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Welcome to Berezniki
Made by:
5 «А» form student
Pyatina Valeriya
English language teacher
Votinova N.V.
Berezniki, 2014
1. Town and its sights…………………….…………………………..……………4
1.1 History of the town Berezniki…………………………………………………4
1.2 The museum of Birch…………………………………………………….…….5
1.3 Museum of I.F. Konovalov…………………………………………………….7
1.4 Monument to the poet A.Reshetov …………………………………...……….9
1.5 Industrial giants: AVISMA, Uralkali, UralChem ………………………….…11
1.6 Catholic Temple "World oasis" ………………………………………………14
1.7 St. John the Baptist Church …………………………………………………..15
1.8 Movie theater Avangard………………………………………………….…...17
1.9 Stroganov' chambers …………………………………………………………18
1.10 Recreation park……………………………………………………………...20
2. Identification of opinions of Russian-speaking school students about sights of the town Berezniki. ……………………………….……………………………..21
2.1 Questioning of school students………………………………………………21
2.2 The analysis of the received answers to questionnaire questions……..…….23
List of references………….………………………………..………………….…27
As there are no two identical people, so there are also no two identical cities. Each of them has the destiny, the shape, the mission and the image. It is not a secret that each place on the planet Earth individually. We invite to get acquainted with one of them — our hometown of Berezniki.
Berezniki is a young town, with the atmosphere and character. It was born and developed diligence of realistically adjusted people, at the same time sincerely trusting in progress and not alien to a peculiar esthetics. For the first decades of the existence the town becomes the second for population and to economic potential in the region.
Purpose of our work: to show what can be attractive in Berezniki to foreign tourists.
- to define the most significant sights of our town;
- to develop the questionnaire for poll of pupils;
- to analyze opinion of pupils about our town, and what could attract foreign tourists.
Object of our research is the town Berezniki.
Object of research: sights of Berezniki.
During research work such methods as questioning, the analysis, collecting and information systematization are applied.
1. Town and its sights
1.1 History of the town Berezniki
Square of the town is 431,1 km ². The town is located on the left bank of the river Kama. Distance to Perm by rail 278 km, on water — 208 km, on the regional route Perm-Berezniki 180 km. In 1981 the city was connected by the bridge to the town Usolye.
Pioneer settlements in the territory of the town arose in the XVI—XVII centuries on the basis of salt-mines. For the first time in 1579 Zyryank's settlement is mentioned, in 1670 there is a settlement, and later the mountain town Dedyukhin. In the XVII century near salterns a number of settlements — Lyonva, Berezniki, Veretye, Churtan, etc. is formed.
As the reason of emergence of the town served the Verkhnekamsky field of potash salts (one of the richest in the world). Directly in the territory of the town there are Berezniki and Durymansky sites of a field with balance stocks of potash salts of 2,4 billion tons.
On March 20, 1932 meeting of presidium of VTsIK of RSFSR where creation of the new town (protocol No. 10) was documentary fixed took place. Listened to the draft of the resolution of presidium of VTsIK "About association of Usolye with working settlements: Veretiya, Dedyukhin, Lyonva, Ust-Zyryanka and Churtan of the Berezniki district of the Ural area to one city of Berezniki".
This decision was caused by that above the called settlements were in close proximity from each other, workers of these settlements were generally occupied on construction of the first-born of the chemical industry — chemical combine. In the 1st five-years period Berezniki turned into the large center of the chemical industry. In the territory of the town construction of the giant of the chemical industry of the USSR — the Berezniki chemical combine was complete, after the Great Patriotic War the new branch of the mining industry — potash gained development.
Museum of a Birch
For whom a secret that the birch in Russia always stood special high in esteem and respect. There are many songs, bylinas, legends about a birch, many pictures are created. Birch - a symbol and pride of the Russian people.
Museum shows log hut. Here is both outer entrance hall, and kitchen, both a bedroom and a banya. Birch broom in a ban, birch bark saltcellars in kitchen, books and a psaltery in a bedroom. All this is made with care and love. In the museum the bench where it is possible to get the things made by national masters is open. Very unexpectedly it is possible to see such products, as insoles for footwear, covers for phones, bread boxes, hats, peak-caps. They are executed from a birch completely!
they decided to pay tribute to "the Russian beauty" in June 2010. In park of the town Berezniki was opened the museum of birch. Imagine a country log hut where the exhibits anyway connected with this fine tree are collected, each of which is impregnated with the Russian national culture. Books, verses, songs, chastushkas, reproductions of great artists, the card with the instruction on it all place names connected with a birch.
Now the museum offers thematic excursions both for adults, and for little guests. While there are autumn holidays, it is possible to take the child in such unique place - the Museum of Birch.
