Работа содержит анонс традиционных английских блюд, связанный с празднованием Рождества. Также в работу включены оригинальные рецепты приготовления этих блюд.
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МБОУ Наро-Фоминская СОШ №4 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
Traditional Christmas Food in England
Done by: Agureeva S. 5 “V”
Teacher: Martynova L. O.
There are many holidays in the world. But the most favourite usually are Christmas, New Year and Birthday.
Different countries celebrate Christmas differently. It is one of the most important holidays in Great Britain. There are special Christmas traditions in this country. People usually spend it at home and invite their relatives to the parties.
Everyone sits down to a Christmas dinner in the early afternoon. Before this people usually eat only porridge made up of corn.
Traditional Christmas dinner in England is roasted turkey with sauce and vegetables; they usually are carrots, potatoes and peas. There are different recipes of this dish, but the most popular is “Golden Roast Turkey”.
16 lb turkey, 1 c butter (melted), 1/4 ts salt, 1/4 ts pepper
Turkey stuffing
1. Remove giblets and neck from turkey; wash, and set aside.
2. Wash turkey thoroughly inside and out. Pat dry with towels. Remove any excess fat.
3. Prepare dressing (Basic Bread Stuffing).
4. Preheat oven to 325F.
5. Spoon some of dressing into neck and body cavity of turkey; fasten with poultry pin.
6. Fasten wing tips to body with poultry pins and tie ends of legs together.
7. Place turkey on rack. Brush with some butter; sprinkle with salt and pepper.
8. Roast uncovered and brushing with butter about 4 hours.
9. When turkey begins to turn golden, cover with a loose tent of foil, to prevent burning.
10. Place turkey on heated serving platter. Remove foil and poultry pins. Let stand 20 to 30 minutes.
Basic Bread Stuffing
1/2 c butter or margarine, 1 large onion (diced), 1 с diced celery w/leaves, 15 c toasted bread cubes, 1 1/2 ts salt, 1/4 ts black pepper, 1 tb dried sage, 1/2 c chopped parsley, 1c turkey stock, water, or milk.
Melt butter in large stockpot. Add onion and celery and cook until vegetables are tender but not browned. Add to bread cubes in large bowl. Add salt, pepper, sage, and parsley and toss until well mixed. Add turkey stock and blend well.
After the turkey there is Christmas pudding, brought to the table flaming hot. Brandy is poured over the pudding, and then lit. Christmas pudding is very important; it has its own history and plays the main roles in English books. Real Christmas pudding must be made in some weeks before Christmas and it must be left in coldness; the longer it is kept the more delicious it is. All the family enters the kitchen to stir the pudding and to make a wish. When the pudding is hot they put there five-penny pieces and sometimes little silver charms – a horseshoe, a button or a ring. A five-penny piece means that you are going to have money the next year, the horseshoe brings good luck, and the ring means a wedding. Children often put holy on the pudding.
Everyone has their own favourite recipe, but they are all packed full of spices, nuts, dried fruit and brandy. We found a lot of different recipes, but we tried to choose those, which are easy to cook and very delicious.
“Christmas Pudding”
1 lb raisins (stoned), 1 lb chopped apples, 1 lb currants, 1 lb breadcrumbs, 1 lb shelled ground nuts, ½ lb chopped sweet almonds, 1 oz bitter almonds, 1 lb sugar, ½ lb butter, ½ oz mixed spice and 6 eggs.
Wash, pick, and dry the fruit, rub the butter into the breadcrumbs, beat up the eggs, and mix all the ingredients together; if the mixture is too dry, add a little milk. Fill some greased basins with the mixture, and boil the puddings from 3 to 4 hours.
“Christmas Plum Pudding”
2 cups ground suet, 2 cups breadcrumbs, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, 2 cups sugar, 2 cups seeded raisins, 2 cups currants, 1 cup finely cut citron, 1 cup finely cut figs, 1 tablespoon finely cut orange peel, 1 tablespoon finely cut lemon peel, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, ¼ teaspoon ground cloves, ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup water and 1 cup grape or other fruit juice.
Mix all dry ingredients and fruit; stir in water and fruit juice and mix (add more water if necessary). Fill greased molds 2/3 full, and steam 2 of 3 hours.
At five o’clock it is time for tea and Christmas cake. The Christmas cake, or Twelfth Night Cake, comes from two customs. Originally there was a fine cake which was baked only in the Great Houses. Then it was baked as part of the refreshments offered to the priest. Now Christmas cake is a type of fruitcake, which may be light or dark, spongy to heavy, shaped round, square or oblong as whole cakes, with marzipan, icing, glazing, or plain, etc. It must be prepared well in advance and should be steeped with brandy from time to time.
“Dark Christmas Cake”
1 package blanched slivered almonds, 450 g candied cherries, 1 package candied mixed citrus peel, 290 g raisins, 110 g currants, 180 g dates ( pitted and chopped ), 120 ml brandy, 310 g all-purpose flour, 2 ml baking soda, 5 ml ground cloves, 5 ml ground allspice, 5 ml ground cinnamon, 2 ml salt, 225 g butter, 440 g packed brown sugar, 6 eggs, 180 ml molasses, 180 ml apple juice
1. Combine fruits, nuts, and brandy. Dredge with 1/2 cup flour, and allow to stand 2 hours.
2. Preheat oven to 135 C.
3. Stir or blend together flour, baking soda, spices, and salt.
4. Cream butter in a large bowl. Gradually blend in brown sugar and eggs. Mix together molasses and apple juice. Add sifted dry ingredients with liquid to the creamed mixture. Make 4 dry and 3 liquid additions, combining lightly after each addition. Fold in floured fruit. Turn into prepared pan.
5. Bake for 3 to 3 1/2 hours. Remove from pan. Cool cake completely, and then wrap loosely in wax paper.
Crackers are also usual at Christmas dinner. Two people pull a cracker. Usually there is a small toy or a joke on a piece of paper in the middle. Most of the jokes in Christmas crackers are not very good. Here is an example: “When you think of Christmas dinner, roast turkey with all the trimmings comes immediately to mind. Turkey makes for an excellent Christmas feast, with the added bonus of leftover turkey for sandwiches, soups, casseroles, etc. Thankfully, there are many different recipes for using that leftover Christmas turkey”
The day ends with everyone relaxing, watching television or playing guessing-games like charades.
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