В век компьютерных технологий каждый человек пытается идти в ногу со временем. Смартфоны являются полезными и надежными помощниками. Современный рынок предлагает широкий спектр товаров, и перед покупателем стоит вопрос: как сделать правильный выбор. Автор попытался найти те преимущества и недостатки в каждой операционной системе, которые помогут сделать правильный выбор.
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Министерство общего и профессионального образования
Свердловской области
Управление образования Администрации города Нижний Тагил
МБОУ гимназия № 18
Направление «Иностранные языки»
Образовательная область «Английский язык»
Исполнитель: Ример Гельмут
учащийся 10 Г класса
Научный руководитель:
Жидкова Екатерина Вадимовна,
МБОУ гимназия № 18, учитель
английского языка
Внешний рецензент:
Титова Елена Юрьевна
зав.кафедрой ИнЯз НТИ (филиал) УрФУ, к.п.н., профессор РАЕ, член Союза переводчиков России
Нижний Тагил
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: History of smartphones 5
1.1 The long way of smartphones 5
CHAPTER 2: Operating Systems 8
Reference list 24
Nowadays people are trying to be mobile and sociable. In the constant flow of information, a person needs something that will help him in business as well as in the organization of personal files. These tools are the modern smartphones. These devices combine the features of the various branches of mobile devices, from PDAs (personal digital assistant) to camcorders. Now a mobile phone requires much more functions than just pass a dozen phrases or send a message. Very few people want to carry a phone in addition to, for example, mp3-player. The desire of people to have a device type «all in one» - is understandable. . This device is a modern smartphone. It is a device with extended functionality compared to conventional mobile phone, including a wide range of multimedia, software functions and has an extensive operating system, open to third-party developers to ensure development. In view of these needs mobile communications market is booming "smart" devices. Their quality is largely dependent on the hardware characteristics, but the ease of use is dependent on the mobile operating system.
The smartphone market is rich in various devices, and people get lost when choosing a smartphone, almost without knowing anything about them. That’s why the topic of my research work is very actual.
The object of our research is modern smartphones.
The subject of the study is advantages and disadvantages of operating systems of modern smartphones.
The aim of our work is to find the most suitable OS for teenagers
To fulfill the aim we set the following tasks:
The practical significance of our research work is that a teenager can use the results of the study hen choosing a smartpnone.
We used the following methods of study: literature study, questionnaire analysis, experiment.
The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, references and appendixes.
The first chapter is devoted to the history of developing of smartphones in Russia and abroad.
We found out three most popular operating systems. They are Android OS, iOS, and Symbian. And in the second chapter we speak about each of them in details
The third chapter is devoted to the practical part of my work. We conducted a survey among my classmates to find out the main reasons for choosing a particular model of smartphone.
In the conclusion you’ll get acquainted with the results of our work and the characteristic features of a perfect OS.
CHAPTER 1: History of smartphones
Smartphones have come a long way in a short time. Improvements in technical specifications such as internal processors, battery life, storage capability, screen size and broadband connectivity optimize the way devices perform.
While the future for smartphones looks promising, let's take a look at how we got to this point in time.
We can say that the history of smartphones began only with the advent of wireless technology to transmit radio waves. While the general radio devices (the ones you used to listed to songs, news etc) were already in existence, the very first wireless call (as per AT&T) was made in 1946. On its page , the AT&T claims it was a truck driver who made history:
1946: AT&T(American Telephone and Telegraph Company) establishes the First Mobile Network
Without a wireless network, there would not be wireless phones. Long before the Verizon guys were traveling the globe asking "Can you hear me now?" the American Telephone and Telegraph Company set up the first wireless network. On June 17, 1946, a truck driver placed the first wireless telephone call.
1994: IBM Combines a Cellphone and PDA Forming the Simon Personal Communicator. Unveiled in November 1992, Simon was the first PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) device to utilise cellular technology. Simon was introduced in 1994 by BellSouth Cellular and was designed and built by IBM. At a cost of $900, the Simon was a combination cellular phone PDA that included an x86-compatible CPU, a fax modem, a PCMCIA Type II PC Card slot, 11 built-in programs, and a 4 1/2- by 1 1/2-inch touch-sensitive LCD screen. Simon represented the first real personal communicator because it was designed to be a cellular phone - a communications device - first, and a computer second.
