Особый интерес у учащихся младшей школы вызывает тема «Наши любимые домашние питомцы». Почти у каждого из них есть домашний любимец и они с удовольствием рассказывают о них.
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Урок-проект по английскому языку на тему:
«Наши любимые домашние питомцы»
Авторы проекта
Ученики 3 класса: Каратушин Фёдор, Егорова Ирина.
учитель английского языка Михалина Татьяна Юрьевна
МБОУ Наримановского района «СОШ №10»,
В настоящее время большое внимание уделяется проектной деятельности. Это помогает повысить мотивацию учащихся, ребята видят результат своего труда. Почти каждая тема завершается у нас уроком-проектом. Учащиеся с огромным интересом занимаются этим видом деятельности, подбирают нужный материал, готовят презентации.
Особый интерес у учащихся младшей школы вызывает тема «Наши любимые домашние питомцы». Почти у каждого из них есть домашний любимец и они с удовольствием рассказывают о них.
Основные цели урока-проекта:
Работа над проектом осуществляется в несколько этапов.
I этап – подготовительный. Определение проблемы, задач проекта и методов исследования (опрос, изучение литературы и т.д.).
Проблема: привить любовь к домашним животным.
II этап – выполнение задач проекта.
III этап – обсуждение результатов в классе с учителем.
IV этап – оформление результатов работы. Ребята оформляют свои сообщения в печатном виде, подбирают иллюстрации.
V этап – защита проекта в классе. Учащиеся делают сообщения, оформляют газету (приклеивают заранее подготовленные сообщения и фото к листам ватмана, размещенным на доске).
VI этап – обсуждение результатов защиты проекта.
Техническое оснащение: ИТК, карточки с заданиями, плакат с результатами опроса и диаграммами, 2 чистых листа, ватмана, картинки и фотографии, тексты сообщений, клей.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент
Teacher (T): Hello, children! I am glad to see you! Today we’ll have a very interesting lesson. You will speak about your favourite pets.
And you will study to make projects.
II. Речевая разминка.
But before making a project about pets I would like you to answer my questions.
- What does the word “pet” mean?
- What pets do you know?
- What exotic pets do you know?
- What unusual pets do you know?
- Have you got a pet?
- What pet have you got?
- What is your pet’s name?
- Does your pet answer his name?
- What can your pet do?
- Who looks after your pet?
III.Защита проекта
Этап 1. Выявление самых популярных домашних животных в школе.
T: What pets are the most popular in your school?
Учащийся делает сообщение у доски по результатам проведенного опроса в школе на основе заранее подготовленной диаграммы.
We shall speak about the most popular pets in our school. I asked 100 pupils of our school. The first question was: "Have you got a pet?"
79 per cent of pupils answered that they had pets and 21 per cent of pupils said they didn’t have pets. The second question was: "What pet have you got?" 36 per cent said that they had cats. 32 per cent said that they had dogs. 11 per cent said that they had fish. 10 percent said that they had parrots. 6 per cent said that they had tortoises. 5 per cent said that they had hamsters.
As you can see, the most popular pet is a cat. The second popular pet is a dog. And today we shall speak about them.
Этап 2. Защита проекта на тему: «Мы любим наших кошек».
T: And what is the name of the project about cats?
Ch: The name of this project is “We love our cats”.
(Приклеивает лист с названием проекта к чистому листу на доске)
T: And what do you know about cats?
Рассказ о кошках на основе научно-популярных данных
Cats are very popular in Russia. They are the most popular pets in our school too.
Cats descended from African wild cat and became domestic animals thousands years ago. They have got 4 legs, 2 small or large ears, a short nose, blue, green or grey eyes. They can be long-haired or short-haired. Cats can mew. They are very clever. Cats are very independent and can defend themselves. They love their homes, but not their owners. During a day cats like to sleep, but they like to hunt at night. Cats like to eat fish, cream and to drink milk and water. There are many breeds of cats: long-haired cats (Persian cat), short-haired cats (British cat), Turkish Angora, etc.
Such cat as Sphinx has no hair at all. I think the most unusual breed of cats is Turkish Angora. It is an ancient breed. They came from central Turkey. They have white, medium-long hair. Their eyes can be blue, green or amber, or one eye blue and one amber.
T: I know that many pupils in your class have got cats. Who can tell us about his cat?
Учащийся рассказывает о своей кошке, показывает фото.
