В данной работе автор рассматривает не только общеизвестные вредные привычки (курение, алкоголь, наркотики), но и такие, как переедание, техномания и даже кусание губ и обгрызание ногтей. В работе раскрывается природа возникновения вредных привычек, их влияние на организм человека, а также даются рекомендации о том, как избавиться от этих привычек.
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Gymnasium № 18 |
The influence of bad habits on health and the ways to get rid of them. |
Klevakin Nickolay, the 8th form |
Nizhny Tagil 2013 |
CHAPTER 1 BAD HABITS………………………………………… 5
1.2 Habits towards yourself………………………………….………..6
1.3 Habits towards a person himself and others………….….……..8
1.4 The most harmful habits towards yourself and others…………10
1.5 How do to get rid of bad habits…………………………………..11
CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH ……………………………………….…14
The population is constantly updated. New generations inherit the experience, skills, traditions, culture and, what is the most important, they inherit the health of their ancestors. The health of the new generation is dependent on the health of the current one.
Healthy lifestyle greatly contributes to the reasonable satisfaction of the physical needs and the development of his spiritual interests, values, moral principles and requirements.
Habits play an important part in forming healthy lifestyle. They are divided into useful and harmful due to certain human values. Good habits have a positive effect on the mental state and health. Bad habits have a negative impact on mental health, human health, and social behavior. They do not allow a person live long.
While watching my classmates I found out that many of them are partiality addicted to the various bad habits. Some cases are caused by the lack of proper "good habits" and the principles that guide the people. Some of my classmates are often late. That is an example of the lack of a good habit to come in time.
One of the main reasons for smoking is smoking ‘for the company." In this case, students are aware of the dangerous impact of smoking, but they do not fully realize how the body is being harmed.
That is why we have focused on the study of "the effect of bad habits to today's students and the ways of getting rid of them."
Our research work is actual because people seldom notice when their bad habit becomes painful. Most often, the realization comes when dependence becomes completely harmful. At first people feel only joy and psychological discharge, but then addiction goes out of control. Bad habits destroy families, kill health, and destroy personality.
The aim of our research is to study the problem of bad habits and find ways to overcome them.
While doing our research work we set the tasks:
1. to study the literature on the subject of research;
2. To classify the bad habits, identify their causes, identify methods to overcome them.
3. to interview the classmates in order to collect the necessary information;
4. to organize lectures and discussions on the topic "the influence of bad habits on the body."
The hypothesis of our research. We can suppose that if adults (teachers or parents) explain the harm and consequence of bad habits from an early age, and teach them to get rid of bad habits, the health of school children will be better, and the process of social adaptation will be easier.
The object of study: the health of a modern schoolchild.
Subject of research: the impact of bad habits.
Theoretical significance lies in the fact that we tried not only to find out the causes, nature harm caused by bad habits, but also we suggest ways of getting rid of them.
The practical significance is that our advises can be used by teachers when preparing for classes as well as by parents to understand their children better and be able to help them and of course, schoolchildren themselves to answer some questions.
Methods of study: literature analysis, questionnaire, survey, talk.
The structure of the research work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, references and applications.
Due to the scientists Yagodinsky VN (28, 17), G. Romanowski the major causes of harmful habits are:
• Social conformity. If a person belongs to a certain group he feels a need to identify himself with other members of this group. That’s why he must follow those habits that are accepted in this group.
• Curiosity. This characteristic makes people try bad habits.
• Getting rid of the physical stress. Most people can cope with the most stressful events of their lives, but some are trying to find refuge in the form of dependence.
• Failure to use free time in proper way.
• Disorder in the life
1.1 Classification of habits.
In simplified way habits are divided into:
professional and personal;
social and individual;
useful and harmful;
occur gradually or instantly.
In psychology habits are divided into:
Bad habits are directed to:
1. a person himself (violation of diet: anorexia, bulimia, physical inactivity);
2. a person himself and others (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction);
3. other people (passive smoking, antisocial behavior).
1.2 Habits towards yourself
The most harmless habits in this list are the use of words in speech-parasites profanity, spitting on the floor and biting a pencil or pen. But some bad habits have such a great harmful impact on health that it requires access to specialists and medical treatment.
Psychogenic eating - eating disorders, which is the eating and cause weight loss, and is a reaction to stress. Can follow the loss of loved ones, accidents, surgeries and emotional distress, especially in individuals who are predisposed to be overweight.