2000: Ericsson Uses the Magic Word When Marketing Its R380
Give Ericsson credit for marketing prowess. The Swedish company called its R380 mobile phone a "smartphone," a term that has certainly caught on in the marketplace. The device was a lightweight flip phone that ran the Symbian operating system. Symbian was the dominant smartphone operating system until Android surpassed it in 2011.
2007: Apple's Multi-Touch Screen iPhone Brings Smartphone Design to New Heights. It was a device like an iPod, except you could use it to make phone calls, take pictures and browse the Internet. Apple was not exactly a pioneering smartphone company. The iPhone was released years after the first smartphone, and despite Apple's claim, it wasn't the first company to have a multi-touch screen. By combining the features, however, Apple created a smartphone that offered more than just a way to communicate with other people. The iPhone was literally a mobile media center. Updated versions of the iPhone have become progressively more sophisticated, and fanfare for the product seems to increase with each release. Apple introduced the most recent incarnation of the device, the iPhone 5, at a ballyhooed press event on Sept. 12.
2008: Google Blows Up the Smartphone Market with Its Android Operating System
Android phones hit the market in October 2008, and it quickly became the dominant mobile operating system. There were more Android devices sold than Apple and Symbian combined in 2010. Although Android and Apple's iOS are rivals, there is not actually one "Android phone," but rather a multitude of models across several companies that make Android-based phones. Today, there are more than 500 million active Android devices, which is about one for every 14 people on the planet.
2010: The Smartphone Market Catches a Virus
Smartphones have become so integrated that people are pushing all kinds of highly personal information through the devices, such as email passwords and bank account information. This is exactly the type of information cyber criminals want to steal. Not to mention, with people freely and frequently installing third-party software onto their smartphones, there is significant potential for security problems. Kaspersky Lab, a mobile-security software developer, identified what it said was the first Trojan virus for Android devices in 2010. Keeping your phone's operating system up to date should help protect against these mobile monsters.
Smartphones are taking more and more Russian mobile phone market (from 5% in 2009 to 21% in 2012). The first place in sales of phones is taken by Nokia, the second – by Samsung. Other manufacturers are rapidly falling on sales. A new player in the Russian market phones are devices on Android OS (from ~1% in 2009 to 32% in 2011). Symbian is rapidly losing its market share (from 62% to 48%). [Mobile operating system. electronic resource]
Smartphones became the hot, must-have technology just a few short years ago. In reality, the history of smart phones goes back to the early 1990s. While today's smartphones offer just about everything from Web surfing to GPS-guided directions to built-in video recorders, the smartphones of years past were just mobile phones with a few extras.
The mobile operating systems (OS) used by modern smartphones include Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, Nokia’s Symbian, BlackBerry's BlackBerry OS, Samsung’s Bada, Microsoft’s Windows Phone, Hewlett-Packard’s web OS and embedded Linux distributions such as Maemo and MeeGo
There are 3 most common, according to our research (apendix1) Symbian, IOS and Android.
Symbian is a mobile operating system and computing platform designed for smartphones and currently maintained by Accenture. Symbian was originally developed by Symbian Ltd., as a descendant of Psion's EPOC and runs exclusively on ARM processors, although an unreleased x86 port existed. The current form of Symbian is an open-source platform developed by Symbian Foundation in 2009, as the successor of the original Symbian OS. Symbian was used by many major mobile phone brands, like Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, and above all by Nokia. It was the most popular smartphone OS on a worldwide average until the end of 2010, when it was overtaken by Android.
Originally the name of Symbian was EPOC16 or simply EPOC and it was developed by Psion in the late 80's for their pocket, and not very pocket, computers. The first devices based on this OS became Psion MC-200 and MC-400. They were presented in 1989, and had good characteristics for that time. Size of these devices was with the current laptop and weighed almost two pounds.
Further development of the system was in 1997 after gaining thirty-two bits. To avoid confusing the old system got the name EPOC16 or SIBO then it was EPOC32 later it was renamed Symbian. In 1997 came the first device based on EPOC32 Release 1, this was the Psion Series 5.
Even during the development of EPOC32 financial difficulties forced the company Psion think about the possibility of licensing system for use by third parties. For this purpose, in 1997, the development unit was remove to a separate company Psion Software. In November of 2000, Ericsson R380 appeared based on the system ER5u, which in retrospect called Symbian 5. Although that the manufacturer called him «Smartphone», it was not a smartphone in the modern sense, it was impossible to install third-party applications, the operating system has been closed.
