Сеславин Александр Никитич
(1780 – 1858)
Александр Никитич Сеславин, генерал-лейтенант, стал известным благодаря участию в партизанском движении во время войны 1812 года.
Шишмарёв Глеб Семёнович
(1781 – 1835)
Родился в семье ржевского дворянина. Он был известным контр-адмиралом, исследователем, командующим в звании адмирала. Бухта на Чукотке, один из городов на Аляске названы в честь него. Умер и был похоронен в СПб.
Обручев Владимир Афанасьевич
(1863 – 1956)
Родился в деревне Клепенино, Ржевского уезда, Тверской области в семье отставного полковника. После школы продолжал своё обучение в Горной Академии Санкт-Петербурга. Был известным русским геологом, географом, автором многих научных работ и научно-фантастических романов. Один из которых «Земля Санникова» был экранизирован.
Савельева Прасковья (Паша)
(1918 – 1944)
Родилась в деревне Зарубино, Ржевского р-на. Погибла в Луцке, Украина. Во время войны была советской подпольщицей. Закончила школу в 1936 во Ржеве, затем экономический институт в Москве, после чего была распределена в Луцк, где начала свою трудовую деятельность. Во время войны присоединилась к отряду подпольщиков, в 1944 была заживо сожжена немецкими фашистами.
Юрий Белов (1930 – 1991)
Был одним из самых известных актёров 50-60 – х годов 19 века. Родился во Ржеве в семье военного. Снимался в таких фильмах как « Мать и сын», «Весна на Заречной улице», «Карнавальная ночь», «Девушка без адреса».
Seslavin Alexander
(1780 – 1858)
Alexander Seslavin was a major general who became famous for the guerrilla operations during the Great Patriotic War of 1812 — 1814.
Shishmaryov Gleb
(1781 – 1835)
He was born in the family of Rzhev noblemen. He was a rear admiral, explorer , Commanding General. A bay in Chukotka and one of the towns in Alaska were named after him. He died and was buried in St. Petersburg.
Obruchev Vladimir
(1863 – 1956)
He was born in the village of Klepenino , Tver region in the family of the retired colonel. After school he continued his education in the Mining Academy in St. Petersburg. He was a famous Russian geologist, geographer, the author of many scientific works and science fiction novels. One of them is “Sannikov’s island”.
Savelieva Praskovia (Pasha)
(1918 – 1944)
She was born in the village of Zarubino, Tver region and died in Lutsk, Ukraine. She was a Soviet crypto. She finished school in 1936 in Rzhev, then graduated the institute of Economics in Moscow and was sent to Lutsk where she was burnt alive by the German fascists.
Yuri Belov
(1930 – 1991)
He was one of the most famous Soviet actors in the 50 - 60 –s of the XIX century. He starred in such films as “ Mother and son”, “Spring in Zarechnaya street”, “Carnival night”, “A young lady has no address”.
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Слайд 1
Outstanding people of the town of RzhevСлайд 2
Seslavin Alexander (1780 – 1858) Alexander Nikitich Seslavin was a major general who became famous for the guerrilla operations during the Great Patriotic War of 1812 — 1814.
Слайд 3
Shishmaryov Gleb (1781 – 1835) He was born in the family of Rzhev noblemen. He was a rear admiral, explorer , Commanding General. A bay in Chukotka and one of the towns in Alaska were named after him. He died and was buried in St. Petersburg.
Слайд 4
Obruchev Vladimir (1863 – 1956) He was born in the village of Klepenino , nearby Rzhev , Tver region in the family of the retired colonel. After school he continued his education in the Mining Academy in St. Petersburg. He was a famous Russian geologist, geographer, the author of many scientific works and science fiction novels. One of them is “ Sannikov’s island”.
Слайд 5
Savelieva Praskovia (Pasha) (1918 – 1944) She was born in the village of Zarubino , Tver region and died in Lutsk, Ukraine . She was a Soviet crypto. She finished school in 1936 in Rzhev , then graduated from the institute of Economics in Moscow and was sent to Lutsk to work. In 1941 she joined the cryptoes and in 1944 she was burnt alive by the German fascists.
Слайд 6
Yuri Belov (1930 – 1991) He was one of the most famous Soviet actors in the 50 - 60 –s of the XIX century. He starred in such films as “ Mother and son”, “Spring in Zarechnaya street”, “Carnival night”, “A young lady has no address”.
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