Проект по теме "Inventions that shook the world" 11класс УМК Кузовлева В.П.
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Project What would you like to invent ?Слайд 2
Made by Kostenko Dar`ya Form 11
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I want to invent something useful for people . B ut a washing machine, a dishwasher, a bike, a computer, a car have already been invented .
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I decided to invent something useful fo r our health . I have invented a bracelet that controls our appetite.
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I have the plan of my invention. pulse , controls calories . vibration , gives a signal that it is time to stop eating
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It`s name is - be - slim - and - healthy B S A H What does it mean?\ B S A H
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P rinciple of operation is simple : W hen you eat ,the pulse count s calories. When n umber of calories is enough,you hear the vibration - signal .
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I t can be of various shapes and designs .
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« B S A H » is very easy to use . J ust put it on the arm !
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Everyone can wear it anywhere and anytime
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Have You a problem with being overweight? Do You dream of a slim figure? You don’t like your body.
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solution is found!
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B S A H is a great helper!
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With "BSAH" you will never eat too much and You will be slim.
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You will be irresistible with this bracelet
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BSAH : be slim and healthy!
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