In early 2001, the system of Psion got his present name - Symbian OS.The system became the base for the development of new lines of smartphones. The first device on the new Symbian 6 was Nokia 9210 Communicator (June 2001). This device by Nokia was the first truly open device on Symbian.
Since the bulk of the devices on this base will produce Nokia and Ericsson.By taking different ways, these companies have developed multiple options for UI, including developed by UIQ Technology (funded by Ericsson, and subsequently - Sony Ericsson) software platform UIQ (User Interface Quartz), focused on the use of the touch screen. Nevertheless the most widespread platform is Series 60 by Nokia. The first device on S60 was Nokia 7650
With Symbian update to version 7 in 2003 appears intact bunch of devices on different platforms, many of which are alive today: UIQ (Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910, Motorola A925, A1000), Series 80 (Nokia 9300, 9500), Series 90 (Nokia 7710), Series 60 (Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6670, 7610), and Siemens SX1 - first and last phone from Siemens Symbian.
In addition to the Series 60 Nokia Series 80 is also developing (for Communicators 9300, 9500) and Series 90 for a single device - Nokia 7710. Later in Symbian versions 7 and 8, there were some applications added to support new technologies and communication standards. Also the quality and user-friendliness of the system were improved. 7th and 8th version retains backward compatibility with almost all applications 6-7-8 versions. In early 2005, was released Symbian 9.1 on a completely new core, backward compatibility has been lost, but the system has received a lot of changes and innovations, many of which are related to security, so this version of the application needed a mandatory code signing to access certain API.
In the period from 2005 to 2007, system has received a few updates: 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4, which has been implement to support new technologies (HSPDA, Bluetooth). In version 9.4 adds support for touch screen - this has long demanded the market, but many believe it was done too late.
In 2008, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and NTT DOCOMO officially announced the merger Symbian OS, S60, UIQ and MOAP (S) to create one open mobile platform. Companies AT & T, LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments and Vodafone are create a non-profit organization Symbian Foundation. This step should be promote Symbian OS in mobile systems. At that time, Symbian Foundation consisted of 40 companies.
Then in 2009, Samsung announced a shift from the use of Symbian in 2010, and in the 2010 Sony Ericsson abandoned Symbian gradually, all the members of the consortium refuse to use the system. Nokia, left alone with their child has, and continues to update it to this day. Nokia, left alone with his own child, continued to update Symbian to October 2, 2012. Latest version now - Symbian Anna and Symbian Belle.Let’s talk about features in these versions
After the announcement of Nokia's transition to Windows Phone everyone realized clear that the time of Symbian has gone
Symbian Anna is an evolution of the platform Symbian^3.There are several developers have improved the operating system interface and reworked some of the points on which most users have complained.
In particular, the designers have completely changed the icon. They are round now, but the overall look of the menu, widgets, and the number of desktops (3) have not changed. For typing in Symbian Anna is now possible to use the QWERTY-keyboard, even in vertical orientation. In the basic version of the Symbian 3 user had to or turn the phone in a horizontal position, or else be content with the virtual alphanumeric keyboard.Another key innovation in "Anna" - is an updated browser [Symbian, electronic resource].
Symbian Belle brought more changes in the interface to Nokia Smartphones. Widgets were able to change in shape and size. This allowed to freely organizing objects on the desktop, putting them in line with the taste and desires of the user. Another addition is the increased number of desktops. Now there are six. This allows you to make desktops more shortcuts and widgets, which reduces the number of visits to a main menu. One of the features of the new version of platform - the status bar. Status bar is located at the top of the screen and contains the Notifications tab, which you can open for viewing missed calls, new messages, active wireless modules, etc. Belle got a new browser. In Nokia claim that the fastest them all others browsers for Symbian.
There is few words about developing software. First, list of programming languages in which you can write software for Symbian: C++ – “the native language” (“the “native” language of Symbian OS – meaning, the language used to write the operating system itself“), Java (java-applets are used even on ordinary phones), Visual Basic, Python. Second, for a complete application development on C++ for Symbian needs Nokia QtSDK. Nokia Qt SDK is single tool for developing mobile applications for Nokia devices (on Symbian and Maemo/MeeGo). Thirdly, you can found useful information about development on website http://delevoper.nokia.com and in books by Wiley publisher.
