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Презентация "Dancing is not only hobby for me!" | 1.78 МБ |
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WHY DANCING IS NOT ONLY HOBBY FOR ME ? Авторы: Узуньян Диана 7 «Б» класс. Руководитель: Чахарян Н.М учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №8 г. Туапсе 2014Слайд 2
Влияние национального танца на культуру современного подростка Актуальность работы состоит в том, что культура и быт семьи (подростка) строится на знаниях национальных традиций, которые составляют культурное достояние любого народа. Научная значимость заключается в изучении влияния традиционных танцев на культуру современного поколения. Социальная значимость в том, что бы ознакомить сверстников с элементами традиционного танца, которые закладывались нашими предками, чтобы они не были утеряны во времени. Личностная значимость состоит в том, что бы открыть для себя много нового и интересного в традициях армянского народа. Объектом исследования: культура армянского народа. Предметом исследования: танец армянского народа.
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Гипотеза: танец – это ключ к пониманию традиций народа. В современном мире многие подростки не осознают важность своих увлечений, таким образом утеряно много традиций, теряется и преемственность поколений, а это в свою очередь влияет на уровень культуры молодежи.. Методы исследования : Опрос (интервью) участников танцевального коллектива, с целью выявления знаний по этому вопросу; анализ и синтез. Практическая значимость работы: определяется возможностью использования материалов проекта при выступлении с докладом на уроке английского языка по теме «Мое хобби – танцы» .
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Armenian dance The Armenian dance heritage has been one of the oldest, richest and most varied in the near east. From the fifth to the third millennia B.C., in the higher regions of Armenia there are rock paintings of scenes of country dancing. These dances were probably accompanied by certain kinds of songs or musical instruments. In the 5th century Moses of Khorene ( Movsés Khorenats'i ) himself had heard of how the old descendants of Aram (that is Armenians) make mention of these things (epic tales) in the ballads for the lyre and their songs and dances .
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Traditional dancing Traditional dancing is still popular among expatriate Armenians, and has also been very successfully ‘exported' to international folk dance groups and circle dance groups all over the world. The majority of people feel something special in Armenian dances, and in the passion, subtlety, and eloquence which they embody.
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Traditional dancing All dancers wear the traditional costume to embody the history of their culture and bring their ancestors stories alive. The design of these costumes are influenced by many factors, such as religious traditions, family methods, and practicality. The traditional deep red color and exquisite beading of the costumes brings the dance and the tradition together. The beautiful movements of the Armenian cultural dance are adored by all audience around the world.
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Armenian Festivals 2014 National Dance Ver-veri : National Armenian dances are something that every Armenian is proud of. They are all full of tranquility, peace, joy, and love. Ver-veri or Ver-Veruk is one of the most beautiful and popular Armenian dances. It belongs to the two steps-forward/one step-back type of dances and is very easy to learn. Ver-veri is usually performed in circles, either hand in hand or by holding each others’ shoulders, with handkerchiefs attached to their waists.
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The name Ver-veri indicates the mood of the dance — light, joyful and sometimes even humorous. In old Armenian this dance was called Verna par, which means “dance upwards.” Leaps and jumps are used quite often in Armenian dances. They symbolize the efforts of the dancers to have a magical impact on the fertility of the plants, birds, animals and humans.
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National Dance Sabbath at the Wedding During the dancing usually give the Sabbath in favor of musicians. particularly large amount of collected during the dance the bride and groom. On the Sabbath should emphasize tradition, where guests handed the money, intended for musicians, not to themselves, and the dancing couple. As long as the dance, the dancers (in this case the bride and groom, and usually even only one of the bride) in the hand between the fingers lay banknotes. These bills at the end of the dance she must pay the musicians. Incidentally, this form of gratitude to the musicians there to this day.
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Our dancing group « Areny » I have been attending the armenian dances for 3 years. We learn different kinds of dances: Kochary , ver-veri and amshen dances. We work hard at our classes. I dance four times a week for two hours.
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Our first participaTION at ARMENIAN FESTIVAL IN EREVAN We usually take part in performances on city and regional holidays. We take part in our favourite holiday ‘Golden apricot’, but this year, after long trainings our group has participated in an annual Armenian festival in Erevan.
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Интервью ансамбля «АРЕНИ»
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Астрономический календарь. Ноябрь, 2018