Презентация об истории возникновения ТНТК им.Бериева в г.Таганроге.Кто был у истоков создания конструкторского бюро, чем занимается сейчас, разработки самолетов, созданные в Таганроге.
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Слайд 1
Scientific and technical complex of G.M. Beriev . 11 th form school 23 Burdeinaya VladislavaСлайд 2
Scientific and technical complex was founded in 1934 by Georgy Michailovich Beriev . He was born on the 13 th of February in 1903 in Teflis . He studied at the Technical Institute in Leningrad. In 1930 he became an aircraft designer. In 1934 he became the main constructor of the navy aircraft construction in the aircraft plant in Taganrog . Then he was at the head of it up to the 1968. He created a lot of kinds of planes. Among them are MBR-2, MP-1, Be-10, Be-12, Be- 30 and many others.
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MBP-2 MP-1
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MPB-5 MP-1 KOP-1 MDP-5
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MBP-7 KOP-2 LL-143
Слайд 6
He was awarded with Stalin Prize, State Prize,and with many orders and medals. G.M.Beriev died in 1979 in Moscow. In 1970-1980 Beriev`s scientific and technical complex began to create new types of hydro-planes amphibians. And in 1986 they created the biggest amphibian A-40. It has 148 world records. It is used for patrolling and search-and-rescue works.
Слайд 7
In 2003 Victor Anatolievich Kobzev became the head of the company. Since that time engineers began to create new kinds of amphibians. It`s Be-200, which is making now in Taganrog. They are used to save woods for fire, to carry people and goods, to make ecological control of basins and to patrol sea borders. Such amphibian as Be-103 is used in Europe, Brazil, China, in the USA. Be-112 and Be-101 are in development. The company is not only create planes, produce and repair amphibians. They also repair all kinds of planes for the Russian aviation.
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Many books were written about the history of hydro aviation and aircraft designer Beriev G.M. by Salnikov A.I., Martynenko V.N.
Слайд 9
In Taganrog on the 13 th of 2013 there was a grand meeting to the 110 jubilee of G.M.Beriev , who created 18 planes and lots of their modifications, and his own school of seaplanes. Thanks to it the company is one of leaders in the world in hydro aviation. More than 6,5 thousand people work in the company. They make a major contribution to the development of Rostov region.
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Thanks for your attention
Scientific and technical complex of G.M. Beriev.
1.Scientific and technical complex was founded in 1934 by Georgy Michailovich Beriev.
He was born on the 13th of February in 1903 in Teflis.
He studied at the Technical Institute in Leningrad. In 1930 he became an aircraft designer. In 1934 he became the main constructor of the navy aircraft construction in the aircraft plant in Taganrog .Then he was at the head of it up to the 1968. He created a lot of kinds of planes. Among them are MBR-2, MP-1, Be-10, Be-12, Be- 30 and many others.
6.He was awarded with Stalin Prize, State Prize and with many orders and medals. G.M.Beriev died in 1979 in Moscow. In 1970-1980 Beriev`s scientific and technical complex began to create new types of hydro-planes amphibians. And in 1986 they created the biggest amphibian A-40. It has 148 world records. It is used for patrolling and search-and-rescue works.
7.In 2003 Victor Anatolievich Kobzev became the head of the company. Since that time engineers began to create new kinds of amphibians. It`s Be-200, which is making now in Taganrog. They are used to save woods for fire, to carry people and goods, to make ecological control of basins and to patrol sea borders. Such amphibian as Be-103 is used in Europe, Brazil, China, in the USA. Be-112 and Be-101 are in development. The company is not only creates planes, produce and repair amphibians. They also repair all kinds of planes for the Russian aviation.
8.Many books were written about the history of hydroaviation and aircraft designer Beriev G.M., Salnikov A.I. and Martynenko V.N.
9.In Taganrog on the 13th of 2013 there was a grand meeting to the 110 jubilee of G.M.Beriev, who created 18 planes and lots of their modifications, and his own school of seaplanes.
Thanks to it the company is one of leaders in the world in hydroaviation.
More than 6,5 thousand people work in the company. They make a major contribution to the development of Rostov region.
10.Thanks for your attitude
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