Symbian in the past offered a "sweet spot" between the PDA-devices and regular phones. A person who buys a device on the system could play various multimedia files, install third-party applications, and even use his phone as a modem.Also, the buyer has a choice of device: from business phones to mobile gaming console called N-gage. Now, Symbian devices hold the budget segment of the smartphone market. However, the system has to compete with competing solutions on Android, which may well replace thisplace.
Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google backed financially and later bought in 2005,Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance: a consortium of hardware, software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. The first Android-powered phone was sold in October 2008.
Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White to develop, in Rubin’s words «smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner’s location and preferences» founded Android, Inc. in Palo Alto [8], California in October 2003. Android Inc. operated secretly, revealing only that it was working on software for mobile phones. That same year, Rubin ran out of money. Steve Perlman, a close friend of Rubin, brought him $10,000 in cash in an envelope and refused a stake in the company.
Google acquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005, making it a wholly owned subsidiary of Google. Key employees of Android Inc., including Rubin, Miner and White, stayed at the company after the acquisition. Not much was known about Android Inc. at the time, but many assumed that Google was planning to enter the mobile phone market with this move. At Google, the team led by Rubin developed a mobile device platform powered by the Linux kernel. Google marketed the platform to handset makers and carriers on the promise of providing a flexible, upgradable system. Google had lined up a series of hardware component and software partners and signaled to carriers that it was open to various degrees of cooperation on their part.
Speculation about Google's intention to enter the mobile communications market continued to build through December 2006.Print and online media outlets soon reported rumors that Google was developing a Google-branded handset.
On November 5, 2007, the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of technology companies including Google, device manufacturers such as HTC and Samsung, wireless carriers such as Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile, and chipset makers such as Qualcomm and Texas Instruments, unveiled itself, with a goal to develop open standards for mobile devices. That day, Android was unveiled as its first product, a mobile device platform built on the Linux kernel version 2.6.The first commercially available phone to run Android was the HTC Dream, released on October 22, 2008.
Since 2008, Android has seen numerous updates, which have incrementally improved the operating system, adding new features and fixing bugs in previous releases. Each major release is named in alphabetical order after a dessert or sugary treat; for example, version 1.5 Cupcake was followed by 1.6 Donut. The latest release is 4.2 Jelly Bean. Google launched Nexus series of devices — a line of smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system, and built by a manufacturer partner. HTC collaborated with Google to release the first Nexus smartphone, the Nexus One. The series is supplementing with newer devices, such as the Nexus 4 phone and Nexus 10 tablet, made by LG and Samsung, respectively. Google releases the Nexus phones and tablets to act as their flagship Android devices, demonstrating Android's latest software and hardware features.
Jelly Bean 4.1
• Updated interface, the use of technology Project Butter for a smoother UI.
• Automatic scaling widget and position of the other, if it does not fit on a desktop.
• Virtual keyboard received predictive text input and advanced vocabulary. Adds support for new languages.
• Ability to voice input feature in offline mode without an Internet connection.
• Was changed a notification bar - opening it up, you will see more information than before.
• Presented service Google Now. It will provide useful information to users, based on the calendar and the search history
• Contact photos are now stored and displayed in high quality.
• Improved camera app
• Stock Android browser is replaced with the Android mobile version of Google Chrome in devices with Android 4.1 preinstalled
• Bluetooth data transfer for Android Beam
Jelly Bean 4.2
• "Photo Sphere" panorama photos
• Keyboard with gesture typing
• Lock screen improvements, including widget support and the ability to swipe directly to camera
• Notification power controls ("Quick Settings")
• "Daydream" screensavers, showing information when idle or docked
• Multiple user accounts (tablets only)
• Support for wireless display (Miracast)
• Added Bluetooth gamepads and joysticks as supported HID
Apps for Android are in fact applications in non-standard bytecode for a virtual machine Dalvik that developed the format of installation packages. Apk.
Google offers a free download tools for developing (Android SDK), which is designed for x86-machines running on operating systems Windows XP, Windows Vista (7/8), Mac OS X (10.4.8 or later) and Linux.Application development requires JDK 5 or JDK 6.
Android application development can carried out in Java (at least Java 1.5).There exists plug-in for Eclipse - «Android Development Tools» (ADT), designed for Eclipse versions 3.3-3.5.For IntelliJ IDEA is also a plug-in which facilitates the development of Android-applications. Reported that for the development environment NetBeans IDE developed an experimental plugin.
In addition, there is Android NDK, allowing to develop critical to the performance parts of Android-apps on C and C + +.
