В данной работе рассматриваются цели и причины наименования магазинов и офисов г. Барнаула с помощью иноязычной (прежде всего английских слов) лексики.
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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
Лицей № 101, г. Барнаул
Научно-исследовательский проект
«Foreign-language names of shops and offices in Barnaul»
Автор: Бондаренко Арина,
ученица 5е класса
Научный руководитель:
Бетеньков Д.П., учитель
английского языка
Барнаул, 2014
1.1. The process of borrowing………………………………….. 4
1.2. English loan words in Russian ………………………………...5
PART 2. PRACTICAL WORK…………………………………………... 6
2.1. Sociological research………………………………………….. 6
Why are words borrowed?
This question partly concerns the historical circumstances which stimulate the borrowing process. Each time two nations come into close contact, certain borrowings are a natural consequence. The nature of the contact may be different. It may be wars, invasions or conquests when foreign words are borrowed from conquered nation or another one. There are also periods of peace when the process of borrowing is actual because of trade and international cultural relations or new reality appears and gives a birth to new words, which don’t have equivalents in other languages.
English language being ‘lingua franca’ of the 21st century and a language of international communication has influenced greatly on Russian language. This influence is actual and its studying is necessary for modern generation. So, the actuality of the research work is abusing or wrong using of foreign words.
Unfortunately the problem is that according to many sources there is not a single understanding of what influence borrowing words influence on the language which is recipient. Besides, the program of learning English for Russian secondary schools does not touch upon many interesting facts in greater detail and we can’t learn much about the things that are very curious and could help us to understand the peculiarities of English-Russian contact much better.
The object of our work is foreign-language names of shops, offices in Barnaul .
The subject of the work is correspondence of the names and the types of the activity .
The aim of this paper is to find out to what extent the use of foreign words may be justified
The tasks of the paper are the following:
To achieve the aim of this work we used the following methods of research: observation, questioning, systematization, practical analysis.
We hope our work will be of practical value for students who are interested in English language and cross-cultural relationships. This work also has practical importance for those who are making first steps in translation.
A borrowed word or a borrowing is a word, a phrase or an idea taken by the speakers of one language from a different language. A borrowing can also be called a loanword. Borrowing is a consequence of cultural contact between two language communities. Borrowing of words can go in both directions between the two languages in contact, but often there is an asymmetry, that’s why more words go from one side to the other.
There are different causes of language borrowings.
First, the cause can be connected with a new object or event which doesn’t have the name in the nation’s language. Here are some examples of English borrowings in Russian language (‘принтер’, ‘сканер’, ‘файл’, etc.)
Second, if people are not satisfied with some word in their native language which is the name of some object or event a loan word can replace it and give necessary stylistic effect for more appropriate using of a new word in the recipient language.
Third, the borrowing can be led by the absence of such word in the receiving language. (‘bestseller’ – ‘бестселлер’ (‘лучшая по продаже книга, фильм и т.д.’)
Borrowings enter the language in two ways: through oral speech (by immediate contact between people) and through written speech (through books, newspapers etc.). Oral borrowings took place in the early periods of history, whereas in recent times written borrowings have become important. Words borrowed orally are usually short and they undergo considerable changes during the act of adoption. Written borrowings preserve their spelling and some peculiarities of their sound form; their assimilation is a long process.
Borrowings may be direct or indirect, for example through another language. Such languages – intermediaries were, for example, Latin through which many words came into the English or Russian language by means of which many Latin words were borrowed.
Analyzing the language of our own town we have become the witnesses of the total use of English borrowed words. There are many shops and clubs, firms and cafes which have full English names or have some parts of the names borrowed from English language: ‘Фэмили’ (clothes shop), ‘Стоун’ (computer firm), ‘Бэби’ (shop for children), ‘Лидер Фуд’ (cafe), ‘Авто’кей’ (automobile shop), ‘Евромаркет’ (trade center), ‘Фитнес клуб Лайт’ (fitness club), ‘Глория Джинс’ (clothes shop), ‘Хорс’ (food shop), ‘ БиЛайн’ (mobile service), ‘Инсайдер’ (computer firm), ‘М-Лайн’ (firm); ‘Секонд хэнд’ (clothes shop)…These names are the result of transliteration.
There are also some examples of original using of borrowed English words in different names seen in the streets of our town. They are ‘For Men’ (clothes shop for men), ‘Fast Food’ (café of fast food), etc.
This event demonstrates common using of these borrowings by Russian people.
However, not only our streets are full of English borrowings but also magazines and newspapers and even examples of modern literature pieces such as «Духless» (by Oleg MInayev), «Про любоff /on» (by Oksana Robski), «Casual» (by Oksana Robski).
The using of such language means gives some stylistic effects to the names of the literature pieces and helps to understand their plot.
To make a sociological research we created our own questionnaire including different questions connected with borrowings from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The answers were analyzed, then calculated and presented graphically.
We managed to interview 46 people.
Category 1. Number of offices I visited – 46
Category 2. 18 shop assistants know the meaning of their office name, 28 don’t know it
Category 3. 29 shop names answer the trading purpose, 17 don’t
40% shop assistants can translate the name into Russian
60% can’t do it
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