishes to the infant, the hopes and aspirations of parents, it
reflected the love for a child and wish him happiness.
Then the child was wrapped in and took out the gunny threshold, as though
showing off the evil force taking the baby, who has not been dumped are especially
And he was given the name, which scared off the scum and fall a sleep her
mind. "My name is Zovutka and is named as utka”.
This means that to call your own name was to the stranger considered
What if a stranger was a sorcerer who could use the knowledge of name for
Giving a child a cacophonous and repulsive name one, had hoped that the
evil forces will not bother getting harmed unworthy and nondescript name won't
cause envy of the gods.
The second name of the naming ceremony took place during adolescence,
when the main character was formed.
The name was given on the basis of these characteristics.
However, this naming tradition did not survive.
And the person, constantly called by a nickname and nota real name, often
acquired all qualities sue characteristic to this nickname.
In such situation, the name-amulet protected the person from what is
As the name did’t sound loud, it had no internal ties with its keeper.
The influence of the name to the person and his destiny was noticed long ago.
At all times it was considered, and rightly so, that the word that you have
chose for the name with love, will help in life.
But at the same time, to give the name, call-it means to take a secret power.
In different languages doesn't change the emotional coloring of words that
denotes something pleasant, has a sound that is pleasant to the ear, and vice versa.
Thus, the origin of the name has a long history.
Before the adoption of Christianity in Russia are used original names formed
from the Slavic by means of the old Russian language.
The Slavs were choosing the name to their children by any words that reflect
Similar naming was used among other people, it is enough to remember the
names of the Indians, which characterized the peculiarities of an individual: Eagle
Eye, Cunning Fox, etc.
We have several other names, which later, with the adoption of Christianity and
the fixing of names in the Church calendars have become nicknames.
Some of these nicknames came to us in the form of names: a cat, a beetle, a
wolf, a sparrow.
It should be mentioned that these names are widely spread.
From the 11th to the 17th century originally Slavonic names fade into the
background, and at first are Byzantine-Greek.
With the adoption of Christianity has developed two names system.
In order to protect humans from evil spirits, he was given one name but he
was called quite another.
For the period of stratification in social terms.
Ancient Russian names are spread in this time that are made up of two roots
and contain a root-Slav.
It is such names as Viacheslav, Yaroslav, Sviatoslav, Borislav, which joined
the Byzantine-Greek names with the same root: Stanislav, Bronislaw, Miroslav,
Since the beginning of the 18th century up to 1917 year canonical names are
dominated, retracts and extends Trinomial formula of naming rights (full name),
you receive an alias.
After the revolution, the newly established names are becoming more
popular, which reflect the developments in the country.
The formation of new names especially affected girls.
So, they were called the Idea, Spark, Oktyabrina.
There is an evidence that one girl was even called the Artillery Academy.
Twins boy and girl it was fashionable to call the Revo and Lucius; names of
boys genius, giant (it is noteworthy that these names are not always accurate and
often are contradictory).
However, at that time there were the names that are ket in their life now:
Lily (it is similar to a Russian named Lydia and very melodious), Ninel (read in
reverse order of Lenin), Timur, Spartak.
Modern Russian namegiving includes many names that have different origin.
The names that we can call Russians have a great advantage.
Although the Russian names remained very little.
Over the years the original meaning of names has been forgotten each name
has historically represented a word or phrase in any language.
Almost all modern names came to us from the Byzantine Empire and are
originated from of Greek roots.
However, many of them were borrowed from other ancient languages, or
were simply borrowed from ancient Roman, Egyptian, Hebrew, and other
languages, and this method of borrowing was used only as a noun, not as a word
meaning something.
English system of names is very interesting and unusual for us in many
As a rule, in English-speaking countries full name consists of three
components: the first name (christian name, given name), the second name (middle
name), family name (name, surname, last name).
The first and second names can be given not only the traditional names but
family names.
To do this, normally you select the names of relatives, celebrities or
historical figures.
Until the early 19th century the tradition of giving names as personal names
was very widespread mainly in the noble families.
Let’s remember the novel Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice": the full name
of the main character was Fitzwilliam Darcy.
Darcy is a typical noble surname of Norman origin, meaning "one who is
from Arcy" (Arci is a small town in Normandy).
But it is also a surname of Fitzwilliam, and it means "son of William".