Reasons of choosing a device on the Android operating system are different. But they are united by the fact that the devices on Android - countless. Some buy a modern device, where they can do anything: from games to view Full-HD videos. Some choose Android because is open-source system. That is means, people can customize phone for their taste. Everyone has the right to choose the device that like or want to because of his functions.
iOS (or iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. Originally released in 2007 for the iPhone and iPod Touch, it has been extended to support other Apple devices such as the iPad and Apple TV. Unlike Google's Android, Apple does not license iOS for installation on non-Apple hardware.
The operating system was unveiled with the iPhone at the Macworld Conference & Expo, January 9, 2007, and released in June of that year. During the original iPhone announcement [iOs, electronic resorces]. Apple touted that it ran on the same Unix core as Mac OS X and that it used many of the same tools. However, it was clear even then that while there may be some shared elements between OS X and this new phone OS, it was a different-enough beast to warrant its own branding. When the original iPhone launched, the OS was called "iPhone OS" and it kept that name for four years, only changing to iOS with the release of iOS 4 in June of 2010. For the sake of simplicity (and because it's a much-less awkward phrase)
iOS 6 now has
• Facebook integration.Facebook integration has officially been added to iOS6, joining Twitter which had been added the year prior. Versatile new content sharing throughout the platform — a little like Android's sharing system — has been added, and Facebook is featured prominently, meaning you can post scores to your Wall from Game Center, upload photos, and pull Facebook events directly into the iOS calendar, among other touchpoints.
• New maps. Google Maps has long been considered the benchmark in online mapping, a service that Apple had licensed since the original iPhone's introduction in 2007.Apple began buying companies (most notably C3 Technologies in 2011) that would help it break free of Google's ecosystem. In iOS 6, that effort comes to fruition with a thoroughly revamped Maps app that features turn-by-turn navigation for the first time, a 3D "Flyover" mode, and Siriintegration.The underlying mapping data is seemingly provided by a variety of sources, but Dutch navigation company Tom is prominently noted in the new app's credits.
• Face Time over cellular and better Apple ID integration. FaceTime's restriction to use over Wi-Fi networks had stymied many users since the release of the iPhone 4, limiting its usefulness. In iOS 6, the restriction has been removed — and it's not just LTE networks that are being allowed, it'll work on 3G as well. To help facilitate adoption on 3G and LTE iPads, Apple is tightening its Apple ID integration: users can add their phone numbers just as they would an email address and receive Face Time calls on their iPads using the number.
• Notification Center. Notification Center — another addition in iOS 5 — wasn't refined as much as many had hoped; no announcements were made at WWDC that would allow third-party developers to create their own widgets, for example. Still, Apple made a couple key changes here, most notably a Do Not Disturb mode that silences notifications (and phone calls) during hours of your choosing. The pull-down tray also adds Twitter and Facebook buttons to quickly fire off status updates and tweets.
First, language. All applications are written on Objective-C .Second, tools. Official tool is Xcode. Xcode provides tools to manage your entire development workflow—from creating your app and designing your user interface, to testing, optimizing, and shipping your app to the App Store. You can customize Xcode to suit your style of working, keeping you focused on the task at hand.
Reasons for choosing a device on iOS are different. Some believe the company's products Apple some ideal and buy only from the fact that their products depicted gnawed-off apple. Some buy because of the great number of applications for this system (development on objective-c works wonders).Some buy a stable working device, where all the necessary functions are "out of the box." However, they all get the device, which they can use in different ways. It all depends on what the person needs from the device.
There’s so many fantastic smartphones on offer these days, whether to invest in first handset or upgrade to something new, the choice can be quite overwhelming.
Smartphones are to help make life easier, but it’s really important to choose the one that’s right for exact person. In order to make a right choice we compiled the guide on how to pick the perfect smartphone.
Smartphones are designed not just for making calls, but also for a full communication with e-mail, social networking, microblogging and instant messenger.On the road, your smartphone can be used for navigation, and also to search interesting places and objects.In addition, at home he is able to communicate with the computer and the server.
When the model of the purchaser, as a rule, the question arises: what operating system it is best to handle with the expected range of tasks and have user-friendly controls? We conducted a survey using as a basis the three major operating systems.
Android : truly universal.
Over the past year, Google's Android OS from the ground gained status as one of the most popular mobile platforms.