My name is Fedya. And I have got a pet. It's a cat. His name is Edelweiss. He is three. He's got big yellow eyes, white ears, a long tail and a long neck. But when he was a little kitten his eyes were blue. He's brown and grey. My cat is very beautiful and clever. When he was a little kitten he liked to jump very high, but now he doesn’t run fast. He was nice, playful and funny kitten. He liked playing with my toys and me. Now he's a big cat. Every summer we take our cat to the country. There he hunts mice, birds and lizards. All the nights he spends out of doors. My cat is very kind and tender. Everybody is fond of his beauty and intellect. Edelweiss likes to sit at the window-sill and watch the flying pigeons and other birds. I love my cat very much.
T: There are a lot of proverbs and riddles about cats. Do you know them?
Учащийся читает пословицы, остальные подбирают их эквиваленты на русском языке, отгадывают загадки
1.”When the cat is away the mice will play”( “Без кота мышам раздолье”)
2. “All cats are grey in the night”( “Все кошки ночью серые”)
3. “А cat may look at a king”. (“Смотреть ни на кого не возбраняeтся”)
1. Why does a cat wag its tail? ( because it wants to do it)
2. What is it that looks like a cat, eats like a cat, walks like a cat, but still it is not a cat.(a kitten)
T: And did you prepare any interesting tasks about cats?
Ch: Yes, I made a crossword.
Учащиеся делятся на 2 групп, каждой из которых выдается задание с кроссвордом.
Do the crossword:
Down Across
1. A young cat (kitten). 1. Cats like to eat it (fish)
2. Cats like to do it at night (hunt). 2. Cats like their … (homes).
3. Cats like to drink it (milk) 3.Cats are … animals (domestic).
4.A domestic animal (cat) 4. Cats like to do it during a day (sleep).
Физкультминутка (Поют песню “I love little Pussy”).
I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her,
She'll do me no harm.
So I'll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But pussy and I,
Very gently will play.
I'll sit by the fire
and give her some food
and Pussy will love me
Because I am good.
Этап 3. Защита проекта на тему: «Собаки наши лучшие друзья»
T: Now let’s speak about dogs. What is the name of your project about dogs?
Ch: It’s name is “ Dogs are our best friends”. (Приклеивает название).
T: I think you know a lot of interesting things about dogs too.
Доклад о собаках на основе научно-популярных статей.
Dogs are the most popular pets in Britain. And they are the second popular in our school.
Dogs are domestic animals. They are spread all over the world. There are more than 400 breeds of dogs. The main breeds of dogs are: German Sheferd, Foxterrier, Bulldog, Dacshand and others. They are different in size, fur,colour and behaviour.
Dogs have got 42 teeth. The biggest of them are fangs. Dogs have got good ear and good eye. They can jump, run and swim very well. Dogs like to eat meat, porridge, bread, vegetables. They like to drink water. Dogs can bark when they are angry. Dogs can live about 15 years. But some dogs live more than 20 and even 34 years. The normal temperature for a dog is 38,6 degrees.
T: I know a lot of pupils in your class have got dogs. Tell us, please, about your dogs.
Рассказ о своей собаке
My name is Irina. I have got a pet. His name is Brite. He is a dog. I found him two years ago. He was very little and very thin. I felt sorry for him and took him to my home. Now he is two years old. He is big and black. He has got two ears and two eyes. He has got a long tail. His body is long too. Brite is short-haired. He likes to eat meat, fish and porridge. Brite likes to drink water. My dog can jump and run. My dog likes to play with me in the yard. Especially we like to play ball. I love my dog very much and I think he loves me too.
T: And do you know any poems about dogs?
Учащиеся декламируют стихи, а также их переводы на русский язык, которые они сделали в стихотворной форме.
My dog | Моя собака |
T: And what proverbs and riddles do you know about dogs?
Учащийся приводят примеры пословиц о собаках, остальные учащиеся находят их русские эквиваленты, отгадывают загадки)
"Good dog deserves a good bone". "По заслугам и честь".
"An old dog barks not in vain" "Старая собака на пустое дерево лаять не станет".
"Dog does not eat dog" "Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет"
"Love me, love my dog" "Кто гостю рад, тот и собачку его накормит
1). When is a dog most likely to enter a house? (when the door
is open)
2). What is a dog when it is three days old? (a puppy)
T: Children, did you prepare any interesting tasks about dogs?
Ch: Yes, I did. I will give you cards and you will guess the word. I shall give you 3 minutes to do it. (Раздает карточки с заданием)
Guess the word
IV. Подведение итогов урока
V. Домашнее задание
Написать рассказ о своем домашнем питомце, начиная словами
“There is a cat (dog)…”
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