В презентации описаны традиции и обычаи празднования Нового Года в Великобритании и России.
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new Year Merry Christmas andСлайд 2
Every year we celebrate the famous New Year Выполнил : Сухов Виктор Ученик 8 класса МБОУ ЛИЦЕЙ№5
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New Year without mandarins some as Father Frost without the Snow Maiden.
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Back to the New Year is a tradition to buy a Christmas tree and decorate it, or you can go for it in the woods
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When the chime strikes twelve o'clock we make a wish and go to the street to run fireworks
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There are Christmas gifts to you from Santa Claus.
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In Russia, there are some traditions: before the New Year go to the bath-house, to prepare salad and lay the table.
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Queen of this holiday is the New Year tree
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The New Year in Russia is celebrated on the thirty-first of December. Christmas is on the seventh of January JJjJanuary .
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Bid farewell to the old New Year still look like the appeal of President, sparklers and firecrackers, decorations of New Years tree. All children like it very much.
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Where does Santa Claus live?
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What the Christmas Trees are the nicest
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It’s very well, that every year comes the New Year to all of us. May this Christmas be bright and joyful!
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A Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
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