Популярные праздники в США
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Holidays in the USAСлайд 2
Christmas holiday Christmas in America is the main family holiday . Americans prepare gifts, decorate their homes and put a big pretty tree. So they arrange a family dinner with Turkey and Christmas pudding.
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Independence day Main event is the parade Independence Day is noon in Washington, DC. At the same time in America hosts festivals, fireworks, Americans are hung up on their homes USA national flag.
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Presidential day The first time was organized a celebration on the occasion of the birthday of Washington, the first President of the USA, who was born on the twenty-second of February, 1732.
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Thanksgiving This is the day to Express appreciation and gratitude to family, friends and the God for the good relations and welfare. As main dishes: stuffed Turkey, sweet pie pumpkins, fruits and vegetables.
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Halloween All sorts of mystical characters and creatures - witches, black cats, pumpkins-lamps adorn the homes of many Americans. The history of the famous pumpkin carved on her face and a candle inside, the original name of which is "jack-o`-lantern", refers to the ancient Irish legend about a man named Jack, who after death has not got neither in heaven nor in hell; the lamp is designed to illuminate the way of a restless soul Jack, rushing into the darkness.
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Valentine's day Americans have made to the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day something. A week before the holiday, the students make a papier-mache hearts, paint and write on various labels. These hearts are being presented with a lonely, miserable and sick people.
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Работа выполнена ученицей 9 «а» класса МБОУ СОШ №1 пгт Жешарт Бересневой Анной (сентябрь 2014)
О падающих телах. Что падает быстрее: монетка или кусочек бумаги?
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