However, in the case of Jane Austen is hero it successfully acts as a name
(for us this tradition may seem an absurd-as if anyone from the Pushkin's Heroes
had the name I. Lensky Onegin).
On the other hand, the name Darcy itself can be given (and still is) as a
personal name: in Cardiff City team footballer plays Darcy Blake, and in the
Canadian Hockey League is the player Darcy Tucker.
Another feature of English names-extensive use of diminutive forms.
In our media the phrase like "Dmitry Medvedev met with Misha Saakashvili
and Yushchenko Vitia" sounded like an explicit banter.
But any world newspaper without the slightest hesitation, will publish prints
the head line "Bill Clinton has a discussion with Tony Blair", although the full
name of Clinton is William Jefferson Clinton and Blair-Anthony Charles Linton.
In English-speaking countries, you can even record a child under formal
diminutive name-registration legislation is very liberal and has almost no
Therefore, you can choose any word as a name: for example, David and
Victoria Beckhem had named his son in honor of Brooklyn-New York area, where
the boy was born.
A number of names have restrictions, though most people are limited to two
or three.
But there are exceptions: for example, the full name of English musician
Brian Eno-Brian Peter George St. John Le Baptist de la Salle Eno.
Actually double names is relatively recent tradition.
Up until the 18TH century people settling for just one name and surname.
For a long time the source of names, in fact, was a single-Church Saints.
But it vernacular variations on the theme of church there were many names:
Latin form of Maria turned into English by Mary, who gave diminutive Molly and
The Godson happened on Hebr. Yohanan, produced in medieval England
form Jan, Iohn and John, and diminutive Jankin, Jackin and finally, Jack.
A female form Ioanna, borrowed through the French Jeanne, turned
immediately into three autonomous name: Jane, Jean and Joan.
In the 16th century, England became a Protestant country.
New turned Protestant, and likewise all the neophytes, tried to make a clean
break "with the accursed Catholic past" in any possible way.
To be different from the Catholics, they resolutely refused to give the
children the names of saints and started to look for other sources.
The sources were founded quickly: the names from the old and New
Testaments: Samuel, Abraham, Sarah, Benjamin, Deborah, Inec became
Sometimes in search of more beautiful name is not too literate parents
end up trapped, many girls were called Dalilah. Although Delilah, Samson God
hundred shekels of silver per thousand, hardly a positive character not just in terms
of faith, but of simple decency.
Those for whom biblical sources were not enough, began inventing names
themselves: Charity, Maidenhead, True, Mercy.
Rich imaginaition the Puritans had especially followers of Calvinism, they
thought that the Anglican Church is not yet free itself from the remnants of
Catholicism and need’s of further reform.
And like all the radicals, the Puritans often took over the edge as the impact
in their name creating: children called Infinite-mercy, Sorry-for-Sin, Faith-My-Joy.
A Puritan by last name Robinson was so impressed with the biblical story of
how Samuel hacked up sword King Agag, that gave his son the name Hew-Agag-
Another Puritan proudly signed Obadiah-bind-their-kings-in-chain-and-
their-nobles-in-arons Needham.
Of course, it was impossible to have normal life with such names.
People with names of Tamesine and Prosper-Thy-Work are lucky: the first
hearing was like a female name Thomasina, and the second can be reduced to the
traditional name of Prosper.
And here is a girl by the name of Through-Much-Tribulations-We-Enter-
into-the-Kingdom-of-Heaven Crabb home had to cut just prior to the Tribulation
(the test), or affectionately-Tribbi.
One of the famous English preachers of Cromwell has extremely pious
praise the name of Praise-God Barebone.
He had three brothers, whose name were Fear-God Barebones, Jesus-Christ-
came-into-the-world-to-save Barebone and If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou
hadst-been-a-damned Barebone.
The latter sometimes signed simply Dr. Damned Barebone.
Apparently, in honor of brothers Praise-God Barebone named his son
Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou Hadst-Been-a-Damned.
But the son of a pious preacher did not share tastes Daddies and
subsequently changed his name to the more extraordinary "Human"-Nicholas.
Over time, the fashion for pious names had passed, as any fashion.
Britons and Americans have returned to traditional name creating, from time
to time, enriching its borrowings from other languages and new created names.
New developments mostly touched women's names: beginning with the 19th
century girls were called Amber, Easter, Beryl, Ruby, Jasmine, Daisy.