Psychogenic overeating - is a complex problem, which combines both a psychological and purely physiological factors. Physiological factors - a problem associated with obesity: a metabolic disorder, the increased load on the body, etc. The psychological factor - is on the one hand suffer severe emotional distress psychogenic overeating man, and the other - the difficulties associated with compliance with human diet. As a consequence, psychogenic overeating often requires simultaneous work with both factors by treatment as a psychologist / psychiatrist and a dietitian / doctor.
Nail-biting. Science is still not known what causes people to bite his nails. Although the theories attempting to explain why people bite their nails, many from his reverie to stress.
One of the most common theory is that biting appears motivated by stress.
The habit of picking the skin. This may be picking the face or body, scalp, skin, fingers, etc.
Sometimes a character is to get rid of the habit on their own shortcomings in the face - independent mechanical cleaning person, in the worst case - the habit of touching the skin and squeeze inflamed nails or rip off the scabs dry up.
The high probability of further inflammation and deterioration of the skin, scar formation, large open pores, including - the danger of blood poisoning.
The reason for this habit can be a neurosis caused by stress and is expressed in the need to inflict physical pain itself. Infliction of physical pain brings temporary relief. Another reason may be the ideal face mania: the slightest bump or pimple causing dissatisfaction and desire to remove skovyrnuv.
Rinotilleksomaniya is human habit to extract from dried snot nostril with a finger. Moderate picking is not considered to be a deviation from the norm, but overindulgence doing this may be indicative of a psychological disorder. Long tinkering can cause bleeding from the nose and more serious damage.
This activity is a sign of attention and hyperactivity disorders (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ADHD).
Flipping joints Sometimes there are fans intentionally perform "music" on their toes. Begins a "hobby" is usually in childhood, this is done over and over again to the delight of the amazed public, and as a result of habit "scrunch your fingers" remains for life. In this case, the joints are constantly injured and lose mobility. And at the same time increases the risk of early osteoarthritis.
Such habits can be abandoned only through force of will, there is no medical treatment. And that stiffness in the fingers, which is formed when a long time crunch - as time passes.
Technomaniya. The desire to constantly update existing phones, computers, televisions and home appliances, to buy more and more new and improved model.
According to research conducted by the Swedish Karolinska Institute, the use of a cell phone for more than 10 years, nearly doubles the risk of acoustic neuroma - a tumor growths auditory nerve tissue, and it is on the side of the head, which is usually pressed against the phone, as well for long-term use breaks down the "wall" of the cells, the filter penetration of harmful substances in the brain. It threatens the appearance of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Down's (Appendix 2).
When playing, we permanently freezes in one position, it threatens to pain in the neck and back. Our hands are monotonous work, in which tense the muscles and tendons of the hand. After some time, you may receive pain, numbness, and sometimes even seizures in racemes.
Listening to loud music through headphones for half an hours a day can cause hearing damage, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital in Boston. Loud music mean a level of 80% of the maximum in portable players. In such cases, the maximum safe amount of time, says study author Brian Flaygor. The style of music is not important. The study was conducted on the rock, country, rhythm and blues and dance music. As for the types of headphones, it doesn’t matter whether they are inserted directly into the ear hole, or imposed from above, they cause the same damage.,
1.3 Habits towards a person himself and others:
There are a lot of bad habits that are not harmful to the person who possesses them, but they are harmful for others. This habit of talking loudly in public, swearing, rude, etc. Among the most dangerous habits are regular use of alcohol, drugs and smoking,
Modern entertainment and earning money, has led to the spread of Gamblers, that is gambling addiction. Gambling is characterized by dependence to participate in games and reduce the expression of other socially useful roles of a citizen, worker, family man and so on.
Compulsive gambling is the alleged form of psychological dependence, manifested in obsessive passion to video games and computer games, as well as the Gamblers are pathological gambling is frequent repeated episodes of gambling that dominate a person's life and lead to a reduction in social, occupational, physical and family values, such a person does not pay enough attention to their responsibilities in these areas. There are cases when a too long game leads to fatal consequences. Thus, in October 2005, a Chinese girl died of exhaustion after playing World of Warcraft for many hours.
Oniomania (from the Greek onios - for sale, mania - madness) - an irresistible urge to buy anything, not paying attention to the need for, and consequences. Shopping and getting rest and entertainment, and independent meaning. In common parlance this is often referred to as mania or shopingolizm.
The doctors say that oniomania is often connected with women because they feel lack of attention, loneliness and inner emptiness, need for recognition and love. It also happens in the period of depression due to the loss of a partner.
TV addiction. Television has become the most common way to escape from psychological problems in the world of illusions. It is a usual thing in the life of almost every modern man and it has become habitual companion of his life. According to statistic, each person spends for about 3 hours a day in front of the TV. This is about half of his free time and about 9 years in life.
