История возрождения Богоявленского Старо-Голутвина монастыря
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The Revival of Bogoyavlensky Staro-Golutvin Monastery
There are many historical places in Kolomna connected with the Russian Orthodox Church. We invite you to visit the Staro-Golutvin Monastery.
Have you ever heard the ringing of the bells? These lovely sounds accompanied the whole life of Kolomna in ancient days. Bells rang for invasions and during the fires, in cases of popular uprisings and to announce victories or holiday celebrations. Even today you can hear the bells from the tower of the monastery.
The culture of ancient Rus was largely concentrated in the monasteries. They played a major role in the artistic and cultural life of Russia.
On border of two principalities Moscow and Ryazan the spiritual fortress was erected. The Ryazan prince didn`t recognize Kolomna as a part of Moscow principality and offended the citizens of the town making robbery. The Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy asked for help St. Sergius of Radonezh who chose a place for the construction of a monastery.
The Staro-Golutvin Monastery was founded by St. Sergious of Radonezh in 1375 according to the Great Moscow Prince`s order. The Monastery lies at the Moskva-Oka confluence not far from Kolomna. The monastery became the centre of the church life and strengthened the town`s defenses.
The heguman Gregory Golutvin became the First Father Superior of the monastery. St. Sergius presented him with the cross, which was kept in the monastery up to 1920.
There is a legend that St. Sergius participated in the construction and consecration of the first temple – The Holy Epiphany Cathedral. The old foundations of this temple you can see at the bottom of the ground floor of today`s cathedral, which was erected at the beginning of the ХVIII century. People call these ancient stones «the Sergius stones».
The name of St. Sergius is connected with the origin of a monastery spring. They say, he showed the place, where the monks dug the well with pure water.
Prince Dmitry Donskoy was the first who presented the monastery with the icon of the holy Epiphany in a silver frame, which disappeared in the Soviet period.
In those days the monastery had the smaller sizes. All the constructions were wooden and the monastery was surrounded with a low wooden fence. But it had strategic value. Together with other monasteries located on the river Oka it formed the original protection against the Tatars, the so-called «Belt of the Virgin».
In the ХV-ХVI centuries the monastery spread its influence. New stone buildings were built: a warm cathedral and other constructions .The monastery was visited by the dukes and tsars: Vasiliy I, Ivan III and Ivan the Terrible. They would come here to pray on the eve of the important events in the country`s life.
By the end of the ХVI century the monastery library contained 137 books and 22 manuscripts. Some monks were skilled in writing and decorating manuscripts written on parchment.
The Holy Epiphany Cathedral was constructed in 1770. The new Cathedral built in old Russian style differed from the old one only in size.
On October 15, 1775 Kolomna was visited by the empress Catherine II. According to her records, she liked the hardworking people and craftsmen, but didn`t like the view of the town. Soon she sent the famous architect Matvey Kazakov to Kolomna. According to his drawings many beautiful buildings were constructed. He designed 6 towers a fencing for the Staro-Golutvin monastery, which we can see today.
Under the hegumen Samuil – a man of spiritual talents, the reorganization of buildings began. It was the real rebirth of the monastery. The local merchants gave the money for the reconstructions of the Holy Epiphany cathedral.
The two-storied St. Sergius temple was reconstructed in the empire style. There was a temple on the first floor, a kitchen and a bakery – on the ground floor.
The Moscow metropolitan Filaret consecrated the church in 1833. He presented a new temple with the icon of St. Sergius painted in St. Sergius Lavra.
A great trouble happened in 1848. The epidemic of plague spread the town. Thanks to metropolitan`s blessing, a public prayer was held in all the temples of Kolomna. The Staro-Golutvin monastery was the first to organize the moving processions around the town. After the long prayer the epidemic stopped.
Under the heguman Nazarii the inn for pilgrims was completely built in a new Western construction. The main entrance gates were made under the bell tower. The icons of the Holy Epiphany, St. Sergius and St. Gregory Golutvin were placed there. There was also a garden, a carriage shed and stables on a new territory.
The monastery took its final shape. After the October Revolution the monastery was closed and its buildings were used for various secular purposes.
The superior Nicon tried to hide the valuable things under the monastery wall. Unfortunately, many icons and books disappeared. The bell was broken. Nicon was arrested and shot. The monastery spring was ruined. The buildings were used as a hostel for workers.
According to his initiative the territory of the monastery was cleared and the restoration began.
In 1994 the great reconstruction began. All the temples were restored. In May 2007 the Holy Epiphany cathedral was consecrated.
Russia is a country of ancient and unique culture. Kolomna is a part of Russia and a great place for living. We should save the national and cultural heritage for future generations.
A monument to St. Sergius оn the monastery’s territory
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