Цель исследования - выявить причины, по которым рекламодатели используют английский язык в своих работах.
Актуальность данного исследования заключается в выделении основных инструментов создания успешной рекламы.
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The first part. The origin and peculiarities of perception of
English inscriptions on the clothes in the current world
Research part
2.1 The methodology of the study
2.2 The results of the survey of the pupils
2.3. Conclusions. The analysis of the collected material
Appendix 1. The questionnaire
Appendix 2.The results of the survey of the pupils
Appendix 3. The diagrams
Appendix 4. The photos of the clothes with English inscriptions
Nowadays, young people like to stand out. This also applies to teenagers. One of the excretory features is inscriptions on the clothes. Now teenagers try to buy things with bright large foreign words.
The problem is that not everyone knows the meaning of the words written on the clothes.
Our work is about the content of the English inscriptions on clothes of teenagers.
The relevance of the chosen theme is that our clothes have become like the podium with the help of which a person has an opportunity to tell the world about the personality traits.
The Purpose of our research work is to establish the connection between meaning of these inscriptions on the clothes and the level of English.
Our tasks are:
1. To explore the origin and peculiarities of perception of English inscriptions on the clothes.
2. To translate popular English inscriptions on clothes into Russian and present the items.
3. To find out if the choice of the contents of English inscriptions on the clothes depends on a person`s age and a good command of the English language.
4. To analyze the results of the survey and make a conclusion.
The Object of our study is the English inscriptions on the clothes of pupils.
The subject of this study is the information given by English inscriptions on the clothes.
The scientific novelty of this research is determined by the contents of the examination and identification of English inscriptions on clothes. We worked out the materials for the research part, conducted the survey and presented the analysis of its results.
The practical significance of our research work is that after meeting with it people will think about English inscriptions on their clothes. Also our work can be used for extra English courses.
We used such methods as:
The first part
1.1The "Evolution" of labels on the clothes
A T-shirt is a piece of clothing which doesn’t have buttons, a collar and pockets. This garment first appeared in North America during the First World War when American soldiers needed to light their cotton underwear.[1]
Inscriptions on the clothes appeared many centuries ago. And the earliest ones were originated in ancient Greece. Then they could be seen on a variety of Italian and German portraits of the XV and XVI centuries, inscriptions woven into the pattern of men's shirts, women's dresses in corsages which were typically written in Latin. The inscriptions were also presented in mottos of a noble family, or names of the owners of these portraits or dresses.[2]
And if we talk about a more modern period, the inscription decorated workers’ uniforms pointing to their status in the workplace. Then they began to show what designer or what firm made this thing. Later there appeared inscriptions which are in fact meaningless. No one knows who had the idea to write labels on the clothes first.
The inscriptions are different and change depending on the age of the person. The children’s clothes often have just funny words, the teenagers’ – quotes, movie stars replicas, loud and pretentious slogans which are sometimes rather obscene. Adults are people realizing that on the clothes there can be written or something obscene or not suitable for their age, so most of them try to choose clothes without labels. On the contrary, teens just look for a beautiful and cheerful stylish letters. Over the years we try to select inscriptions on the clothes more seriously and we want to express our true beliefs.
Young people may not believe it but those who are older certainly confirm that two decades ago the appearance of a man in clothes with strange inscription in English in the street meant nothing but a provocation before the public eyes. Today young and not so young people wear clothes with inscriptions in English and they all perceive them as a stylish finishing element.
Many people tend to buy clothes with slogans exceptionally in a foreign language. What do they mean? If nothing else, then it is really a tribute to fashion. But the T-shirt is not a clean sheet on which you can inscribe. Only the inscriptions on T-shirts in English should be treated carefully because a smart idea sounds ridiculous, if it wasn’t formulated properly in a foreign language. The same can be said about the standard stock phrases. If they are unsuccessfully chosen they do not become more than ridiculous clothing.[3]
That’s why the inscriptions on the clothes should be treated cautiously. The surrounding is often perceived as the words spoken aloud by the owner of fashionable clothes. If you do not support the words written on your clothes, why do you pinned it on yourself?
Not so long ago in Germany and China a real international scandal on the topic broke out. Over the past couple of years it was recorded almost twenty cases in which for obscure inscriptions on T-shirts made in Arabic or in English that contained the "jokes" about bombs the owners of such clothes were not allowed in the airplane. So, to paraphrase the famous phrase we can say we are responsible for what is written on our clothes.[4]
So, inscriptions on the clothes existed many centuries ago. Both children and adults all perceive English words on the clothes as a stylish finishing element. And it is really a tribute to fashion. The inscriptions on the clothes in English should be treated carefully because a smart idea sounds ridiculous, if it isn’t properly formulated in a foreign language.