Museum of I.F. Konovalov
On the importance funds of I.F. Konovalov are meeting of unique subjects and documents on stories of all Verkhnekamya.
The museum stores the richest collection of written sources: "revizsky fairy tales" the XVIII-XIX centuries, account books, inventories of vestries and church property, sheets of temples of Usolye, historical descriptions of Solikamsk, Usolye, documents of office of the Oryol salt-mines (1745), data on assigned people to crafts, correspondence of Usolye district board.
The collection of tamper painting contains more than 300 icons XVI - XX centuries which have arrived from temples of Usolye, Orel, Lenva and other settlements of edge. The Moscow, Novgorod, nevyansk, stroganov schools are presented.
More than 100 monuments show Old Russian and old believe mednolity plasticity.
It is interesting the group of subjects of the Russian jeweler art: tableware, church utensils of XVIII - XX centuries, salaries of icons of work of the Moscow and Kostroma masters, an album with photos of possession of the princes Golitsynykh, decorated with stamping, multi-color enamels masters of the Moscow factory of Ovchinnikov (1880).
The ethnographic collection of the museum presented by numerous subjects from a tree, ceramics, fabric is extensive. More than 70 household items: distaffs, cases, etc. are decorated with a carving and the Ural-Siberian national painting. The collection of the Perm animal style is unique, certainly.
Annually the numismatical collection of the museum replenishes. The treasure of copper and silver coins of "Mordvinians" from Dedyukhino, 20 silver kopeks of the Russian tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexey Mikhaylovich from of Lekmortovo of the Cherdynsky district, and as a big collection of coins of the XVIII-XX centuries is most interesting.
Monument to the poet A. Reshetov
The Russian poet Alexey Reshetov was better known in local literary circles, however had publications and in large literary magazines. In 1997 Alexey Reshetov became the honourable citizen of Berezniki. The poet bequeathed to bury himself in Berezniki.
Today Alexey Reshetov's poems are included in all anthologies of the Russian poetry. In Berezniki the area, and a monument to the poet is called his name and is considered as one of the best in Russia. By the way, its project was developed by the known Berezniki sculptor Yury Ustinov. The monument was established on April 3, 2005, in birthday of Reshetov, in the square near the cultural business center.
At this ceremony were present not only fellow countrymen of the poet, but also the Perm writers, guests from other Ural cities. "It is possible to compare it, perhaps, only with creation of a monument Nikolay Rubtsov in Totm", - Dmitry Rizov told at opening by the chairman of the board of the regional literary organization. "Once the known literary critic Vladimir Kozhinov under one cover printed roems of eight, in his opinion, the best poets of Russia. Along with Yury Kuznetsov, Vladimir Sokolov, Anatoly Peredreev, Stanislav Kunyaev, Nikolay Rubtsov's names poems of unknown then Berezniki poet Alexey Reshetov entered it.
Many poets from this galaxy already died... But two returned to the fellow countrymen - monuments! Reshetov "was lucky", maybe, more than other Russian poets. The monument was delivered to it in only two years after his death, then there was a three-volume collection of his compositions in Yekaterinburg, slightly later the book of the chosen poems was published also by the Perm publishing house.
Industrial Giants
JSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation — the Russian metallurgical company, the making titan and products from it. The main consumers of production "VSMPO-AVISMA" — the world's largest aircraft-building companies Boeing and Airbus.
As a part of Corporation two industrial platforms — "VSMPO" in the town Verkhnyaya Salda of Sverdlovsk region and "AVISMA" branch in the town Berezniki of Perm Krai which are connected among themselves by a uniform technological chain. The company has representation in the city Moscow. About 19 thousand people work in the organization. VSMPO-AVISMA is translated as Upper-Soldinsky metallurgical association, an aviation construction material.
United Chemical Company "URALCHEM" (JSC URALCHEM UCC) – one of the largest companies in the market of mineral fertilizers in the Russian Federation, the CIS and Eastern Europe.
The company is the Russian leader in production of ammonia and ammonium nitrate, and also takes the second place in Russia on outputs of nitric fertilizers.
The main capacities of JSC Uralkali are located in Perm Krai and in St. Petersburg. Ore stocks of the enterprise are on the Verkhnekamsky field of potassium-magnesium salts which is the second-large reconnoitered field in the world, containing more than 3,8 billions tons of potash ore.
JSC Uralkali makes three main types of potash fertilizers: the granulated, white and pink chloride potassium (MOP). Each of them is made from the potash ore containing chloride potassium, mixed with other minerals of a natural origin. Types of production of JSC Uralkali differ according to the content of potassium, a consistence and a way of production.