In the United States and Britain, French, Spanish and Italian names have
become more a popular: Jacklin, Michelle, Anita, Angela, Angelina.
Foreign forms of names existing in the English language are borrowed
instead of Mary-Marie, Katrina instead of Catherine, Julie instead of Julia (most,
though, is pronounced in the French manner-not Julie, and into English-Julie).
Sometimes parents to give the name of great originality, especially change
the spelling: Alivia instead of Olivia, Alicia, Abigayle instead free Alysha instead
of Abigail.
As we already mentioned, in most English speaking countries, the name of
the child can become almost any word.
And sometimes the extravagance of the parents has no limits: for example,
one of the Vice Presidents of BIL Simser Microsoft named his daughter Avalon-
Vista after Windows Vista and media code name Windows Presentation
Model’s name Spontaniès Grant comes from the medical term spontaneous
delivery "spontaneous birth “: at one time, the girl's mother did not have time to
bring to the hospital, and deliveries began in the car.
And Director Kevin Smith called the newborn daughter Harley Quinn in
honour of character from the Batman comics.
The United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in General can be
regarded as a monument of human ignorance: once her parents liked the musical
term "con dolcezza", translated from Italian means "play gently, gently".
So the girl decided to call Condolcezza, but when filling out documents
someone mixed up the second "c" with "e". In the end there was an incredible
name Condoleezza, which in American reading sounds like "Condoleezza".
Many people with unusual names, change them on reaching the age of
majority. Some Jesus Christ Allen, tormented for half a lifetime, due to the
vagaries of the fanatically religious parents, eventually changed his name to Kevin
Little Pixie Geldof , daughter of famous musician Bob Geldof, in adulthood
was signed simply Pixie Geldof.
It seems to have to do something with your name and the unhappy child
from New Zealand, whose parents have named “Number 16 Bus”.
During my research work I have learned a lot of interesting and important
things about the names. As a result I want to investigate the origin of my own
name. I want to Know how my name influence my character. And my parent’s
didn’t make mistake choosing it for me.
The name Marat is tatar, muslim, catholic.
The name Marat has two versions of the origin.
The first version of the name Marat in Arabic means “ coveted “, also there
is another translation is “objective, desire”.
On the second version the name Marat became widespread in Soviet Union
in honour of Jean-Paul Marat, one of the leaders of the French Revolution.
There is a version that his name Jean-Paul Marat got from the place name in
Sardinia, where he was born.
The French pronounced his name like Mara. "Mare", "marais" in translation
from French means "pond", "swamp".
Celebrates his name day on 17 of August.
The Saint Patron of men named Marat is Marat Efrosijskij.
In childhood boy named Marat is unpredictable enough.
It combines such qualities as kindness, communicative, dreaming and
conflictness, cockiness and despair.
He always helps his friends.
The boy need a sports mode because of his weak lungs and nervous system.
It is good for him to go in for swimming.
Marat is a good student, quickly absorbs everything new and interesting.
At the same time he quickly forgets subjects that do not interest him.
The boy is very creative, likes to paint and sculpt.
He's very independent, likes to be a lone.
Therefore, a child needs a separate room.
Marat is changing as growing up.
He become’s more sociable he has the qualities of leader.
Mature age also leaves its mark on the character and the internal quality of
He spends more time with friends and family, want’s their understanding.
Outwardly it cold and strict, but inside is good and hurt.
Marat is optional, just works on its own.
A man named Marat has qualities of leadership and sound thinking.
In all his deeds he is judicious and pragmatic.
One can also note his diligence and punctuality.
He was moving towards your goals.
Constantly tries herself in new directions.
Marat's glamorous, righteous and the curious.
It is desirable that his work was connected with communication with people.
"Winter" (especially, born in December), a strong-willed, brave Marat and
In life he's making strides. He is successful.
These all qualities are added to the meaning of the name Marat.
10. Список использованной литературы:
1. П. А. Петровский. Словарь русских личных имен. М. :Сов. Энциклопедия, 1980.
Слайд 1
V школьная научно-практическая конференция «Познание и творчество» Секция: Иностранный язык Тема: « The origin of names » Автор работы: Исаев Марат Место выполнения: МБОУ СОШ №26, 6 класс Научный руководитель: Биннятова Гульнара БинятовнаСлайд 2
The name is given to the person only once. It becomes a kind of identity card of the person, his personal stigma. I was thinking about this theme. It seemed to be interesting for me. All personal names were once common names. I wanted to learn about the origin of names. What is it different? What traditions are there in different countries when they give name to babies? In my work I will try to tell about it. I will compare the traditions of Russian people and the traditions of the English-speaking people.