Also, there are specific characteristics depending on TV as "greyzing", "zepping" - that is, viewing more than one channel at a time and switching aimless TV channel to channel with the remote control.
There are consequence s of the television dependence. They are discomfort, weakness, fatigue, lethargy, apathy, depression, anxiety, feelings of emptiness, an irreparable loss, dissatisfaction with life, disability and reduce family conflict, aggression, and irritability.
Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. British scientists believe that very active internet surfing leads to depression.
Those people who spend a lot of time in on-line charts are supposed to have bad mood more often and in fact they are more unhappy.
The study showed that the Internet - dependence affects about 10% of users worldwide. Some of them recognize their own illness, and report that they spend much time in chat rooms and social networks.
You can also note that people who are online – addicted also suffer from depression or severe secondary degree. However, the researchers note that Internet addiction is difficult to diagnose.
1.4 The most harmful habits towards yourself and others:
The worst habits include smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse. They all affect human health, destroy lives, destinies. People have to fight with them, even though it is not easy.
One of the most common bad habits in modern society is smoking. It's no secret that smoking is of the type of drug addiction. The principle of operation is smoking during inhalation of combustion products into the lungs, where the saturation of the body components of smoke, causing the brain receives a portion of the drug (nicotine listings opium, cocaine, hashish, and so on).
Smoking is dry heat distillation of tobacco and paper in the body under high temperature, about 300 ° C, on the burning end of a cigarette that is the inhalation of smoke of smoldering plant products. Tobacco smoke, apart from nicotine, contains carbon monoxide, benzpyrene, carcinogens.
Cancinogens - (from Lat. Cancer - Cancer), chemicals whose effects on the body under certain conditions. They cause cancer and other diseases.
Smoking causes an indelible injury: leads to dehydration, emotional instability, deepening individual psycho - physiological changes, mental retardation, rapid aging, affects the future generation, contributes to the development of allergies.
Alcoholism is a habit standing on the same stage with the smoking problem . Alcohol, if consumed frequently leads to psychological and physiological dependence. With the constant craving for alcoholic beverages irreversible process of destruction of human personality and internal organ involvement. The end result of the degradation of human alcoholism and death. Particularly at risk of alcohol abuse and underage women.
Sign of alcohol dependence is craving for alcohol-based drinks and lack of ability to assess the consequences of their use. Disease entities excessively consume alcohol in the medical literature is called alcoholism. (attachment)
Alcohol is generally considered alcoholic beverages, the variety of which is unlimited. But the greatest cause dependence beer and vodka. For a healthy person is considered harmless dose of liquor containing 11 g of pure alcohol. 15 drinks a week, create a risk of alcoholism for healthy men, for women - 10.
Alcohol is harmful: the lungs, heart and blood vessels, nervous system, vision, smell, and taste buds, teeth, digestive system, offspring, common development and leads to cancer.
In the twentieth century the major problem all over the world is the problem of drug addiction. By the use of illicit drugs include active substances, including substances which do not cause a pronounced dependence. Disease drug is often transient in nature and is always accompanied by death. It is characterized by the development of a watershed subject to attack specific syndromes. Addiction refers to substance abuse that occurs when the conditions of consumption of addictive substances, but not classified as a prohibited legislator and not falling under the definition of "drug".
Few people realize that the weak narcotic effects have: cleared of impurities nitric oxide (II) («laughing gas"), procaine, benzocaine, nutmeg and even a banana skin.
Depending on the type of drug and the quantity of the body can be adjusted to different conditions from the simple to the torpor supposed death - general anesthesia, from sleep to hypnosis, from partial anesthesia - local anesthesia to hallucinations. Consequently, hallucinogenic drugs, kannabinolovogo "opiate" of types and stimulants (see Appendix 1) are very dangerous and addictive. Physical dependence is caused by the fact that the body is "set" on drug use and include them in their biochemical processes.
1.5 How do to get rid of bad habits
To start to change, we must first recognize that the pain we inflict our bad habits, much worse than the pain that inevitably accompanies the disposal of them. The next step - to understand that now is the time to start getting rid of bad habits and create good. Indecision weakens our will, there are doubts that the desired change is possible.
A few steps to get rid of bad habits:
• Self-analysis. Make a list of bad habits, you want to get rid of. Write down the habits that you want to attain. How can you write more about why you want to get rid of certain habits, and what you want to work out more. It is much easier to act when you clearly know for what these actions.
Suppose you want to stop drinking. It’s tough because you miss the excitement of going out and interacting with other people. Fortunately, there are other ways to fulfill these desires that aren’t as destructive or expensive.