Research part
Pupils of our school were tested on:
* age;
* wearing clothes with English words;
* knowledge of the meaning of written inscriptions on their clothes;
* paying attention to the English inscriptions on the clothes;
* information about possible grammatical and spelling errors in the inscriptions.
1. Surname and name of the respondent.
2. Age, gender.
3. Do you wear clothes with inscriptions in English?
4. Do you know the translation of the text on your t-shirts?
5. Do you pay attention to the English inscriptions on the clothes?
6. Translate the text presented on your clothes
We found out that almost every respondent student in our school has clothes with the English inscription. 50 students from 63 have it, 13 pupils don`t have it.
The study showed that most pupils (84%) know the meaning of the inscriptions on their clothes. Also they pay attention to the inscription on the clothes when they buy it. Only 8% of respondents found it difficult to translate the inscriptions on the clothes. Some students admitted that they never thought about sense of the words on their clothes. Most students do not attach much importance to the inscriptions on their clothes, even though they know or guess their meaning.
We analyzed the responses of about 50 pupils that can be reflected graphically in the following table.
Results of the survey of pupils we divided into groups by topic:
1. Romantic
Inscription in the original | Russian translation | Age | Knowledge of the meaning |
1.Sweet | Сладкая | 15 | + |
2.Love forever | Вечная любовь | 16 | + |
3.Love | Любовь | 14 | + |
4.All you need is love | Все что тебе нужно – это любовь | 16 | + |
5.Justforyou | Только для тебя | 14 | + |
2. Ecology
6. Respect the nature and the animals | Уважай дикую природу и животных | 15 | + |
7.Pollution can be harmful | Загрязнение может быть вредным | 14 | _ |
8.Save the earth | Спасите землю | 14 | + |
9.Peace no war | Мир без войны | 14 | + |
3. Сities and countries
10.Russia | Россия | 15 | + |
11.New York | Нью- Йорк | 14 | + |
12.Sydney | Сидней | 16 | + |
13.Canada | Канада | 16 | + |
14.Paris | Париж | 14 | + |
15.London | Лондон | 15 | + |
4. Brands
16. Burburry | 16 | + | |
17. Nike | 14 | + | |
18. Dior | 16 | + | |
19. D&G | 15 | + | |
20. Adidas | 16 | + |
5. Others
21. Megadance | Мега танец | 14 | + |
22. Baby | Малыш | 15 | + |
23. Magic | Магия | 14 | + |
24. Morning Star | Утренняя Звезда | 16 | + |
25. Summertime | Летнее время | 15 | + |
26. Home sweet | Милый дом | 16 | + |
6. Creed
27. Darling | Любимый | 15 | + |
28. Born to be free | Рожден быть свободным | 14 | - |
29. Best friends | Лучшие друзья | 16 | + |
30. I was born to be blond | Я рождена, чтобы быть блондинкой | 14 | + |
31. Angel | Ангел | 16 | + |
32. Superstar | Супер звезда | 14 | + |
33. Happy every day | Счастлив каждый день | 14 | + |
34. Forever young | Вечно молодой | 15 | + |
35. Freedom | Свобода | 16 | + |
36. Justice | Справедливость | 15 | - |
7. Call
37. Donotcopyme | Не копируй меня | 14 | + |
38. Don’t read my T-shirt | Не читай с моей футболки | 15 | + |
39. Wanted | Разыскивается | 14 | - |
40. Melt my heart | Растопи мое сердце | 16 | + |
41. No parking | Не парковаться | 14 | + |
42. Catch me if you can | Поймай меня, если сможешь | 14 | - |
43. All you need is rock-n-roll | Все что тебе нужно – это рок –н-ролл | 15 | + |
44. Kiss me | Поцелуй меня! | 16 | + |
45. Look at me | Посмотри на меня | 14 | + |
46. See you | Увидимся | 14 | - |
47. Let me be | Пусть буду я | 15 | - |
48. Don’t forget me | Не забывай меня | 16 | + |
49. Get away | Уйди! | 15 | - |
50 .Think a little | Подумай немного | 16 | + |
Clothes with inscriptions are one of the most popular garments. Almost everyone has it.