Слайд 3
Let's consider the question of the origin of human names. Proper names were allocated in antiquity. Another stoic philosopher Chrysippus provided the names in a group of words. Today the study of proper names of people, their origin and development patterns, their structure, functioning in society, dissemination is antroponimika ( antropos -man, name - onima ). The origin of names
Слайд 4
People were always given names . How they originated, there are many legends and stories . Here is one of them. In a distant time when the higher mind gave people i t was a speech language. Each word reflects the inner sence of things. The one who knew the word, had the power over what it meant. Chaos appeared in the world because people could not decide who would govern, and who obey. Then the priests invented other words in the world to prevent the uninitiated used the true names of things for evil. Higher knowledge proved to be not up to the task. As a result there have been originated different languages, and the true language was hidden, and then completely lost. It is said about language, words and names in legends of many peoples.
Слайд 5
The people had to invent their own names. In many cultures, the child was given two names – close to the present and the second is for general use, so nobody can harm the child, knowing his real name. Our ancestors knew that the name is not just a human name, to distinguish it from the other, and a verbal formula that somehow tied to that person and authority over him. They tried to use it in different ways. The same happened with the people’s names.
Слайд 6
In native American and some African tribes were given names, repulsive in order to drive away evil spirits. Once upon a time it was believed that the real name must know only the person himself and his parents. In Native American tribes a young man learned his real name only on the day of the acceptance of its adults through meditation and communication with spirits and it was not told anyone. Old Native Indian shamans say that the name can’t be pronounce with normal sounds, it existed only in the form of mixture of image and sound. Some traditions for baby names
Слайд 7
The ancient Greeks were giving the child the names of gods and heroes, hoping the child will enjoy their favor and inherit their quality and destiny. But call the children had similar names as tactless, and dangerous because the gods lived quite near, on Mount Olympus, were like people and often chatted with them. They may not like such familiarity So for daily treatment to the gods various epithets were used, which are transformed into names. For example -Viktor is winner, Maxim is greatest. Zeus was called these epithets.
Слайд 8
Mars wore the laurel branch, the name Laurus has gone originated from it. Many gods wore the head-dress like a Crown or Diadem. The name Stefan originated from here. However, the tradition of giving children direct names of gods is kept though , not paramount, in order to avoid their wrath for such effrontery. The names of the Muse, Apollo, Aurora, the Maya are still in use.
Слайд 9
In Russia there was another tradition: parents gave the name to the newborn that was real present, it knew the parents, godparents and close people. There were wishes to the infant, the hopes and aspirations of parents, it reflected the love for a child and wish him happiness. Giving a child a cacophonous and repulsive name one, had hoped that the evil forces will not bother getting harmed unworthy and nondescript name won't cause envy of the gods. The second name of the naming ceremony took place during adolescence, when the main character was formed. The name was given on the basis of these characteristics.
Слайд 10
The influence of the name to the person and his destiny was noticed long ago. At all times it was considered, and rightly so, that the word that you have chose for the name with love, will help in life. But at the same time, to give the name, call-it means to take a secret power. In different languages doesn't change the emotional coloring of words that denotes something pleasant, has a sound that is pleasant to the ear, and vice versa . Thus, the origin of the name has a long history. Before the adoption of Christianity in Russia are used original names formed from the Slavic by means of the old Russian language. Names in Russia
Слайд 11
The Slavs were choosing the name to their children by any words that reflect themselves : various properties and quality of people, especially their character: Smart, brave, Kind; features of behavior, speech; physical strengths and weaknesses; time and sequence of the appearance of this or that child in the family: first, second, etc ; profession: Peasants, the Furrier, etc.
Слайд 12
From the 11th to the 17th century originally Slavonic names fade into the background , and at first are Byzantine-Greek. With the adoption of Christianity has developed two names system. In order to protect humans from evil spirits, he was given one name but he was called quite another. For the period of stratification in social terms. Ancient Russian names are spread in this time that are made up of two roots and contain a root-Slav. It is such names as Viacheslav , Yaroslav , Sviatoslav , Borislav , which joined the Byzantine-Greek names with the same root: Stanislav , Bronislaw , Miroslav , etc . The influence of Christianity on the namegiving.
