Данная работа была сделана ученицей 7 "а" класса после прохождения темы "Известные люди планеты". Материал для презентации, несомненно, взят из интернета, однако, сама работа выполнена учащейся добросовестно
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Albert Einstein Presentation was prepared by Ivanova A.D.Слайд 2
Biography Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the city of Ulm in southern Germany, in a poor Jewish family. His father, Hermann Einstein (1847-1902), was co-owner of a small enterprise producing feather stuffing for mattresses and quilts. Mother, Pauline Einstein, (1858-1920) was from the family of a wealthy merchant corn Julius Dertsbahera .
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Biography Primary education A lbert Einstein received in Catholic school in Munich. At the age of 11-13 years, Einstein has experienced a state of deep religiosity. But the boy read a lot and, soon, the reading of popular scientific books made him a freethinker and forever instilled in him a skeptical attitude towards authority. Since the age of six, at the initiative of the mother Einstein began to play the violin. Subsequently, the passion for music has survived and has become an integral part of the life of Einstein. Many years later, while in the United States at Princeton in 1934, A lbert Einstein gave a concert, all fees which went in favor emigrated from Nazi Germany scientists and cultural figures. On his violin Einstein played works by Mozart.
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