The inscriptions on the clothes existed many centuries ago. Both children and adults all perceive English words on the clothes as a stylish finishing element. And it is really a tribute to fashion. The inscriptions on the clothes in English should be treated carefully because a smart idea sounds ridiculous, if it isn’t properly formulated in a foreign language.
The analysis of the collected material showed that the level of English knowledge is connected with using English inscriptions on clothes. We cannot tell about a great valid of our research but our study also showed the inextricable link with the culture of the language level of the individual.
Nowadays, English is everywhere: on the goods and signs of stores, electrical, clothing, on the Internet. It is taught in schools, universities and courses. Inscriptions in English can be thus express way which will help quickly, cheaply and effectively replenish your vocabulary.
It`s important to remember that we are responsible for information on our clothes.
Appendix 1. Questionnaire
1. Surname and name of the respondent.
2. Age, gender.
3. Do you wear t-shirts with inscriptions in English?
4. Do you know the translation of the text on your t-shirts?
5. Record the text presented on your T-shirts.
Appendix 2.Results of the survey of pupils
1. Romantic
Inscription in the original | Russian translation | Age | Knowledge of the meaning |
1.Sweet | Сладкая | 15 | + |
2.Love forever | Вечная любовь | 16 | + |
3.Love | Любовь | 14 | + |
4.All you need is love | Все что тебе нужно – это любовь | 16 | + |
5.Justforyou | Только для тебя | 14 | + |
2. Ecology
6. Respect the nature and the animals | Уважай дикую природу и животных | 15 | + |
7.Pollution can be harmful | Загрязнение может быть вредным | 14 | _ |
8.Save the earth | Спасите землю | 14 | + |
9.Peace no war | Мир без войны | 14 | + |
3. Сities and countries
10.Russia | Россия | 15 | + |
11.New York | Нью- Йорк | 14 | + |
12.Sydney | Сидней | 16 | + |
13.Canada | Канада | 16 | + |
14.Paris | Париж | 14 | + |
15.London | Лондон | 15 | + |
4. Brands
16. Burburry | 16 | + | |
17. Nike | 14 | + | |
18. Dior | 16 | + | |
19. D&G | 15 | + | |
20. Adidas | 16 | + |
5. Others
21. Megadance | Мега танец | 14 | + |
22. Baby | Малыш | 15 | + |
23. Magic | Магия | 14 | + |
24. Morning Star | Утренняя Звезда | 16 | + |
25. Summertime | Летнее время | 15 | + |
26. Home sweet | Милый дом | 16 | + |
6. Creed
27. Darling | Любимый | 15 | + |
28. Born to be free | Рожден быть свободным | 14 | - |
29. Best friends | Лучшие друзья | 16 | + |
30. I was born to be blond | Я рождена, чтобы быть блондинкой | 14 | + |
31. Angel | Ангел | 16 | + |
32. Superstar | Супер звезда | 14 | + |
33. Happy every day | Счастлив каждый день | 14 | + |
34. Forever young | Вечно молодой | 15 | + |
35. Freedom | Свобода | 16 | + |
36. Justice | Справедливость | 15 | - |
7. Call
37. Donotcopyme | Не копируй меня | 14 | + |
38. Don’t read my T-shirt | Не читай с моей футболки | 15 | + |
39. Wanted | Разыскивается | 14 | - |
40. Melt my heart | Растопи мое сердце | 16 | + |
41. No parking | Не парковаться | 14 | + |
42. Catch me if you can | Поймай меня, если сможешь | 14 | - |
43. All you need is rock-n-roll | Все что тебе нужно – это рок –н-ролл | 15 | + |
44. Kiss me | Поцелуй меня! | 16 | + |
45. Look at me | Посмотри на меня | 14 | + |
46. See you | Увидимся | 14 | - |
47. Let me be | Пусть буду я | 15 | - |
48. Don’t forget me | Не забывай меня | 16 | + |
49. Get away | Уйди! | 15 | - |
50 .Think a little | Подумай немного | 16 | + |
Appendix 3. The Diagrams
Diagram 1. Have you got clothes with English inscriptions?
Diagram 2. Pupils` knowledge of meaning of English inscriptions on their clothes
Diagram 3. Do you pay attention to the inscription on the clothes?
Appendix 4. The photos of clothes with English inscriptions
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Астрономический календарь. Октябрь, 2018
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