Спорт важен в любое время. Для многих людей – это увлечение, для других людей - профессия. Некоторые добиваются успехов и представляют страну на олимпийских играх. Мы должны гордится теми, кто защищает честь нашей страны. Это работа про нашего земляка Шамиля Хисамутдинова, который представлял нашу страну на Олимпийских Играх в 1972 году. Он принёс России золотую медаль по греко-римской борьбе.
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Муниципальное образовательное учреждение гимназия г.Узловая
Конкурс творческих работ учащихся, посвященный Олимпиаде в 2014 в городе Сочи
Тема: «Наши земляки – выдающиеся люди»
Выполнила: ученица 7б класса
Богданова Алёна
Проверила: учитель английского языка
Пряхина С.Н.
Узловая 2012
Explanatory note
I liked the idea to take part in this competition at once. And I have chosen the title “Our countrymen are outstanding people” at once because everybody probably knows Shamil Khisamutdinov in our town. And I think I will be right if I say that there are little people in our town who do not know him. I am very pleased that the man from our town could glorify our town and our country with his talent, courage and diligence.
Khisamutdinov Shamil was born in 1950 in my native town Uzlovaya, I am very proud of this fact. In his childhood he went in for different sport activities: run, lapta, football, basketball, tennis. His first title was a ski champion of the town.
There was a wrestling section in the sport club organized by Coach A. Belousov. In 13 years Shamil became interested in wrestling. For the fourth year of studies he has won the national championship among juniors, his coach was N.N.Parhomenko.
In 1977 he graduated from the Omsk State Institute of Physical Culture.
There are Shamil Khisamutdinov’s merits at major championships:
- 1972 Summer Olympic Games in Munich Men's Lightweight, Greco-Roman (1gold medal)
– 1973 World Championship: 68.0 kg. Greco-Roman (the 1st place);
- 1973 European Championship: 68.0 kg. Greco-Roman (1st);
- 1975 World Championship: 68.0 kg. Greco-Roman (1st); he was recognized as the best athlete of the continent.
Khisamutdinov Shamil is an example to follow and I would like to glorify his name in my presentation.
In my work I have used Shamil Khisamutdinov’s recollections about his sport career.
In conclusion I would like to note that nowadays president of our country and our authority put great attention to sport and physical education of people all ages. It was very useful to recall the name of my countryman in connection with the Winter Olympic Games in our country in Sochi in 2014. In my turn I would like to contribute to the common work in this direction by means of my work.
Besides this project work helped me learn more about my outstanding countryman, practise in making presentations and composing in English.
Our countrymen are the outstanding people
Sport is important at any time. For a lot of people this is a hobby, for some people this is a profession. Some people succeed and represent the country in the Olympic Games. We should be proud of those, who defend the honor of our country.
I want to tell you about Khisamutdinov Shamil, who represented our country in the Olympics in 1972. He brought Russia the gold medal in Greco-Roman wrestling.
“A true athlete should always be confident in his abilities,” - says Shamil Khisamutdinov.
“We want to give famous name to our sport records,” – said Soviet song. Shamil Khisamutdinov made famous our country and our small town Uzlovaya in the Olympic Games.
Today Shamil lives in Moscow. Sometimes he arrives to Uzlovaya to his mother.
The boy from the street Beklemishcheva was not at a loss for the energy. From an early age he was fond of various sports. And when his Physical Education teacher Lev Ivanovich Antonov had recommended him to go in for wrestling, he was so carried away by this sport activity and had two trainings per day. Anatoly Matveevich Belousov was the first Shamil’s trainer; he only supported him in this healthy persistence.
When Shamil was 17, he already had two victories in the Russian competitions. To the Olympic 1972 year he practically hadn't lost to anybody. His trainers were sure, that Khisamutdinov was able to represent our country in the Olympics.
“In the 21 years old to be in such prestigious competitions was an honor for me,” – said the athlete. – “I remember every meeting with my rivals. All feelings become stronger and you fight as not always. The rivals were very strong: the world champion from Romania, strong wrestlers from Bulgaria and Iran, but the final was especially memorable. It was fight with Italian. Four of six fights I won clean”
Soviet fighters won four of ten gold medals. Team took first place in the number of gold medals. Four years after the Olympics, Shamil lost to nobody. But the next Olympics he could not go because he got severe injury.
Since 1977 Shamil Khisamutdinov has been the senior coach of Soviet teem on Greco-Roman wrestling. His pupils successfully took part in the world championships . 25 years were given to the difficult coaching job. Now Shamil Shamshatdinovich retired. In his spare time he often fishes.
“It is very good that the sport life is kept in Uzlovaya. I would like to wish to Uzlovaya athletes to be more engaged in sport activities in various sport sections. Sport strengthens the body and hardens the character. As for my biography, I believe that it has developed normally."
List of used sources:
1) «Узловая: история и современность» /Авторский коллектив: Богомолов В.В., Боев Н.И. и др./, изд. «Дом Пересвет», Тула, 2008г.
2) «Шамиль Хисамутдинов», статья из рубрики «Кумиры», газета «Знамя», г.Узловая, № 121, 2010г.
3) http://uzlovaya1.ru›index/shamil_khisamutdinov/0-76;
4) http://www.mirsporta.info;
5) http://sports-reference.com›…kh/shamil-khisamutdinov ;
6) http//ru.wikipedia.org›wiki/Хисамутдинов,_Шамиль.
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