Instead of going out at night, try getting out during the day. Get up early and do something you enjoy. Take a walk around the neighborhood or hang out in a coffee shop for a couple hours. When Friday and Saturday night come around, you won’t feel as restless and the urge to go out drinking will be easier to resist.
If you can replace a bad habit with a positive, enjoyable habit, the change is much more likely to stick. Once you are able to feel satisfied without harming yourself, you’ll wonder how that old bad habit seemed so enjoyable.
• Avoid having to do with bad habits. People, places, actions, and your own thoughts can stop you to get rid of bad habits. For instance, if you want to quit, try to stay away from people with whom you used to go for a smoke and places where you like to sit with a cigarette and blow smoke into space. Constantly thinking about something else - about the project, are working on, how are sports you can enjoy now that you will not interfere with dyspnea smoker, and so on. The less attention you pay to a bad habit, the weaker it becomes.
• Affirmations and will. In your mind have the power to expel any habit. Thoughts have energy that affects our lives, so my thoughts should be handled carefully. Regularly repeat affirmations to yourself, that should make your will operate at full capacity and in your favor. "I will succeed." "Nothing can stop me." "No matter how many times I ostuplyus - I still go up, and will fight on." And so on. You are free to think for yourself affirmations. It's not just words. With constant repetition, they become part of our consciousness, our personality, and manifest in our behavior.
So, let’s try to draw conclusions:
1. You can not try to break the habit just will power. Overcoming should be gradual.
2. Determine the typical situations that trigger the habit and try to protect themselves from these situations at the time.
3. Before you deal with a bad habit, you need to figure out how you can form a good habit instead.
4. Identify the pleasure obtained from the habit and come up with activities that would be replaced by the pleasure.
5. Recall situations in which learning took place this habit, what a pleasure it was supported by then.
6. To separate from the external habit "feed" pleasant circumstances.
7. Enlist the support of friends and the time to protect themselves from contact with those who provoke habit.
This is a general guidelines that should be applied to your specific situation.
Struggle with bad habits is definitely hard, but if you are serious about the fight, examine the existing experience, expert advice, you can get rid of them by anyone. Need to develop a positive habit. It is in this way we can achieve success. Struggle with yourself is not easy. No wonder many people believe that to overcome the habit of alcohol and smoking in their life was the first and most powerful test of will. The most difficult thing is to be able to overcome the temptation alone. That's where the really man and knows himself, experiences and tempers will, develops self-discipline, improve self-organization. Only changing individual lifestyles helps get rid of many bad habits and learn new, useful, those that will help to ensure a healthy life.
We made a questionnaire among our classmates. We asked 17 pupils. There were questions about free time, eating habits, mobile phone and bad habits.
We got the following results.
100% of the interviewed know about healthy way of life.
They try to spend enough time for sleeping
8 pupils (47%) spend 7 hours a day for sleeping
9 pupils (53%) spend 9-10 hours a day for sleeping
Schoolchildren try to spend free time out of doors.
7 pupils (41%) walk for 1 hours every day
7 pupils (41%) attend sport sections every day and do sport out of door for 2-3 hours
3 pupils (18%) walk only on weekends.
100% of the interviewed realize that it is necessary to eat regularly 4 or 5 times a day. But only 3 pupils (17%) do it.
100% of my classmates are aware of the harm of fast food, but still favourite food of 15 pupils (88%) is pizza.
Most of my classmates like to watch TV and spend 2-3 hours a day. They also can’t imagine their life without internet. 100% of my schoolmates prefer to chat in social network.
All my classmates have mobile telephones but they don’t really realize the that such an usual thing may be harmful. Listening to loud music through headphones for a half hours a day can cause hearing diseases.
As for the most dangerous habits 100% of my classmates do not smoke and haven’t try alcohol drinks. But only 10 pupils (59%) have bad attitude towards bad habits of their relatives and friends.
Having analyzed the questionnaires we made a conclusion.
Most of my classmates lead a healthy lifestyle, but schoolchildren are sure that bad habits are dangerous. Some of them know the main kinds of drugs and alcohol drinks. But unfortunately they don’t know what to do to avoid the harmful influence of bad habits.
After that we decided to organize a talk on the topic "the influence of bad habits on the body."
I collected the information, wrote a script, made up a presentation, organized a talk on the topic “the influence of bad habits on the body”. And as a result we issued some instructions for those who want to get rid of bad habits.
We made instructions for different cases.
The rules of using a mobile telephone
The rules of using MP3 players.
