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Слайд 1
Welcome to Russia Egorova Luba. 8 th gradeСлайд 2
The Kremlin Old Nikolsky gate was approximately half of this segment (the Chronicles, which was built in 1458, the Church of the presentation in the yard Simonov monastery was "Nikolsky gate"). On the South wall of the fortress is less clear. During the construction of a new wall of Ivan III here hail added, and no random references towers.
Слайд 3
Tretyakov gallery The exhibition, located in the main building "Russian painting of XI - beginning of XX centuries" is part of the all-Russian Museum Association gallery, established in 1986. Pavel Tretyakov began to collect paintings from the mid-1850s. The year of Foundation of the Tretyakov gallery - 1856. Then Pavel Tretyakov bought two paintings by Russian artists: "Skirmish with Finnish smugglers“.
Слайд 4
Uspensky cathedral The Cathedral is maintained in the Nail of the Lord, and staff of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia. With 1395 in the Cathedral was the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God (1930 at the Tretyakov gallery, in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi). The Cathedral was the burial place of most of the Moscow saints prior to the establishment of the Holy Synod
Слайд 5
The Cathedral of Christ the Savior Cathedral the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (the Nativity Cathedral in Moscow - Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church near the Kremlin on the left Bank of the Moscow river, on the site, previously referred to as Cartelism (street Boston, 15-17). Existing construction - made in the 1990-ies of the external restoration of the eponymous temple, created in the nineteenth century. On the walls of the temple were inscribed the names of the officers of the Russian army who fell in the war of 1812 and other time close military campaigns
Слайд 6
Red square The location of the future red square was determined by the construction of the walls rebuilt in the reign of Ivan III (the end of XV-beginning of XVI century) the Kremlin and accommodation with its North-Eastern side of the Great passage from the Market. Building Posada came to the Kremlin walls close. During a fire 1493 large space between the Market and the Kremlin walls were burnt out and the area was left undeveloped as a band penetrable space width of about 110 fathoms (240 m)[3]. Originally the site of the future square was called the Fire,[3][4] and its boundaries were chercialis West of the Kremlin ditch from the North - Resurrection gate of China-town, East Market and South - low hill - "Usloviem". The area of the Fire has long been considered part of the Bargaining .
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