Презентация на тему " SPORT IS GREAT" с сопроводительным текстом выступления
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Sport is great!!! Reshetova Victoria 10 th form school № 82 UlyanovskСлайд 2
What do you feel looking at this photo ?
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delight pride inspiration feeling of victory patriotism
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1.Sport in Russia unites people !
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What helps people to become sportsmen ? p ersonal qualities w ill parents’ support t alent c oach g ood conditions for training
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2. Sport in Russia helps people to improve themselves !
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What motivates sportsmen to take part in competitions and win ? strong will personal ambitions glory m oney p rize f ame satisfaction
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3. Sport in Russia helps people to develop!
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What forces sportsmen to train more and better even it their results are not good ? b elief w ill to victory h ope ambitions
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4.Sport in Russia helps people to be strong-willed, more disciplined and organized !
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What feelings do these sportsmen have after accidents during competitions ? d espair f ear p ain
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5. Sport in Russia helps people to survive!
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Why do people do spor t ? t o be strong a ctive t o have energy for life t o be healthy
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6. Sport in Russia helps people to be healthy !
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It’s important for a woman to be Slim and fit t o have a good shape To have a beautiful figure
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7. Sport in Russia helps people to be fit and beautiful!
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Choice of future profession
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8. Sport in Russia helps people to understand themselves better!
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Why do some people become figure skaters , other people boxers or skier ? ambitions c onditions w ish talent age
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9. Sport in Russia helps people to find your wa y of life !
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10. Sport is great!!!
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Sport is great and somebody fate Sport is glory and an opportunity to say « Sorry »
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Sport is activity and creativity Sport is surprise if you have won a prize
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Sport is a smile because your life is fine!!!
Астрономический календарь. Май, 2019
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