Обобщение по теме "Государство всеобщего благосостояния"
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the_system_of_health_care.ppt | 905 КБ |
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The system of health care in Great Britain, the USA and Russia. Health is not valued till sickness comesСлайд 2
Great Britain Despite of the shortage of money, the system of medical care works well. In Britain, medical insurance is organized by Government. The British spend a small proportion of their wealth on health service, because of its simple administration. In spite of being poor, you can get good medical care in Britain. The exceptions to free medical care are teeth and eyes. Country does not spend a lot of money per person on health care.
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The USA In many ways it is a wonderful system, but in many other ways it is a catastrophe. Medical care is not free, but many hospitals provide some free or low-cost care. The USA has no public health service, so most people have private health insurance. America with its private insurance-based system spends 14% of GDP on health. Britain spends only 7%. The USA is one of the most developed countries in the world, but it does not provide health care for all.
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And Russia In each country has the system of health care and Russia is not exception. I want to tell about medical care in my country health care is free. The basic medical unit in our country is the polyclinic. We have polyclinics for the adult population and for children. A patient who is ill can call out a doctor for a home visit in a special emergency. The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. There are many hospitals in Russia for different diseases. The ambulances equipped by modern apparatus.
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