Слайд 13
Since the beginning of the 18th century up to 1917 year canonical names are dominated , retracts and extends Trinomial formula of naming rights (full name), you receive an alias. After the revolution, the newly established names are becoming more popular , which reflect the developments in the country. The formation of new names especially affected girls. So, they were called the Idea, Spark, Oktyabrina . Twins boy and girl it was fashionable to call the Revo and Lucius; names of boys genius, giant (it is noteworthy that these names are not always accurate and often are contradictory).
Слайд 14
Modern Russian namegiving includes many names that have different origin. Over the years the original meaning of names has been forgotten each name has historically represented a word or phrase in any language. Almost all modern names came to us from the Byzantine Empire and are originated from of Greek roots. However, many of them were borrowed from other ancient languages, or were simply borrowed from ancient Roman, Egyptian, Hebrew, and other languages , and this method of borrowing was used only as a noun, not as a word meaning something.
Слайд 15
The system of English names English system of names is very interesting and unusual for us in many ways . As a rule, in English-speaking countries full name consists of three components : the first name ( christian name, given name), the second name (middle name), family name (name, surname, last name). The first and second names can be given not only the traditional names but family names. To do this, normally you select the names of relatives, celebrities or historical figures.
Слайд 16
Until the early 19th century the tradition of giving names as personal names was very widespread mainly in the noble families. Let’s remember the novel Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice": the full name of the main character was Fitzwilliam Darcy. Darcy is a typical noble surname of Norman origin, meaning "one who is from Arcy " ( Arci is a small town in Normandy). But it is also a surname of Fitzwilliam, and it means "son of William". However, in the case of Jane Austen is hero it successfully acts as a name ( for us this tradition may seem an absurd-as if anyone from the Pushkin's Heroes had the name I. Lensky Onegin ). On the other hand, the name Darcy itself can be given (and still is) as a personal name: in Cardiff City team footballer plays Darcy Blake, and in the Canadian Hockey League is the player Darcy Tucker.
Слайд 17
Another feature of English names-extensive use of diminutive forms. In our media the phrase like "Dmitry Medvedev met with Misha Saakashvili and Yushchenko Vitia " sounded like an explicit banter. But any world newspaper without the slightest hesitation, will publish prints the head line "Bill Clinton has a discussion with Tony Blair", although the full name of Clinton is William Jefferson Clinton and Blair-Anthony Charles Linton . In English-speaking countries, you can even record a child under formal diminutive name-registration legislation is very liberal and has almost no restrictions . Therefore, you can choose any word as a name: for example, David and Victoria Beckhem had named his son in honor of Brooklyn-New York area, where the boy was born. A number of names have restrictions, though most people are limited to two or three.
Слайд 18
Actually double names is relatively recent tradition. Up until the 18TH century people settling for just one name and surname. For a long time the source of names, in fact, was a single-Church Saints. But it vernacular variations on the theme of church there were many names: Latin form of Maria turned into English by Mary, who gave diminutive Molly and Polly . The Godson happened on Hebr. Yohanan , produced in medieval England form Jan, Iohn and John, and diminutive Jankin , Jackin and finally, Jack. A female form Ioanna , borrowed through the French Jeanne, turned immediately into three autonomous name: Jane, Jean and Joan.
Слайд 19
In the 16th century, England became a Protestant country. New turned Protestant, and likewise all the neophytes, tried to make a clean break "with the accursed Catholic past" in any possible way. To be different from the Catholics, they resolutely refused to give the children the names of saints and started to look for other sources. The sources were founded quickly: the names from the old and New Testaments : Samuel, Abraham, Sarah, Benjamin, Deborah, Inec became fashionable . Sometimes in search of more beautiful name is not too literate parents end up trapped, many girls were called Dalilah . Although Delilah, Samson God hundred shekels of silver per thousand, hardly a positive character not just in terms of faith, but of simple decency. Those for whom biblical sources were not enough, began inventing names themselves : Charity, Maidenhead, True, Mercy. Puritan ’s name creating
Слайд 20
Rich imaginaition the Puritans had especially followers of Calvinism, they thought that the Anglican Church is not yet free itself from the remnants of Catholicism and need’s of further reform. And like all the radicals, the Puritans often took over the edge as the impact in their name creating: children called Infinite-mercy, Sorry-for-Sin, Faith-My-Joy. A Puritan by last name Robinson was so impressed with the biblical story of how Samuel hacked up sword King Agag , that gave his son the name Hew-gag- In-Pieces-Before-The-Lord. People with names of Tamesine and Prosper-Thy-Work are lucky: the first hearing was like a female name Thomasina , and the second can be reduced to the traditional name of Prosper. And here is a girl by the name of Through-Much-Tribulations-We-Enter- into-the-Kingdom-of-Heaven Crabb home had to cut just prior to the Tribulation ( the test), or affectionately- Tribbi .