In 2006 "Uralkali" became one of the largest producers of potash fertilizers in the world with the share of the market equal to about 9%. Unlike the majority of the competitors who besides potassium make nitric and phosphatic fertilizers, JSC Uralkali specializes only on potash fertilizers. Nitric and phosphatic fertilizers were historically subject to sharp fluctuation in prices, mainly, because of interrelation between the prices of these fertilizers and energy costs (first of all, prices of oil and natural gas).
Catholic Temple "World Oasis"
The temple in Berezniki became not only the center of spiritual life of a Catholic community, but also the social work important for the town as a whole. One of the most important aspects of life of arrival is the organization of pilgrimage thanks to which many people Christian could visit shrines of Europe, participate in the international prayful meetings, in particular ― the World Days of Youth.
At arrival the social and parish center "World Oasis" in which constantly lives more from 40 to 70 people who don't have own homes. Here the people who have appeared in difficult situation, can receive not only a shelter and food, but also the help in recovery of documents, registration of privileges, receiving medical care, assistance in return of the lost housing. The charitable canteen works for the needing.
St. John Church
In 1687 it is put and in 1691 the wooden church for the sake of St. John 's Christmas was consecrated. The church settled down on the high hilly bank of Zyryanka. In the last centuries it was accurately allocated against stocky houses of the village of Zyryanka. The church got lost among industrial buildings in the 20th century with the advent of industrial constructions. The building of church underwent a set of changes and was used in various purposes. During war there was a warehouse of ammunition. The late building of church belonged to Kama factory, then "Stroygaz". Since 1984 the restoration site of the Perm scientific and restoration workshop took place in it. In an altar there was a dryer for boards, in the main antechurch the 2nd floor where the tennis court was built. Naturally, during this time the wall painting of the temple was broken. On August 20, 1991 the church was open again.
The internal interior of the temple changed in 2004
An ark with a particle of relics arrived to Ioann Predtechi's temple in Berezniki
Movie Theater "Avangard"
Movie theater "Avangard" is a monument of an era of constructivism. Across all Russia there will be only two such buildings. Constructed in 1932, it became the first sound movie theater in the Perm area. People reached here on foot, by boats and horses from neighboring villages and towns to watch a premiere. Today the building needs restoration, but nevertheless, makes grandiose impression. As the mayor Sergey Dyakov told, reconstruction would begin very soon, auction was already opened. The modern concert auditorium will take place here after repair. So way, "Avangard" will take the lawful place on a cultural map of the town again.
The Stroganov' chambers
Especially the strong feeling of own dignity of the barons Stroganovs was shown in architecture of their chambers. This rectangular, two-storeyed building strongly extended in the plan with thick brick walls on the base from natural stones. It is covered with a cool palm roof in two boards and has really lacy processing of walls. The family richness of the Stroganovs' sort, and its exclusive situation was perfectly reflected in all its majestic and monumental shape.
It is focused with a large number of rectangular windows to the east, towards the river. From it the Stroganov's house is a leading link in a panorama of Usolye.
The Stroganovs lived in this house during visits of salt trade, received guests, had business conversations with salesmen, counted the income and whiled away free time reading books from own library. They admired a majestic panorama of Kama and its opposite coast from here.
Houses of this sort weren't in all Perm Krai at the beginning of the XVIII century. There were no such houses and in others the Stroganov's lands. Up to the end of the XVIII century it was the residence of barons and counts Stroganov, their "fortress" on the Top Kama. The count Alexander Stroganov who has arrived New Usolye was met with Cannonade and peal.
The master who had built the house strove for the general integrity and compactness of a construction, for his generalized visual perception.
Recreation Park in Berezniki
The project of town park was developed in 1934. Opening of a summer garden took place on June 5, 1936, its area made 54 hectares. Platforms for volleyball, billiards, chess and checkers were equipped in a garden. The parachute tower and courses for training of instructors-parachutists were organized there. The first test jumps from the tower passed on January 12, 1937.
Today special attention is given to collective, family rest.
The park of Culture of today is the cultural institution which founder is Management of culture of administration in Berezniki.
"Recreation park" organizes the cultural leisure of citizens and town visitors.
For last years the shape of park changed, new recreation areas for youth and family leisure were equipped in its territory.
2. Identification of opinions of Russian-speaking school students about sights of the town Berezniki
2.1 The questionnaire under the title "What way could their Hometown Berezniki Attract Guests from England"
For research, identification of preferences of the Russian school students in food, the questionnaire under the title "Sights of the Town Berezniki" was developed. At the first investigation phase the second subgroup 5 "A" No. 11 class MBOU SOSh was chosen who had to answer the questions . At the following stage the received answers were analyzed.