How to get rid of smoking, alcohol and drug addiction.
How to spend free-time in an interesting way.
Besides there are some general rules how to get rid of bad habits. Here they are .
1. You can not try to break the habit just with your will power. Overcoming should be gradual.
2. Determine the typical situations that provoke the habit and try to protect themselves from these situations at the time.
3. Before you deal with a bad habit, you need to figure out how you can form a good habit instead.
4. Identify the pleasure obtained from the habit and come up with activities that would be replaced by the pleasure.
6. Separate from the circumstances that "feed" the habit with pleasure.
7. Enlist the support of friends and relatives and to protect yourself from contact with those who provoke the bad habit.
In conclusion we’d like to underline the following facts.
The main feature of any habit is that it requires no thinking. Variety of habits can make your life brighter, only in case if they are good and useful. All bad and harmful habits must be cut out of your life.
It is very difficult to get rid of them, but if you want to do it, you have to work hard!
Fighting with yourself is the most complicated thing.
In general, all of these tips can be reduced to the conclusion. Do not allow harmful habits control your behavior. Develop useful habits and change your way of life into healthy. Because our generation is responsible for the future one.
Appliction 1
The main types of drugs
Application 2
The main types of alcoholic drinks.
Vodka is a kind of alcoholic drink, a mixture of purified ethyl alcohol (40-56% by volume) and water, treated with activated carbon. A bottle of vodka (0.5) contains 14 doses of pure alcohol.
Ethyl alcohol (raw, alcohol) - C2H5OH, is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. It is obtained by the fermentation of food raw material by hydrolysis of plant materials and synthetic (ethylene hydration). It contains many impurities, poisonous fusel oil. Even in purified by distillation in special use alcohol - rectified-preserved large share only harmful for the body. Rectified spirit (t bales 78,15 ° C) contains ~ 4.5% water. Can be dehydrated - turned into absolute alcohol. It is used for the production of synthetic rubber, ethyl ether and other chemicals as a solvent for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.
Wine and beer, in general, are less harmful to society because of their poison is difficult. People physically can not drink it so much that the body received a lethal dose of alcohol
Beer is a low alcohol (1.5 to 6% by volume of alcohol) frothy drink. Alcoholic fermentation is made from malt, hops and water, which is sometimes added to the rice and sugar. In 0.5 liter contains 2 doses of pure alcohol.
Wine [s an alcoholic drink produced complete or partial alcoholic fermentation of grape or fruit and berry juice (sometimes with the addition of alcohol and other substances). Special group - wine, carbonated: sparkling (eg, champagne), sparkling, or carbonated (eg, cider). Wines are divided into vintage (the best, sustained for several years) and ordinary (time approx. 1 year). By coloring distinguish wines are white, pink and red. In a bottle of wine (0.75 g) contains from 6 to 11 doses of pure alcohol.
Most often teenagers use so-called "industrial alcohol", as it is more affordable and the "good" auntie sell it even for children. According to the results of the medical examination, it was found that the alcohol in the so-called "technical" is not contained. But prevail: methanol, butanol, propanol, ethyl ether, acetone and other substances (Annex 9).
Methyl alcohol (methanol, wood alcohol) - CH3OH, a colorless liquid with a faint odor of alcohol, t bp 64,5 ° C, bitter taste - the raw material in the production of formaldehyde, esters, such as dimethyl terephthalate, and other products; solvent.
Acetone (from Lat. - Vinegar) (2-propanone, dimethyl ketone) SN3SOSN3 is volatile, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. It has all the chemical properties characteristic of aliphatic ketones. Miscible with water and organic solvents. It is raw materials for the synthesis of many important chemicals.
Водка – это спиртной напиток, смесь очищенного этилового спирта (40-56 объемных %) с водой, обработанная активным углем. Бутылка водки (0,5) содержит 14 доз чистого алкоголя.
Этиловый спирт (сырец, винный спирт) – С2Н5ОН, это бесцветная жидкость с характерным запахом. Получается сбраживанием пищевого сырья, гидролизом растительных материалов и синтетически (гидратацией этилена). Содержит много примесей, ядовитые сивушные масла. Даже в очищенном путём перегонки в особых аппаратах спирте – ректификате- сохраняется большая доля исключительно вредных для организма веществ. Спирт-ректификат (t кип 78,15 °С) содержит ~ 4,5% воды. Может быть обезвожен – превращен в спирт абсолютный. Применяется для получения синтетического каучука, этилового эфира и других веществ, как растворитель, для приготовления спиртных напитков.