Android Market has quite an inconvenient interface and the quality of applications leaves much to be desired.
Advantages. Android offers a wide range of individual settings. The user can place the various elements on the screen, such as applications, folders, and widgets, or download from the online store Google Play alternative shell. High clarity different information panel, which can display notifications, open applications, fast setting. The existing first performance problems have been eliminated. By the way, unlike on iOS, software can be downloaded for free directly from your device without a credit card data.Installed applications are also able to share information - for example, to transfer contact information and tasks.
Disadvantages. Compared with iOS Android user needs more time to get used: many features of the operating system are invisible at first sight, or disclosed only when using third-party applications. You have to be on guard when buying a smartphone: still have devices with older versions of the operating system - from 1.6 to 2.3, and not all manufacturers provide updates to it.
iOS: easy to work.
AppStore guarantee that downloaded software of it is qualitative, but there is no replacement to standard programs
Advantages. One of the main advantages of iPhone is intuitive control, which by virtue of strict control by Apple is typical for third-party applications.Data management is carried out in iPhone by using iTunes, allowing you to synchronize, backup and navigate the AppStore. The latter is still by far the leader among online app stores.
Disadvantages. In clear instructions and easy management there is a downside — limited capacity on the part of the personalization. Configuring in the iPhone lends itself to only a few things.For example, you cannot replace the standard applications and manage your own files.Also causes irritation of the need to use iTunes account: you fail to quickly share with friends a couple of songs or video clips, as well as copy files from the device to the computer.
Symbian: long-liver.
Nokia seeing that Symbian is lagging behind its competitors, released two big updates of Symbian^3, and then stops updating the operating system and translates it into support mode
Advantages. Compared with the previous version of the Symbian ^ 3 is a big step forward: the new operating system has a user-friendly touch control and much more responsive to user actions.
Disadvantages. Daily use of Symbian does not give much pleasure.Daily use of Symbian does not give much pleasure. Slow browser and mediocre screen keyboard - it's only a few items from an extensive list of disadvantages.
Android and IOS have the majority of users so we tried to compare the features and functions of the two popular OS.
Comparison of Android and iOS
iOS | Android | |
Supported devices | The third and fourth generation of iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and iPad Mini | A wide range of devices |
Mutitasking | Yes | Yes (real) |
Widgets | Native widgets of notification center | Native and third-party |
Messages | iMessage | Gtalk with contact cards |
Managing Incoming Calls | "Do Not Disturb", "Remind me later", a quick reply in SMS | Quick reply in SMS |
VoIP | Only third-party solutions | Google Talk, Google Voice, third-party solutions |
Videotelephony | FaceTime via Wi-Fi and 3G | Google Talk via Wi-Fi and 3G |
Contacts | Facebook and Twitter integration | Integration with third-party social network applications |
Voice control | Siri | Google Now |
Voice recognition | Yes | Yes (online and offline) |
Text input | On the iPad - split keyboard | Predictive with gesture support |
Features lock screen | Notifications, start the camera icon, on the iPad - slideshow | Icons start the camera and Google Now, widgets, unlock by face control or your unlock pattern |
Search | Spotlight (combined - on the Internet, and the system) | Google Now (combined - on the Internet, and the system) |
The integration of social networks | Facebook, Twitter | No native integration, integration is possible with the help of third party applications |
Desktop client | iTunes with synchronization via Wi-Fi | Access to the built-in memory storage mode or through third-party applications |
Photo | Panorama mode, image stabilization | Panorama mode, Photo Spheres |
Photo edit | Auto-correction, red-eye correction, rotation, cropping | Effects, filters, cropping, auto-correction, red-eye correction |
Browser | Safari Mobile | "Browser", on the Nexus - Chrome |
Notes | Native notebook | Only third-party applications |
Maps and Navigation | Maps by Apple (3D, caching, voice navigation) | Maps Google (offline, maps facilities, 3D-buildings, Street View, voice navigation) |
NFC support | No | Wallet, NFC Beam (content sharing) |
Mobile payment system | Passbook | Google Wallet |
Bluetooth File Transfer | Available through third-party applications | Yes |
Synchronize and store files in the cloud | iCloud | Google Sync |
Update on Wi-Fi | Yes | Yes |
Social gaming hub | Game Center | Only third-party applications |
Notifications | Notification Center, banners, sound, notifications on lock screen | Center notifications in the status bar, interactive notifications |
Music service | iTunes | Google Music |
Applications that change the home page and lock screen | No | Yes |
Settings for people with disabilities | Set of options for people with visual impairments and motility | TalkBack (Speech Synthesis), change the font size, the recording activity |
Anti-Theft | Yes | Via third-party applications |
Native support for taking screenshots | Yes | Yes |
Folders | Yes | Yes |
Live wallpaper | No | Yes |
Options for Developers | No | Yes |
Integration with other platforms | Mac OS | No |
Drawing the line we should notice that there is no perfect OS. So we tried to imagine the perfect one.