1 . Do you consider the town Berezniki attractive to tourists?
A) yes
B) no
2 . Would you like to invite English-speaking guests?
A) yes
B) no
3. What do you think which of sights in Berezniki is the most significant and known?
A) Museum of a Birch
B) Museum of I.F. Konovalov
C) Industrial giants: AVISMA, Uralkali, UralChem
D) Recreation park
E) Monument to the poet A.Reshetov
E) Movie theater Avangard
G) Catholic Temple "World oasis"
H) St. John the Baptist Church
I) Stroganov' chambers
4 . What Russian dish would you advise to try to foreign guests in Berezniki?
A) Pelmeni
B) Pancakes
C) Okroshka
D) Vareniki
E) Stuffed cabbage
E) Rastegay
5 . What season will be priority for visit by foreign visitors Berezniki?
A) Winter
B) Autumn
C) Summer
D) Spring
2.2 The analysis of the received answers to questionnaire
What is the most remarkable in Berezniki from student's point of view?
To find out how could our town attract foreign tourists 14 children from our class responded to the small questionnaire about sights of the town.
It became known that all children consider Berezniki attractive to foreign tourists and would like to invite them to admire the town. As results of questioning, the majority of children consider that from all available sights, Stroganov' chambers will cause bigger interest in town visitors. In spite of the fact that this sight is on the right bank of the Kama River in Usolye, for a long time it is considered that Usolye is the remote district of Berezniki. In March, 1932 there was a Resolution of VTsIK of RSFSR: "Veretiya, Dedyukhino, Lyonva, Ust-Zyryanka and Churtan of the Berezniki region of the Ural area to unite in one town Berezniki. We consider that the majority of children voted for Stroganov' Chambers because they are one of the famous places in Russia. Nobody chose such sights as local museum, it is probable because they have small idea about available in it exhibits and what role it plays in the history of our town.
To a question what of Russian dishes would children like to suggest to try to the foreign guests, 8 of 14 people, answered – pelmeni. We consider, it is connected with that fact that pelmeni are very popular with local population, and this dish is a little known abroad.
It became clear that to the question what season is the most comfortable to visit our town, opinions of children were halved. One half of schoolmates considers that the best season is the summer, as this comfortable time of stay. The second half voted for winter, children believe that the abroad there is no such weather in winter, and there are no such fine landscapes as we have. In winter in our town it is possible not only to go sightseeing, but also to spend time with advantage for health, for example, to go skating open-air, to ski in the forest, and for more extreme people, to plunge into an ice-hole.
Having looked at answers of children, at questionnaire questions, we were convinced that our town is rather attractive to visit by foreign guests. We think any foreign tourist will be able to find for himself something new.
Working over the project, we studied a lot of information about Berezniki and its history. After that the teacher and me decided to create the advertizing leaflet "Welcome to Berezniki!"
As a result, we came to a conclusion that in our young town Berezniki there are many beautiful and significant places, and we must be proud of it!
Berezniki — the young town, but it has rich and long background. The town and its vicinities — not only the intersection is expensive in space, but also the intersection temporary — in its vicinities there were almost all main events of 500-year history of the Russian development of Prikamye.
All tasks set by us were solved and the objectives are achieved.
It was revealed that in the town there are a large number of sights and unique places which could interest foreign tourists.
Berezniki today — it is the town with the population in 156 thousand people. There live miners, the metallurgists melting magnesium and the titan, producers of nitric and potash fertilizers, builders, oil industry workers. The system of the higher education successfully develops in Berezniki.
List of References
| 1. точно 2. рекламный буклет 3. преимущество 4. размещать 5. доступный 6. барон и граф 7. солонка из березовой коры 8. благотворительная столовая 9. Католический храм 10. убедить 11. соединиться 12. появление 13. крепость 14. знакомиться 15. выявление 16. промышленные гиганты 17. стадия исследования 18. пропитывать 19. внутренний интерьер 20. перекресток 21. ведущее звено 22. большинство 23. встреча президиума ВЦИК РСФСР 24.горнодобывающая промышленность 25. Музей березы 26. соседние деревни 27. азотные удобрения 28. карбоната калия 29. калимагниевые соли 30. производство аммиака и нитрата аммония 31. цель 32. анкетный опрос 33. замеченный 34. Парк отдыха 35. отдаленный район 36. урегулирование 37. церковь Иоанна Предтечи 38. Палаты Строгановых 39. социальный приходской центр 40. живопись 41. царь 42. сокровище 43. визуальное восприятие 44. окрестности 45. значительный |
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