Презентация ученика 10 класса на тему "Субкультуры"
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Creative work «Modern informal youth movements in Russia»Слайд 2
Why I chose this topic? It is interesting to me. Because informals mostly young people. In addition, I think that the topic of informal youth subcultures very topical today. Youth is a decisive factor in the modern world!
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Who are the informals? It is the people who are in informal groups and associations of young people, not related to the criminal environment. Subculture challenge the established morality. The problems associated with subcultures underground vein: IDEOLOGICAL; PROTEST; RISK GROUP.
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Signs: 1. Represent an alternative to the state structures. 2. Weakly expressed internal structure. 3. special appearance. 4. do not lend themselves to an orderly classification. 5 . Do not have a programme of activities. 6. It is hard to distinguish a leader. 7. Have no official status.
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EMO True emo call themselves "true" (true-true) and those who give preference to popularity and fashion, referred to as "poseurs" (Engl. poseur-Poser wannabe). The conflict between "true" and "poseurs" turned into a so called "antièmo".
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Appearance. Dark hair, clothes in black and pink, bracelets, lapel pins, hairpins, and of course the indispensable gym shoes.
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Emo I believe that this subculture is so narrow in its concepts and ideologies that even itself could not understand and explain or simply does not understand the essence of this youth movement. In principle, it's not ...This very essence. because, currently, very little of the real Emo, most of them are poseurs.
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Skinhead On Earth there are only 2 nationalities-a good person and bad. However, do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand: nationality is not in any way cannot be the basis for a positive or negative assessment of personality ...
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Skinhead The skinhead movement (skin-"skin head"-"head", i.e. "skinheads") was born in England in the 60-ies. Then the skins, which consisted of dock workers and longshoremen, for no particularly did not want to fight. Originally consisted of colored skins and those from Jamaica. In 80-ies. in the UK came the economic crisis. Skins fell into depression, and here the English nationalist party "right front" took them into circulation. Nacskinov became known as bonhedami. In Russia the skins appeared in 90-ies.
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Appearance. Cheap clothes, probably jeans pant leg, leather jackets with lots of rivets, and high šnurovannye boots on the feet.
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Ideologist. Adolf Hitler
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Idea. "We must preserve our white race and keep white future for all our children."
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The Goths. Emerged from the punk movement of the late 70 's. Punk bands began to play more decadent, gloomy music thumped in decadence.
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The Goths Goths-provocation pure water. On principle it glamorizes death, relate to it, as if. Hiking in the cemetery is the kind of demonstration of contempt-hectic stun the world. The official date of birth of the Gothic subculture, as was the 1983 g. this year, the youth looked film "hunger." At the beginning of the film was performed by a band Bauhaus "Bela Lagos Dead." Since then, the Gothic movement spread over the world.
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Appearance. The style of the middle ages: corsets, frills, lace. Everything black. Hair colour of garments. Vybelivaût face, eyes and lips bring the black pencil.
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Rappers Rèperskoe movement gained much publicity and popularity in the United States when the Negroid fully acquired equal rights along with the Europeans. Soon the culture had gained fame and found their admirers and connoisseurs. In Russia this subculture came in the 90 's. and very quickly became a mass character. The greatest popularity, thanks to specific music-hip-hop and break dancing.
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Appearance. Bright, wide pants, t-shirts, chains, hats, backpacks, etc.
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Conclusion. Youth movements-this is a necessary stage in the development of Russia as a State, who brought with them not only negative traits. Subcultures have clearly shown that you need to pay more attention to the development of the younger generation understand the importance of this problem.
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Thank you for your attention. The work was carried out Pupil of the 10th class of municipal school № 4 Yuri Shvetsov
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