плюсы и минусы покупок on-line
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Shopping on the Internet Yes or NoСлайд 2
Background and objectives The history of this issue is that computers were invented more than 20 years ago, but nobody could imagine that it would be possible to do shopping online. Now we can do our shopping not only in stores or markets but also on the Internet. No doubt shopping online is more convenient. The purpose of this report is to survey people from different age in our town about shopping on the Internet. We were asked to investigate what the customers would want from the experience of buying different things on the Internet.
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Research and findings We surveyed 30 people. The age range was : 18-25 : 73% 26-25 : 20% 36-… : 8%
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They were asked to say what they thought about the following statements I prefer to buy food on the Internet. SA A DK D SD I prefer to buy clothes on the Internet. SA A DK D SD I prefer to buy gadgets on the Internet. SA A DK D SD I have never use shopping on the Internet. SA A DK D SD I`m satysfied with quality of the Internet shopping. SA A DK D SD ( SA = Strongly Agreed, A = Agree, DK = Don’t Know, D = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree )
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The results are as follows:
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The two main findings are: There is a growing preference for Internet shopping. 2. There is not enough evidence that everybody uses it yet .
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Summary and recommendations In conclusion we believe that our survey showed that: The preferences of young people in a small town are changing Demand exists for cheaper and faster online shops and that this demand is growing. We recommend active, enthusiastic people, who are going to start a reasonable business, lose no time and push into the Internet!
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Action next We propose that further research is now carried out, on a larger scale and in other countries. The Internet shopping is the future of trade!
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Group 251 Komarnitskaya Yaroslava , Kamardina Ksenia , Yermakova Ulyana
Интервью с космонавтом Антоном Шкаплеровым
Астрономический календарь. Январь, 2019 год
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