Вино и пиво, в целом, менее вредны для общества только потому, что отравиться ими достаточно сложно. Человек физически не сможет выпить его столько, чтобы организм получил смертельную дозу алкоголя
Пиво – это слабоалкогольный (от 1,5 до 6 объемных % спирта) пенистый напиток. Изготовляется спиртовым брожением сусла из солода, хмеля и воды, куда иногда добавляют рис и сахар. В 0,5 л содержится 2 дозы чистого алкоголя.
Вино – это алкогольный напиток, полученный полным или частичным спиртовым брожением виноградного или плодово-ягодного сока (иногда с добавлением спирта и других веществ). Особая группа — вина, насыщенные углекислотой: игристые (напр., шампанское), шипучие, или газированные (напр., сидр). Вина разделяют на марочные (лучшие, выдержанные несколько лет) и ординарные (выдержка ок. 1 года). По окраске различают вина белые, розовые и красные. В бутылке вина (0,75г) содержится от 6 до 11 доз чистого алкоголя.
Наиболее часто подростки употребляют так называемый «технический спирт», так как он более доступен по цене и «добрые» тётеньки продают его даже детям. По результатам проведения медицинской экспертизы было обнаружено, что спирт в так называемом «техническом» совсем не содержится. Зато преобладают: метанол, бутанол, пропанол, этиловый эфир, ацетон и другие вещества (Приложение 9).
Метиловый спирт (метанол, древесный спирт) – CH3OH, это бесцветная жидкость со слабым спиртовым запахом, t кип 64,5 °С, горькая на вкус - сырье в производстве формальдегида, сложных эфиров, например диметилтерефталата, и других продуктов; растворитель.
Ацетон - (от лат. – уксус) (2-пропанон, диметилкетон), СН3СОСН3, это летучая бесцветная жидкость с характерным запахом. Обладает всеми химическими свойствами, характерными для алифатических кетонов. Смешивается с водой и органическими растворителями. Сырье для синтеза многих важных химических продуктов.
Следовательно, подростки употребляют яды в чистом виде.
Application 3
Syndromes caused by listening loud music through earphones.
Withdrawal syndrome - a condition of psychological and physical disorders that develop after abrupt cessation of drug use.
Down Syndrome - a form of mental retardation caused by chromosome abnormality. Characterized by mental retardation and physical disabilities in conjunction with the violation of the endocrine glands and often - deformities. Named for the English physician L. Down, who described it in 1866.
Parkinson's disease - a clinical syndrome caused by lesions of the subcortical nuclei of the brain atherosclerosis, encephalitis, trauma, paralysis, etc. Shaking manifested akinesia, stiffness, Amim, trembling hands and feet, gait and speech, etc. Described English physician John Parkinson in 1817.
Абстинентный синдром – состояние психологических и физических нарушений, которые развиваются после резкого прекращения употребления наркотического вещества.
Болезнь Дауна - это одна из форм олигофрении, обусловленная аномалией хромосомного набора. Характеризуется задержкой умственного и физического развития в сочетании с нарушением деятельности желез внутренней секреции и нередко — уродствами. Названа по имени английского врача Л. Дауна, описавшего ее в 1866.
Болезнь Паркинсона - клинический синдром, обусловленный поражением подкорковых ядер головного мозга при атеросклерозе, энцефалите, травмах, параличе дрожательном и др. Проявляется акинезией, скованностью, амимией, дрожанием рук и ног, нарушением походки и речи и т. д. Описан английским врачом Дж. Паркинсоном в 1817.
Application 4
Application 5
Some tips to healthy lifestyle.
Tip 1
How to use a mobile telephone.
Tip 2
How to use MP3 players.
Tip 3
How to protect yourself from drug addiction.
However, there are ways to help get rid of unwanted dependencies. Thus, different drugs have different amount of time, after which begins addictive, and begins the development of the "disease" - dependence. To get rid of this dependence, it is best to see a doctor - psychiatrist who will conduct anonymous treatment and will try to help.
Methadone, for example, is used to eliminate withdrawal symptoms when the sudden cessation of the drugs, that is used in the treatment of drug addiction. In this case, methadone is not used for longer than 20 days, because after this period has formed dependence on himself.
Who can help you
МУЗ «Наркологический Диспансер» |
Медицинский центр «Элинта» |
Медицинский центр «Клиника красоты и здоровья» |
ГУЗ СО Психиатрическая больница № 7.
Диспансерное наркологическое отделение
Вид деятельности: Медицинские услуги
Адрес: 622034 ул. Вязовская, 12Телефон: (3435) 41-17-64
Время работы: 8:00 - 18:00
Суббота: 9:00 - 12:00 (дежурный врач)
Перерыв: нет
Выходные: воскр.