Слайд 21
Over time, the fashion for pious names had passed, as any fashion. Britons and Americans have returned to traditional name creating, from time to time, enriching its borrowings from other languages and new created names. New developments mostly touched women's names: beginning with the 19th century girls were called Amber, Easter, Beryl, Ruby, Jasmine, Daisy. In the United States and Britain, French, Spanish and Italian names have become more a popular: Jacklin , Michelle, Anita, Angela, Angelina. Foreign forms of names existing in the English language are borrowed instead of Mary-Marie, Katrina instead of Catherine, Julie instead of Julia (most, though , is pronounced in the French manner-not Julie, and into English-Julie). Modern English names
Слайд 22
Sometimes parents to give the name of great originality, especially change the spelling: Alivia instead of Olivia, Alicia, Abigayle instead free Alysha instead of Abigail. As we already mentioned, in most English speaking countries, the name of the child can become almost any word. And sometimes the extravagance of the parents has no limits: for example, one of the Vice Presidents of BIL Simser Microsoft named his daughter Avalon-Vista after Windows Vista and media code name Windows Presentation Foundation-Avalon . Model’s name Spontaniès Grant comes from the medical term spontaneous delivery "spontaneous birth “: at one time, the girl's mother did not have time to bring to the hospital, and deliveries began in the car.
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The United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in General can be regarded as a monument of human ignorance: once her parents liked the musical term "con dolcezza ", translated from Italian means "play gently, gently". So the girl decided to call Condolcezza , but when filling out documents someone mixed up the second "c" with "e". In the end there was an incredible name Condoleezza, which in American reading sounds like "Condoleezza". Many people with unusual names, change them on reaching the age of majority . Some Jesus Christ Allen, tormented for half a lifetime, due to the vagaries of the fanatically religious parents, eventually changed his name to Kevin Michael . It seems to have to do something with your name and the unhappy child from New Zealand, whose parents have named “Number 16 Bus”.
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The origin of the name "Marat"
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The name Marat Tatar, Muslim, Catholic . The name Marat has two versions of the origin. The first version of the name Marat in Arabic means « coveted » . Also there is another translation is « objective » , « desire » . On the second version of the name Marat became widespread in SOVIET UNION in honour of Jean-Paul Marat, one of the leaders of the French Revolution. There is a version that your name Jean-Paul Marat got from the place name in Sardinia, where he was born. The French name pronounced like Mara. "Mare", " marais " in translation from French means "pond", "swamp".
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Name day 17 August notes Marat. Patron Saint of men named Marat is Marat Efrosijskij . In childhood boy named Marat quite unpredictable. It combines qualities such as kindness, communicative, daydreaming and conflict, cockiness and despair. He always helps her friends. It is best to Captivate his swimming. Marat is a good student, quickly absorbs everything new and interesting. At the same time, quickly forgets about subjects that do not carry. The boy is very creative, loves to paint and sculpt. He's very independent, likes to be one. Having matured, Marat is changing.
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It's beginning to show leadership, he became more sociable. Mature age also leaves its mark on the character and the internal quality of Marat. He spends more time with friends and family, seeking their understanding. Outwardly it cold and strict, but inside is good and hurt. Marat is optional, just works on its own. A man named Marat has qualities of leadership and sound thinking. In all his deeds he is judicious and pragmatic. One can also note his diligence and punctuality. He was moving towards your goals. Constantly tries herself in new directions. Marat's glamorous, righteous and the curious. It is desirable that his work was associated with communication with people. "Winter" (especially, born in December), a strong-willed, brave Marat and impulsive. In life he's making strides. These are all qualities are added to the value of the name Marat.
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