Презентация к реферату на тему "Geyzers of Kamchatka" выполнена ученицей 7 "А" класса МОУ "СОШ №2" г. Саратова Архиповой Софьей. Научный руководитель: Арутюнян Ж.Д.
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The Valley Of Geysers On KamchatkaСлайд 2
The theme of my research is “The Valley Of Geysers On Kamchatka”. The main aims of the research are: - to learn and find interesting and educating information about geysers; - to find out why the Valley of Geysers on Kamchatka is one of the seven wonders of Russia The purposes of this work are to answer the following questions: 1. What is a geyser? 2. How does the Valley of Geysers on Kamchatka look like? 3. How do the geysers influence the environment? 4. How useful are geysers for people? The object of the research is: The importance of geysers for our nature. The methods of the research are: searching for information in popular scientific literature and analyzing it. Plan: 1. Geyser as a natural phenomenon. 2. The discovery of the Valley of Geysers on Kamchatka. 3. The influence of the geysers on the Valley. 4. The use of geysers for people. 5. Conclusion.
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Geysers are temporary geological features, which are generally associated with volcanic areas.
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Steam rises from heated water. 2. Pulses of boiling water swell upward. 3. Surface is b roken . 4. Ejected water spouts upward and falls back down into the pipe.
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The Valley of Geysers was discovered by the Russian hydrologist Tatiana Ivanovna Ustinova and her Itelmen guide Anisfor Krupenin in April 1941.
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Pervenets (The Firstborn)
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the Giant ( Velikan ) capable of producing a jet of water reaching up to 40 meters high
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Fontan (Fountain) rises 20 metres high, eruption lasts 3 minutes
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Zhemchuzhny (pearl) is called so because fountain is shaped with large sparkling sprays, shooting 5—6 meters high
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Dvoynoy (double) one of the five largest geysers Averyevskiy the most active geyser
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Vanna (bath) T.I. Ustinova and her companions used to get hot water here for tea and cooking.
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Vrata Ada (gates of hell) Scary look of this place was noted by the first tourists, who dubbed it Vrata Ada .
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This is the geyser Fakel , which was destroyed by the landslide in 2007.
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The heat generated by the geothermal activity of the area has an unusual effect on the surrounding landscape
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Because of this rich foliage and a lot of fish in the rivers
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about 10000 kinds of bears, more than 5000 kinds of white-winged eagles live on Kamchatka
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Geysers are used for heating greenhouses and medical purposes.
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Health resorts
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Ust’-Bolsheretskaya Pauzhetskaya and other power stations in Kamchatka generate electricity using hot water from the geysers.
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Thank you for attention
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The pictures for the presentation were used fro m 1.www.wild-russia.org/ 2.http ://www.airpano.ru/ 3. http://www.filesonic.com/...81/Kamchtka.pdf
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