Tip 5
How to protect yourself from alcohol addiction.
1.Сменить привычную обстановку, где Вы позволяли себе выпить.
Если Вы располагаете возможностью – возьмите отпуск и уедьте. Лучше всего туда, где леса, где можно много ходить пешком и дышать свежим воздухом.
Идите каждый день в лес с рюкзаком и ходите там пока Вас носят ноги, с утра и до вечера. Делайте привалы, плотно ешьте и снова ходите. Чтобы не было скучно, возьмите фотокамеру, альбом и карандаши для рисования. При нарастании физической нагрузки с поступлением свежего воздуха Ваш организм будет избавляться от остатков и «залежей» алкоголя через пот и дыхание. Если Вам чего и захочется в такой обстановке, то это будет непременно просто свежая вода. Уже на второй день такого похода она покажется Вам необыкновенной бодрящей. Через неделю таких хождений вкус спиртного покажется снова необычным и может даже отвратительным. Время рекомендуется проводить полностью на природе, вдали от цивилизации. Приятно снимает нервное напряжение и усталость мускулатуры обычное купание.
2.Если поездки Вам недоступны, смените обстановку дома.
В этом тоже кроется действенный психологический трюк. Избавьтесь от всякого содержания спиртного в доме, в том числе и подарочных, еще не откупоренных бутылок. Переставьте мебель, купите занавески другого цвета, постелите новый коврик у двери, покройте стол новой скатертью. Рекомендуется также обновить гардероб. Уберите картины, где нарисованы выпивающие или спиртное. Раздайте вещи, в которых Вы особенно часто употребляли спиртное, как лишние воспоминания. Предложения от знакомых «выпить хоть немного» сразу отклоните.
Отключите телефон, когда Вы не в состоянии отказаться сами в силу своего мягкого характера. Ограничьте употребление никотина, если Вы курильщик. Никотин также стимулирует к выпивке. Пейте много липового, мятного или другоготравяного чая. Особенно перед сном. Добавляйте в чай лимонный сок. Лимонная кислота подавляет развитие бактерий в кишечнике, облегчает состояние выведения алкоголя из организма. Пейте чаи насильно, даже если нет жажды. Берите большой термос на работу. Если возникает чувство голода, лучше сразу плотно поесть, причем горячей жидкой пищи. Запишитесь в бассейн или спортивную секцию или ходите просто вечерами и по утрам бегать, пока не выбьетесь из сил. Первую неделю рекомендуется ставить клизмы (очищать кишечник), чтобы облегчить состояние организма. В кишечнике накапливается большое количество продуктов распада, что создает внутренний дискомфорт.
При соблюдении всех вышеперечисленных правил Вы непременно избавитесь от необходимости употреблять спиртное. Принцип этих методик заключается в новом психологическом восприятии действительности (сменить скатерти, коврики или вообще подальше уехать) при проведении восстановительного процесса очищения организма от остаточного спиртного (принятие большого количества жидкости очищает кровь и лимфу). Когда организм приходит в норму, он становится способным снова испытывать большие нагрузки. Вы как бы учитесь заново решать все задачи сами, без помощи допингов. Неудачи не будут больше восприниматься как конец света. Почувствуется прилив сил, энергии и вообще желание что-то сделать. У многих, при благополучном прохождении этой фазы воздержания от спиртного, возникает к нему чувство повышенного отвращения. Даже к его запаху.
Tip 4
How to get rid of smoking.
There are many recommendations for smoking cessation , but I suggest to use the following:
• Accurately mark the day when you stop smoking. Make sure that it does not coincide with the stress tests. On the eve of this date, remove "from the eyes of" lighters, ashtrays and other items reminiscent of smoking.
• Warn of its intention to family and friends, ask them to help you.
• Do smokers and smoke-filled rooms (although lately it few people can)
• «forgot" to put in a pocket or bag pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Always "shoot" cigarettes tedious and inconvenient!
• To overcome the desire to smoke, drink small sips a glass of water, chew something: chewing gum, fruit, candy and nuts.
• If you do not resist the temptation - only half smoke a cigarette, but rather discard it after 2 - 3 puffs.
• Do not abuse alcohol and coffee. Eat right.
• Increase physical activity - it is a great change of cigarettes.