I conducted a survey among my classmates about the reason for choosing a particular model of smartphone.
The results are shown in the diagram (appendix 2).
Symbian was chosen because of cost. iOS has the best reputation. Android is slightly ahead of competitors on social networks. By a factor of games iOS wins by a small margin. Android unconditionally ahead of the competitive system for customization. iOS is the leader in the ease of use
So, we should say that the perfect OS should have the following characteristics:
Original and convenient functions of "smart" smartphones and communicators is largely made possible by the development for them, by analogy with the stationary and handheld computers, proprietary operating systems. Each model has its own preinstalled operating system - you cannot change it, you can only upgrade. Therefore, choosing a smartphone is defined in advance with the preferences and wishes of CBS, to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each. Modern mobile devices are mainly based on one of the three most popular operating systems: Symbian, IOS and Android.
The operating system of smartphone or communicator is a link between the actual device and its software, and allows you to set the desired device to additional applications from other developers - multimedia, office, communications. For the most popular mobile operating system created thousands (and for some tens of thousands) of applications that significantly extends and enhances the functionality of a smartphone, making it the most unique and beneficial to the owner. To turn the device into a compact GPS-navigator or count calories, enough to find and insert the desired program.
Unfortunately each OS has its advantages and disadvantages and there is no a perfect OS to everybody’s taste. I think that if it happens to create such a perfect OS, people, especially teens will be happy because this device will fulfill everybody’s needs Thou it’s only a dream, but I hope it will come true one day.
Reference list
Reasons for choosing an operating system.
Smartphone – a mobile phone with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than basic mobile phones
PDA (personal digital assistant) – any small mobile hand-held device that provides computing and information storage and retrieval capabilities for personal or business use, often for keeping schedule calendars and address book information handy
Camcorder – an electronic device combining a video camera and a video recorder, typically used for consumer video recording
Mp3-player – a portable electronic device that allows you to store and plays music files in MP3 format
Multimedia – the use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way
Software – computer instructions or data
Hardware – refers to objects that you can actually touch, like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips
AT&T – American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Cellphone – a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area
Email – method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients
Trojan Virus – non-self-replicating type of malware program containing malicious code that, when executed, carries out actions determined by the nature of the Trojan, typically causing loss or theft of data, and possible system harm
Laptop – a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for mobile use
API – application programming interface
High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) – an enhanced 3G (third-generation) mobile-telephony communications protocol in the High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) family, also dubbed 3.5G, 3G+ or turbo 3G, which allows networks based on Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) to have higher data-transfer speeds and capacity.
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks
QWERTY-keyboard – the most common modern-day keyboard layout for Latin script
Widget – an element of a graphical user interface that displays an information arrangement changeable by the user, such as a window or a text box.
Linux – an operating system for computers
UI – user interface
The USB human interface device class (USB HID class) is a part of the USB specification for computer peripherals: it specifies a device class (a type of computer hardware) for human interface devices such as keyboards, mice, game controllers and alphanumeric display devices
1080p (aka Full HD/ FHD and BT.709) is a set of HDTV high-definition video modes characterized by 1080 horizontal lines of vertical resolution and progressive scan, as opposed to interlaced, as is the case with the 1080i display standard
Facebook – an online social networking service
FaceTime is a videotelephony –and from September 2013 also voice over IP (VOIP)– software application and related protocols, developed by Apple Inc. for supported mobile devices running iOS and Macintosh computers running Mac OS X 10.6.6 onwards.
Twitter – an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters.
Wi-Fi – popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves
LTE is an acronym for Long Term Evolution, commonly marketed as 4G LTE, is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals
Multitasking is a method where multiple tasks (also known as processes) are performed during the same period of time
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a methodology and group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet
Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, usually no more than a few inches.
A GPS navigation device is a device that receives Global Positioning System (GPS) signals to determine the device's location on Earth
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