Application 6
Беседа профилактической направленности
на тему: «Полезный разговор о вредных привычках»
Возраст учащихся: 7класс
- Ознакомить с интернет-ресурсами, связанными с профилактикой вредных привычек
- Дать представление о вредных привычках и их влиянии на здоровье, развитие личности и поведение человека
- Формировать сознательное отношение учащихся к своему здоровью;
- Учить активным приёмам ведения здорового образа жизни;
- Пропаганда здорового образа жизни;
- Воспитание чувства коллективизма, товарищества, взаимовыручки.
Технические средства, дидактический материал: компьютер, проектор, презентация, опросные листы для проведения анкетирования.
Этапы урока | Ход урока |
Организационный момент (2 мин.) Слайд 1,2 | 1.Организация рабочего места учащихся, учителей; приветствие. 2. Сообщение темы, целей беседы. |
Беседа, показ презентации (20 мин.) Слайд 3 Слайд 4 Слайд 5 - Беседа о вредных привычках (12) Слайд 6 Слайд 7 Слайд 8 Слайд 9 Слайд 10 Слайд 11 Слайд 12 Слайд 13 Слайд 14 Слайд 15 Слайд 16 Слайд 17 Слайд 18 Слайд 19 Слайд 20 Слайд 21 Слайд 22 Слайд 23 Слайд 24 Слайд 25 Слайд 26 Слайд 27 Слайд 28 | Вступительное слово Мы с вами побеседуем о проблеме вредных привычек и интернет-ресурсах на эту тему, чтобы вы, как современные молодые люди, могли ориентироваться в просторах интернета, знали куда обратиться, если у вас или ваших близких возникла проблема, связанная с вредными привычками, и чтобы знали об опасностях, которые нас подстерегают на каждом шагу. Итак, эпиграфы нашего урока, я думаю, не требуют комментариев:
Интернет-ресурсы, направленные на борьбу
Привычки: полезные и вредные Что такое полезные привычки?
Что такое вредные привычки?
Как привычки влияют на здоровье
Портреты чудовищ. АЛКОГОЛИЗМ.
Фотографии людей до и после того как они начали принимать наркотики. ТОКСИКОМАНИЯ Это не просто вредные, но и очень опасные привычки. «Мания» - это психическая болезнь, когда человек постоянно думает о чем-то одном. Токсикоман постоянно думает о яде. «Токсикомания» с латыни так и переводится как «мания к яду» (токсин -значит яд). ТОКСИКОМАНИЯ
При пассивном курении некурящий человек страдает больше
В табаке содержится 1200 ядовитых веществ Это надо знать!
Наглядный пример различия между легкими курильщика и легкими человека, который не курит. По мнению медиков:
Никотин убивает:
ИГРОМАНИЯ Игромания - это вредная привычка начинается безобидно - игровые автоматы, компьютерные игры, карты, рулетка. А может закончиться разрушением психики, преступлением, даже самоубийством. Игромания не щадит ни детей, ни взрослых. Даже благоразумные старушки становятся игроманками и заканчивают свою жизнь в голоде и нищете. Защита от угрозы. Как нам защитить себя от названных пороков, которые вредят здоровью? Чтобы не стать рабом вредных привычек, нужно выполнять три правила:
Ну, а если вы все же попали в плен какой-то вредной привычке, старайтесь избавиться от нее изо всех сил. И если вам это удастся, вы - настоящий герой. Как сказал древний китайский мудрец Лао-То: «Тот, кто может победить другого, - силен, тот, кто побеждает самого себя, - воистину могуществен». Мотивы. Какие мотивы помогут нам перейти на светлую сторону? А что на темной стороне, там, где царство вредных привычек? (Ответы) Полезные привычки Не забываем, что вредным привычкам мы должны сказать НЕТ, а следовать нужно полезным привычкам!!! Какие бывают полезные привычки? (ответы) |
Анкетирование (6 мин.) Слайд 29 Слайд 30 | Теперь мы просим вас уделить немного внимания анкете и ответить на несколько несложных вопросов. Опросные листы можно не подписывать. Просим отвечать искренне. Анонимность и конфиденциальность гарантируем. Большинство вопросов подразумевает однозначный ответ, в некоторых возможны несколько вариантов ответов; вопросы, которые не относятся к Вам, можете пропускать. Заранее благодарим! |
Просмотр видеофильмов (15 мин.) | Ребята внимательно смотрят социальные ролики о вредных привычках. |
Подведение итогов. Рефлексия. (2 мин.) | Подведение итогов. Главный вывод: сказать НЕТ вредным привычкам, для сохранения своего здоровья и здоровья целых поколений. |
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Почему люди кричат, когда ссорятся?
Весенняя сказка
«Течет река Волга»
Камилл Фламмарион: "Астрономия - наука о живой Вселенной"
Прощание с летом